Virtual Networking

Like most other things, networking has gone almost completely virtual in the last year. This concept may sound new and maybe a bit intimidating at first, but you have actually been virtually networking well before the pandemic!

Virtual networking includes emailing your contacts, virtual informational interviews, connecting with colleagues on LinkedIn, using social media, and much more. Chances are that you have been doing this for a while, so don’t fret at the thought of networking amidst a pandemic. If you are feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by the idea of networking, it is important to keep in mind that networking is about building relationships. One of the benefits of online networking is that you have a bit more time to prepare for the interaction. If it helps, when meeting someone over a conference call, write down a set of talking point or questions to help guide the conversation. These are means of finding a job that go beyond looking at job boards. Uncovering that hidden job market and finding new ways to connect with potential employers can reap many benefits.

To learn more about this topic, check out our Uncovering the Hidden Job Market video. For additional help with your LinkedIn profile click here.

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