1.14 | Semester Grading

1.14.A | It is the responsibility of each faculty member to assess the student's performance of that at the end of a semester or summer term each student can be assigned a grade in accordance with the grading system of the University, which will properly show the extent of each student's achievements in the course. The faculty member determines the appropriate grade, subject only to the appeal process.

1.14.B | Each instructor and each department must assume responsibility for maintaining grading standards. Each faculty member must assign grades at the end of the term or semester, as noted in the WTAMU catalog. Final grades are determined only at the end of the semester or term. At the end of the term or semester, the faculty members will submit grades through WTClass for each student within each of their classes.

1.14.C | Public postings of student grades are prohibited. Use of WTClass gradebook allows students private access to their grades. For information regarding cheating/plagiarism, see section on Academic Dishonesty.

1.14.D | Quoted below are suggested meanings and values for grades. Hour's description:

  1. A | 4 - Excellent
  2. B | 3 - Good
  3. C | 2 - Average
  4. D | 1 - Passing
  5. F | 0 - Failing
  6. XF | 0 - Drop/Withdraw failing after midterm (calculated in GPA)
  7. N | 0 - No grade
  8. X | Drop/Withdraw prior to midterm, or passing after midterm (not calculated in GPA)
  9. P | Pass grade for developmental courses prior to 2002 fall semester
  10. U | Fail grade for developmental courses prior to 2002 fall semester
  11. I | Incomplete
  12. S | Pass in CLEP, SAT, ACT and other specially approved courses
  13. IP | Thesis/Dissertation progress

1.14.E | When a grade of Incomplete (I) is given by a faculty member, a Contract for Removal of Incomplete form must be completed and signed by the faculty member and the student. This form is to be turned into the Office of the Registrar. If the Incomplete (I) is not changed to a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) by the date listed on the form, the Incomplete (I) will automatically be changed to a failing grade (F).

1.14.F | When the instructor does not turn in grades by the deadline, the registrar will assign a grade of "N" to all students in the course. The instructor will then have to complete an individual grade change form for each student enrolled in the course in order to have a final grade recorded on the student's official transcript.

1.14.G | Grade Change: Changes in grades after the final grade has been assigned are initiated by the faculty member via the Grade Change Form, found on the Office of the Registrar website. These changes, except for grades "I" or "N," require review and approval of the appropriate direct supervisor. Grade changes must be made by the instructor of record, or in the absence of the instructor, by the direct supervisor. Requests for grade changes made more than 6 months after the grade is assigned require College Dean and Provost approval. Grade changes will not be made without sufficient justification.

1.14.H | Grade Challenges Procedure for Students Who Challenge Semester Grades:

  1. Academic Appeals Committee (Provost/EVPAA): The Academic Appeals Committee hearings appeals involved disputes over final course grades. Membership consists of:
    1. Chair - Faculty member (appointed by the Provost/EVPAA from among the elected members)
    2. Six faculty (one from each college, elected by the colleges)
    3. Six students (appointed by Student Government)
  2. When the appeal is ready to be heard by the Academic Appeals Committee, the chair chooses a panel of two additional faculty members from the remaining five faculty members, and two students from among the six student members.

1.14.I | Challenge Procedure:

  1. Before a grade-challenge hearing can be scheduled with the committee, the student must made the initial appeal to the faculty member of that particular course; or if the faculty member is no longer with the University, the student must appeal to the head of the department that offered the course. If no resolution is reached at the department head level, the student may appeal to the dean of the college in which the course was offered. If at this point the problem has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student may file a formal appeal with the Academic Appeals Committee.
  2. A student desiring a hearing before the Academic Appeals Committee must file a written request for an appeal hearing with the dean of the college in which the course was offered. The dean will forward the appeal to the EVPP.
    1. Deadline to file a formal grade challenge:
      1. If the grade being challenged was given during the spring semester, spring intersession or a summer session - October 1.
      2. If the grade being challenged was given during the fall semester or winter intersession - March 1.
    2. The student must understand that the act of filing the written request is construed as authorizing all committee members to have access to all records, including academic, civil, and medical records where relevant and appropriate, that may have a bearing on deliberations.
  3. The written request for an appeal hearing must be accompanied by a statement from the student outlining the basis for the appeal, copies of any evidence and supporting documents that will be introduced at the hearing, and the names of any witnesses who will be present. The faculty member also has the right to provide evidence or bring witnesses to the committee.
  4. Upon receipt of the appeal, the EVPP shall notify the chair of the Academic Appeals Committee, who will, within three (3) business days, appoint the panel to hear the appeal. The chair will set a date for a hearing within ten (10) business days and inform the student, faculty member, the faculty menber's department head, and the appropriate dean of the time and place for the hearing. All parties will be given notice five (5) business days before the hearing and the opporunity to confirm their attendance.
  5. Failure of the student to appear without justifiable cause terminates the right to appeal. The faculty member may waive the right to appear at the hearing, and a faculty member who has not waived the right to appear, but fails to appear without notice, will be deemed to have waived the right to appear. No hearing may take place in the absence of the faculty member unless the faculty member has specifically waived the right to appear or has failed to appear without notice.
  6. The burden of proof shall be upon the student to prove their case by a preponderance of evidence. The student and the faculty member shall have the right to have counsel present, to present such witnesses. Legal counsel, if present, may offer counsel and advice, but may not participate in the hearing.
  7. All parties shall be afforded the opportunity for reasonable oral argument.
  8. Upon request, sufficiently in advance by either party, the chair shall cause testimony presented at the hearing to be recorded. A copy of the recording may be obtained from the chair at the expense of the requesting party.
  9. Immediately after the appeal hearing, the panel will go into closed session to deliberate and render a decision that is approved by at least three member of the panel.
  10. The student and faculty member will be all interested parties, with a copy of the EVPP, will confirm the panel's decision.
  11. If the panel finds that due to an arbitrary, capricious, or prejudiced action, a student received an unearned grade, the panel will recommend to the faculty member that the grade be changed. If the faculty member is no longer at the University, the department head or dean of the college will facilitate changing the grade.
  12. Either party has the right to appeal the decision of the panel to the EVPP. Written notice of the appeal by either party will be given to the committee chair, who will notify the other party and the EVPP within three (3) working days. All documents and any recordings of testimony at the hearing will be forwarded to the EVPP who will review them and render a decision within five (5) working days.
  13. There will be no further appeal from the decision of the EVPP.
  14. In the event that the faculty member loses the appeal at either level, they will be given the opportunity to change the student's grade. If the faculty member refuses to change the grade, the EVPP will direct the Office of the Registrar to change the grade, without prejudice to the faculty member.