Bill Helwig
Bill Helwig is currently serving his fourth term as the Yoakum County Criminal District Attorney, prosecuting felony, misdemeanor and juvenile cases. In addition, he is the current ”Chairmen of the Board” of the Texas District and County Attorney’s Association of Texas. For the Deason Rural Justice Program of the SMU Dedman School of Law, he is one of five “Advisory Board Members.” He has lived and practiced law in “rural” Texas for 29 of his 44 years as an attorney. In the past, Helwig was a member of the Denver City Independent School Board and a trustee for the University of the Southwest in Hobbs, New Mexico. Between 1993 and 1998, he was Associate General Counsel with the Texas A&M University System General Counsel office. During that tenure, he provided legal assistance and counsel to “System” Universities such as Tarleton State University, West Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Texas A&M University and other System Agencies. Also interested in economic growth in rural Texas, he was a Board member of the Denver City Chamber of Commerce for 12 years, holding the office of “President” for four different terms. In addition to being “Citizen of the Year,” he has also been awarded the “Presidents Award” by the Chamber. Bill has served as a Board member, Vice President, and now President of the Denver City Economic Development Corp for eight years. Bill and his wife Debi reside in Denver City, Texas.