Before You Are Accepted
⇒ pdf Destination WT Transfer Checklist
1. Apply Now!
2. Send ALL official transcripts to Admissions
- Office of Admissions, Old Main 124, (806) 651-2020
*this step must be completed in order to finalize your credits and avoid a registration hold
3. Activate Your Account
- You will need: WT ID Number, Last Name, Birth Date
- For any account login issues, please contact WT IT (806) 651-4357
4. Apply for Financial Aid and Scholarships
- Discuss your financial aid package with Financial Aid (806) 651-2055
- Search and apply for scholarshiops through the Scholarship Office (806) 651-3330
Once You Are Accepted
1. Download the DUO (Dual Authentication App) on your phone to access ALL student accounts in My Buff Portal

- Your WT Username is the first letter of your first name, the first letter of your last name, plus your 7-digit Buff ID
- For login help, call WT IT at (806) 651-4357
2. Register for Transfer Student Orientation
- In-person Transfer Registration Days: May 13 and July 18
- This step MUST be completed before you can be advised or register for classes.
3. Schedule an appointment with Advising & Transfer Services
- You must make an appointment with us in order to be greenlighted to register for classes.
- Destination WT students will register through Buff Advisor based on classification.
4. Order your textbooks online from the University Bookstore
- All textbook orders must be done online
- Call for online help: (806) 651-2744