Brandon L. Bang, Ph.D
Assistant Professor and Director of the Criminal Justice Program
Office: Old Main 408B
Email: bbang@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2595
Professional Profile
Dr. Bang joined the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice in 2016. He received a B.S. in Psychology from Utah Valley University in 2009, a Master’s of Criminal Justice from Washington State University, and a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice and Criminology from Washington State University in 2019. Dr. Bang is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and the Director of the Criminal Justice Program at WTAMU.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Bang’s areas of focus within Criminal Justice are law/courts, policing, criminology, and ethics. Specifically, Dr. Bang teaches Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Criminal Courts, Juvenile Delinquency, Criminology, Capital Punishment, Policing, and Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice. He also teaches several graduate courses in Criminal Justice and the MPA Program. Dr. Bang has won six teaching awards throughout his academic career.
Research and Creative Activity
Dr. Bang’s research interests include police officer misconduct, police interrogation tactics, juvenile waivers, and prosecutorial misconduct. He recently completed a study concerning prosecutorial misconduct in Washington State. In order to complete this study, he researched all of the appellate court cases in Washington State over a 10-year period that had to do with prosecutorial misconduct. This process allowed him to determine some of the causes and correlates of prosecutorial misconduct at the county level. Dr. Bang has also recently been published in the International Journal of Police Science & Management, the Juvenile & Family Court Journal, and the Justice Policy Journal. He also has a textbook Criminal Procedure: A Contemporary Perspective, in press.