Resume Headshots

To add a headshot or not to add a headshot? That is the question! Well, here’s the inside scoop, there are very few occasions in which you should add a headshot to your resume. Of course if you are an actor or a model, this rule of thumb is one which you can toss! However, if you are developing what we call a “traditional” resume, then we strongly suggest avoiding headshots. For some employers, headshots can pose Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) issues. Put simply, employers do not want to be accused of something like racial discrimination or having biases towards a person because of their appearance.  Additionally, a resume is intended to highlight your qualifications as they relate to the job and a headshot can detract from that.

Maybe you’re struggling with this whole concept. Well, I have a couple of suggestions! First, maybe you are a graphic design major and have a graphic resume and your headshot adds to the fun aesthetic you’re going for. In this case, I would suggest creating a logo in lieu of a headshot (see example below). Or maybe you attended a networking event and want to make sure the employer remembers your face from your quick introduction. In these instances, I would make sure that my LinkedIn account is added to the top of my resume so the employer can access that link if needed. If you choose this option, you want to make sure your LinkedIn account is up to date and professional.

Speaking of LinkedIn headshots, do you need a better quality photo? Our office can help! You can schedule a Headshot appointment through Handshake. Once there, click Career Center, Appointments, Schedule A New Appointment, and then select Headshot as your appointment type. Again, we suggest not using this image on your resume, but it can be a great way to dress up your LinkedIn account or Handshake profile. While you’re scheduling your headshot appointment, be sure to check out the other appointment types we have available to WTAMU students and alum! We are here to serve YOU!

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 resume logo