Dr. Ty Lawrence
Professor of Animal Science and
Director of the BCRC
Office: Happy State Bank Academic and Research Building, Room 345
Email: tlawrence@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2560
Professional Profile
Dr. Lawrence joined the Department of Agricultural Sciences in July 2004. He was reared on a cow-calf operation north of Dalhart, Texas before pursuing formal education in the animal sciences at West Texas A&M University (B.S. '97, M.S. '99) and Kansas State University (Ph.D. '02). Dr. Lawrence spent two years with Smithfield Foods in the position of research manager for pork harvest and processing facilities on the eastern seaboard.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Lawrence teaches undergraduate courses in food science, meat animal/carcass evaluation, anatomy and physiology of domestic farm animals, meat science and statistics. He also teaches advanced level meat science and technology and integrated animal science courses for the M.S. and Ph.D. programs.
Dr. Lawrence is the director of the University Meat Laboratory, a facility dedicated to teaching students the science and business of converting muscle to meat.
Dr. Lawrence also supervises the Livestock and Meat Judging teams.
Research and Creative Activity
Dr. Lawrence is the director of the Beef Carcass Research Center. He collaborates with a multitude of other universities and animal agriculture businesses in research activities that focus on improving the yield and quality of red meat products.