Career Exploration

When it comes to careers, it's not as easy as: pick a major, graduate college, and start a job in that field. First, you have to actually pick the major, then you explore if there are career prospects for what you want to do. And it's not as easy as picking this major means you'll get this job. Sometimes things change. We want to offer you resources that can help you pick a major that is right for you, and help you find a career that you love.


YouScience is the science of YOU – how your mind is wired, what makes you tick, the skills and knowledge that set you apart. You have talent and there’s a path that’s right for you – we can help you find it. 

We are so excited to announce that we have YouScience as our career assessment tool! This brain-game based assessment can help you better understand yourself, what you are naturally good at and what interests you. This can help you in choosing a major or career path, but it also can help in the job search! 

YouScience is different than our previous tool, as each student has their own code. All current WT students have received an invitation to take it in their Buff email. If you cannot find it in your email, please reach out to our office for your unique access code.

If you previously utilized MyPlan, you can still access your results by logging in with your account information.

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Having Career Conversations:
Informational Interviewing

Even with the vast amount of information on the internet, it is still lacking in many things. For example, personal relationships and connections to the hidden job market. Informational interviewing is a great tool to utilize when you are navigating the internet for the job search. When you are wanting to get to know a potential career better, learn more about people who are currently in those careers, as well as build relationships and rapport with them, this resource can help. Because of the nature of informational interviewing, we've provided helpful steps for the whole process. 

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Career Exploration Workshops

We offer several Career Exploration Workshops to help guide you throughout the process. Whether you've decided or declared a major, these can be full of resources that can help you on your path toward designing a life you love. Learn how to Explore You(Science), Design Your Life, and conduct an Informational Interview in each of these workshops. View the schedule and register below, or visit our YouTube Channel for the recorded versions.

What Can I Do With This Major?

Whether you’re exploring majors or searching for information about your chosen field, this website will help. Learn typical career areas and types of employers that hire in these fields and strategies to make you more marketable. Continue your research through the websites provided.

Do Great
Job Shadowing

Job shadowing is a wonderful opportunity for career exploration, professional development, and networking. Career and Professional Development is the bridge between students and employers. We hope to help connect you to the right employer for a great job shadow experience. By doing a job shadow, students have the opportunity to greatly increase confidence when selecting a major, career path, or industry. It allows the opportunity to see what it takes to do that position, what they experience day-to-day and it expands your network. If you are interested in participating in a job shadow experience, please fill out the survey below to share what you are looking for with us. 

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Designing Your Life

Designing Your Life is a great process that can help you make positive movements in your life to help you be where you want to be. From incoming freshmen deciding on a major to graduating seniors starting the job search to alumni looking for a career path change and everyone in between. Check out our Designing Your Life workshop. We have a pre-recorded version and have some scheduled in Handshake as well.

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Choosing a Major

Choosing a major is no easy feat, which is why we provide resources to help you. It's more than just checking a box and taking some courses, it is about planning your career and designing your life. Check out a step by step process here to help you start that journey. 

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Which Comes First?
Major or Career

Pick the Major and get the Career, or Pick the Career and pursue the Major?...

This may be a question that is plaguing you. Check out our page on Which Comes First... The Major or the Career Path to find out more on how the process works and which way works (best for you!)

Diverging Paths
Career Specific vs. Liberal Arts

So many degrees, but don't get overwhelmed!

Even with the different kinds of degrees, including Career Specific and Liberal Arts, we don't want you to feel overwhelmed but all of the options. Learn more about what the core curriculum is and what the differences are between the degree types.

Dance Performance
Career Tools and Resources

Find more information about tools to research career fields, what career coaching is, find the answers to frequently asked questions about career coaching, and more here.

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