Widening Your Career Options

One mistake I see many students make in choosing a career is that they just jump to something they know. They have heard of being a teacher so they want to be that. Now, sometimes teaching may be the perfect profession. However, there are many career options that exist that you may not have heard of.  

The obvious question now comes to mind…How can I discover more options? YouScience! This is a unique assessment that is brain games based. In other words, you cannot cheat the system and know what your results will reveal. There are no “are you more sensible or sensitive?” type questions. You are doing activities that lead to the answers of what you like and what you’re naturally good at. 

At the end of the assessment, you are given results on possible career matches. These career matches are organized by aptitude fit (what you’re good at) and interest fit. Clicking through these options can help you discover hundreds of careers that you may have never considered. You can learn details about each of the career suggestions including core tasks, salary, other titles it’s known by (good for job search), and how the career fits you specifically.  

If you have ever wondered what career paths are available besides the obvious ones you’ve seen in movies or real life, this is the assessment for you! Search your email for “YouScience” and you will likely find an email with information on how to get started. If not, reach out to the Office of Career and Professional Development to get your code emailed to you (  

Once you have taken the assessment it’s great to schedule a YouScience follow-up appointment where you can go through the results with a career coach. We may suggest you do an informational interview or career conversation to gain a better perspective from someone in the position in question. You can schedule an appointment in Handshake.

For information on upcoming Events and Webinars, click here. Head over to our YouTube channel to find previous workshops and employer information sessions.