Major & Career Exploration

When it comes to careers, we all want a simple formula that we can follow. A major + graduation = landing that dream job. However, every piece of this, oh-so-simple formula requires much more thought and consideration along with a healthy portion of foresight. If you’re a human with blood pumping through your veins, you have probably had some of these questions at some point during your collegiate experience: What careers will be available to someone with this major? Am I choosing the right major? Will I be doing something that I actually enjoy or is this just what my family wants me to do? Maybe you feel secure in your decisions, but one day you wake up and your interests, needs, and the job market all change suddenly. What now?

If any of the above rings true for you, rest easy! We offer resources that can not only help you pick a major that is right for you, but also help you find a career that you love. We have the YouScience assessment you can take and coaches you can meet with throughout the process. Visit our website or sign up for an appointment in HandshakeAdditionally, we have a workshop series dedicated to career exploration topics. You’ll find these workshops in Handshake and some are recorded and available on our YouTube channel (pay special attention to the Career Exploration and Design Your Life playlists!) 

No need to fret the unknown. Whether you are a student eagerly seeking new ideas or an alum who has run out, our staff is here to support you in your journey.

For information on upcoming Events and Webinars, click here. Head over to our YouTube channel to find previous workshops and employer information sessions.