Dr. Lan "Misty" Song
Assistant Professor of Education
Office: Harrington Academic Hall 316L
Email: lsong@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2431
Professional Profile
Dr. Lan (Misty) Song serves as a core research methodologist and assistant professor in the Ed. D. program with the Terry B. Rogers College of Education and Social Sciences. She had a nearly 16-year career in civil engineering, specializing in expressway protective structures and alignment design. She was awarded with the prestigious Danida Fellowship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark in 2009 and achieved senior-engineer rank in 2010. After moving to the U.S. in 2011, she earned a BA in liberal studies at Thomas Edison State University, then both an M.Ed. in higher education with a focus on enrollment management, and an Ed.D. in organizational leadership with a focus on higher education from Abilene Christian University.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Song teaches doctoral-level research coursework in the Educational Leadership program whilst serving as a core research methodologist. As an educational practitioner, Dr. Song worked in both student and academic affairs at four-year and two-year institutions. She also served as an adjunct math faculty at a community college for years. As a civil engineer, she participated in and conducted feasibility studies, site surveying, preliminary and detailed design, domestic/international engineering project management, and grant applications.
Research and Creative Activity
Dr. Song’s research areas include the affective learning domain, teaching effectiveness, and organizational development of education institutions in rural areas. She uses formative assessment within mixed-method projects to guide practice (in conjunction with the Asia Development Bank) for rural development in China. Dr. Song’s doctoral dissertation focused on the legitimization of affective domain learning, using mixed methods analysis.