Professional Brand

“My pleasure.” I know you know what famously mouthwatering chicken comes to mind when I say that short phrase. In case you are unaware, this is the famous phrase used by Chik Fil A employees and serves as a piece of their company brand. In the same way that Chik Fil A has their own company brand, we all have our very own brand as well. Not sure what your professional brand is? Let’s chat about ways you can start branding yourself or adjusting your brand to be what you want it to be.

  1. Say “yes” to relevant opportunities. The roles you take on will inevitably shape how others see you. Are the tasks you take on helping or hindering you from becoming the professional that you want others to believe you are? Maybe you are stuck in a rut of tasks related to data, but you really want to be seen as a creative thinker. Easy, data folks… I know you can be creative with data! But maybe you have a knack for graphic design and want to use that skill. Start advocating for those types of roles more regularly and, overtime, people will start coming to you for help on those creative projects!
  2. Speak at a conference. I know… even the mention of public speaking is enough to make some people’s palms start sweating. However, this is a great way to build your professional brand as the subject matter expert in this area. When I think of specific subjects, my mind always floats to those who I have heard speak on the matter. This could be a great building block to your brand. If the idea of speaking in public scares you, start out with a presentation partner. This can help alleviate some of that pressure.
  3. Ask one question at every meeting you attend. If you are someone who stays quiet ay every meeting, start thinking of ways you can inject your insight on the subject at hand by asking a relevant question. Let me be clear, this is not a “speak for the sake of speaking” issue. I don’t want your brand to be the time waster. Come prepared with an interesting question that deepens the conversation or clarifies a particular topic. If this is a meeting with people you do not regularly work with, take a moment to introduce yourself and then pose your question. Free brand building!
  4. Network internally beyond you immediate team. It is easy to fall into a space of complacency and only speak with your office peeps because… well, that’s comfortable! Well, friend, it’s time to expand your branding wings and strike up some small talk with people outside of your immediate area. Morgan Chaney, Head of Marketing said it best, “people promote the people they know, trust, and who they see stretching beyond their immediate duties. Interacting with other teams and their leadership gives you a household name, and creates opportunities for you to become a more well-rounded contributor to your business.”
  5. Share your voice with influencers. Make a concerted effort to share advice and support within your area of expertise. When it comes to social media, actively engage in discussion boards, groups, etc. Reach out to industry journalists to offer your comments on areas in which you are a subject matter expert.

Okay, okay… as part of my own professional brand, I want to make sure I always give credit where credit is due. These tips are found in this great Forbes article that you should check out. My challenge for you this week is to bolster your brand through the implementation of 1 or 2 of these tips. Building a brand takes time and energy, but you’ve got this!

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