1.2 | Reporting Violations of WTAMU Academic Integrity Code

1.2.A | As all members of the WTAMU community are responsible for maintaining the academic integrity of the University's mission, any member of the community may report and is responsible for reporting known violations of the academic integrity code to a faculty member, direct supervisor, academic dean, or Executive Vice PResident and Provost (EVPP). Violations shall be construed as any prohibited action outlined in the Student Handbook or the violation of any other university code or regulation that impacts the University's ability to meet the academic expectations that it has set forth in its mission.

1.2.B | Any student with knowledge of a violation who fails to report it shall be in violation of academic integrity. A student who believes their work has been stolen, copied, or inappropriately acquired by another student should report that information to the instructor. Also, any community member who reports themselves in violation of the Student Handbook before it is likely that another might consider this possibility will be understood as repentant and acting in good faith toward the community. Though the confession will not excuse the student from the violation, the act will be considered with great weight by all hearing/sanctioning bodies and the violation should not result in suspension or expulsion except in the most extreme cases.

1.2.C | Before reporting a suspected violation, the accusing party should make a reasonable attempt to collect evidence (eyewitnesses, material facts, etc.) to present the case at a hearing. Teaching faculty who suspects a violation should confer with the suspected violator(s) and attempt to resolve the case at that point. If the faculty member and student can mutually consent to a solution, the faculty member should complete an Academic Integrity Code Violation Review Form regarding the WT Academic Integirty Code. This form is to be signed by the student, faculty member, direct supervisor, and dean, then forwarded to the EVPP office for signature where it will be placed in the student's file.

1.2.D | A faculty member can choose to report to their direct supervisor. Additionally, if the faculty member and accused student cannot agree upon a resolution, or if the faculty member believes that suspension or expulsion is the only fair sanction, the case should immediately be reported, by the faculty member and in writing, to the appropriate direct supervisor.