Ed.D. Program Events
Immersion Experience
Unique to the Ed.D. program is the annual Immersion Experience, usually held in the summer, as an invigorating and inspiring on-campus event that brings all of the cohort members together and challenges them to learn and grow together collectively.
The time spent together in the Immersion Experience also provides collaborative practical work application around the problems of practice and opportunities for innovative design. This experience is one of the highlights of the program and our doctoral candidates gain answers to pressing questions and receive expert faculty guidance for their research studies.
WTAMU/TASB School Board Conference
The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) offers spring training workshops at locations throughout Texas in conjunction with Education Service Centers (ESC), state colleges and universities, and area school board associations. West Texas A&M University is proud to host this event for school boards in the Region 16 ESC area.
Ed.D. Workshop Research Poster Session
Another exciting research event for cohorts that are beginning work on their empirical studies is the Ed.D. Workshop Research Poster Session will be held annually on campus in tandem with the WTAMU/TASB School Board Conference. Specially invited judges will award prizes for First, Second, and Third Place winners and Honorable Mention as the Ed.D. program provides one of the first venues for doctoral candidates to feature their research.