Working Relationships

Why it’s important to invest in your working relationships with the people you work with.

They live in your home away from homes. You will probably be spending a lot of time with the people you work with, so even though you may not be besties, it’s still helpful to get to know them so you can have a positive relationship.

The people you work with can be your advocates or mentors. If the people you work with get to know you they can help advocate for you at work or help you navigate situations you may lack in experience.

The people you work with will be your future references. This point is pretty obvious, but if you are friendly and get along with your coworkers this reflects well on you. One aspect employers think about when hiring is if you will be able to work well with a team.

You can develop an appreciation for the diversity of your coworkers. Getting to know your coworkers can help you appreciate where they come from with their opinions and actions. Even if you don’t agree with them you will at least understand them better.

The last point is that many true friendships can come from coworkers because you have a big part of your life in common: your job/career!

Don't be afraid to strike up that conversation next time. It might the boost your professional network needed!

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