Gary Bigham, Ed.D.
Texas A&M University System Regents Professor of Education
Dean of the Terry B. Rogers College of Education and Social Sciences
Office: Old Main 410
Email: gbigham@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2603
Professional Profile
Dr. Bigham joined the College of Education and Social Sciences in 2008. He received his B.S. in agricultural education in 1988, his M.Ed. with an emphasis in agricultural education and educational administration in 1991, and his Ed.D. in educational leadership in 1999, all from Texas Tech University. Prior to his arrival at WTAMU, Dr. Bigham gained 20 years of practical field experience in Texas public schools, including nine years of teaching, six years as a principal, and five years as a superintendent. Dr. Bigham has also served as an interim superintendent and a superintendent search consultant.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Bigham teaches doctoral-level courses in the Educational Leadership program and serves as a member of doctoral scholarly delivery committees, serving the roles of chair and content expert.
Dr. Bigham has presented his research at local, regional, state, national, and international conferences, events, and workshops. He has also presented professional development workshops for teachers, administrators, and school board members. He coordinates the annual school board workshop for Texas panhandle school board members and superintendents. This is a collaborative effort involving WTAMU, the Texas Association of School Boards, and the Region 16 Education Service Center.
Dr. Bigham chaired the university's Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for over a decade, served as the superintendent certification program director for 15 years, chaired the educational leadership program, and directed the Doctor of Education program in educational leadership. As Dean of the College, Dr. Bigham continues to serve on the university's learning management system advisory group, in addition to the Dean’s Council, President’s Council, and University Council. Dr. Bigham also devotes service to professional organizations in educational leadership and community youth organizations associated with agricultural education.
Research and Creative Activity
Dr. Bigham's combined total publications and presentations during his WTAMU tenure exceed 60 in number, targeting scholars and practitioners ranging in scope from local to international. As a result of Dr. Bigham's scholarly activity, he has previously been awarded the Faculty Excellence in Scholarly Activity Award twice by the College of Education and Social Sciences, and he has received the university's Intellectual Contributions Award.
Dr. Bigham's research focuses primarily on issues of importance to Educational Leadership, with emphasis on public school leadership in rural schools at both mid-management (campus) and executive (district) levels.