Community College Scholars Recognition
Community College Presidents select university-bound students for this recognition. This will honor and encourage students who have proven to be exemplary during their time at the college. Students and their families will be outstanding examples in their communities thanks to this selection and recognition by both their community college and WT.
For Your Students
- Recognition by their college president
- Certificate of Recognition from WT
- Invitation to WT President's Reception
For Your Community College
- Positive local media story for your college
- Opportunity for you to reward students
- Your college mentioned prominently in region-wide WT news release
As judged by their community college instructors, advisors and other staff, WT scholars are:
- Persons of high integrity;
- Motivated and hard-working;
- In good academic standing;
- Whom the community college is proud to represent them.
Easy Process
1. Select students meeting award criteria
2. Submit names and contact information below