Guidelines For Submitting Manuscripts

Before submitting manuscripts please carefully read the guidelines for submission and prepare your manuscript accordingly.

Each manuscript will be reviewed by an editor with assistance from one or our associate editors.  Manuscripts evaluated as appropriate for review are then sent to additional readers for blink review.  Reviewers are selected from JREL editorial board members or carefully curated from our list of reviewers and/or advisory board members.  Editorial decisions are typically reached within three to six-month period.

Only electronic manuscripts are accepted.  Please upload your manuscript to the JREL Scholastica Manuscript link.

JREL strives to publish two issues per year.  The “Winter’ issue is dedicated to empirical research studies that address issues faced by rural P-20 educational institutions and their communities.  The “Summer” issue is dedicated to editorials and thought pieces from intellectuals who write about rural issues.  We consider book reviews with rural foci in both issues.

Manuscripts should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.  Although JREL typically imposes no limitations on length, we advise potential authors not to exceed 15,000 words.  All manuscripts should be written with a 12-pt accessible font (Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Tahoma, Times New Roman, and Verdana) with paragraphs double-spaced.

Questions regarding a possible submission, a manuscript presently under review, or any other editorial matter can be directed to H. H. (Buddy) Hooper Jr. or Janet L. Hindman


Postal address:

West Texas A&M University

Harrington Academic Hall WTAMU Amarillo Center

Journal of Rural Educational Leadership (JREL)

Educational Leadership – Ed.D. Program – Suite 316

720 S Tyler St

Amarillo, Texas 79101