Varatharaj Varatharaj
Instructor of Engineering Technology, COE International Admissions Coordinator
Office: Engineering Building 121
Email: vvaratharaj@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-3536
Professional Profile
Mr. Varatharaj joined the College of Engineering at West Texas A&M University (WTAMU) in 2021. He received a M.S. in Engineering Technology from West Texas A&M University (2021). He also has an MBA in International Business from Baldwin Wallace University, Ohio (2014) and MBA in Human Resource Management from Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, India(2007).He has more than 15 years of experience in the area Ministry, Higher Education, Business and Finance. Prior to joining WTAMU, Mr. Varatharaj was working as an Assistant professor for the School of Management Studies in India for 7 years. He is very passionate about teaching and serving the student community. He has published more than 15 papers in various national conference and international conference while he was teaching in India and during his post graduate days.
Teaching and Related Service
Mr. Varatharaj has taught the following courses: ENGR 1304 Engineering Graphics, ENGR 3202 Engineering Economics, ET 4340 Principles of Industrial Distribution, ET4311 Industrial Design/ Ergonomics, ET 4371 Materials Handling and Warehouse Management, ET 3360 Plant Design /Layout and ET4398 Industrial Internship.
Mr. Varatharaj serves as the College of Engineering Coordinator for International Admission
Research and Creative Activity
Mr. Varatharaj research interests includes STEM Education, Supply Chain Management, Quality management and Ergonomics.
Varatharaj, V. (2021). Ergonomic Analysis of Sit - Stand Workstations Installed at University Offices. In Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering (p. 7). Springer.