Internship Benefits

One of the more exciting pieces of data that our office has found is that those who participate in an internship earn, on average, $7,800 more in their first full-time position after college compared to their peers who do not. I could end the Tuesday Tip there and call it good, but there are so many other great benefits to participating in an internship. Let’s dive in!

Gain valuable experience: An internship is a great way to learn skills needed in your industry. You will experience, first-hand, what you could be doing in XYZ industry and what employers might be looking for in a candidate. Additionally, the skills gained in your internship can transfer to other careers should you decide to take a different route!

Explore a career path: Internships serve as a way of “trying on” a career. This can be a great way of affirming your career choice or maybe you’ll decide to adjust your career goals slightly after your internship. In an internship, you can really assess whether this career will align with your values, interests, and skills. That said, be aware that not every company runs the same way. Your experience with one company does not necessarily determine what your experience would be with every company. So keep an open mind!

Gain an edge: There’s no denying that employers are highly interested in candidates who have an internship on their resume. Internships make you more marketable as they can be an indicator of relevant skills and experience. From the employer’s perspective, this means they may have less that they have to teach as you begin you which is always a bonus if you can bring that to the table.

Develop and refine skills: We have talked a lot about skill development so far, but truly this is one of the greatest bonuses to internships. Internships are unique learning opportunities that equip you with skills that are specific to your industry as well as skills that can transfer across other industries. Leverage this experience to ask questions of the professionals that you work with every day. What skills do they think are most critical to an individual’s success in XYZ industry?

Financial compensation: A widely-held misconception is that internships are not paid. On the contrary! Most internships are paid now days. This means you can gain valuable skills while supporting some of your financial needs. There are some internships that are unpaid, but don’t be dissuaded too quickly. The experience is well worth it!

Building a network: As you go through your internship you will, inevitably, rub shoulders with professionals who can serve as great connections in the future. Be sure to ask questions, observe, and network with these folks regularly as they may be the connection you need to launch your career. After your internship, be sure to connect with these people on LinkedIn and check in periodically to maintain your relationship.

Confidence booster: Anytime we become more familiar with an industry, practice, or certain subject, we become more confident! Likewise, internships can elevate our confidence greatly. The more in tune we are with an industry, the more confidently we can sell ourselves in an interview. Additionally, internships are an opportunity to learn and make mistakes that you can then avoid later on in your career. Not to say you won’t make mistakes, but you’ll have a better understanding of how to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Transition into a job: While the promise of a full-time job is not the reality for everyone, for some it can be! Your internship is an opportunity to make a great impression with ABC Company. Show them your work ethic, commitment, and people skills. This impression could give you the edge over another applicant in the interview process. Not only is an internship a way for you to “try on” a company, but it is also their way of “trying you on” as well. If they like the way you mix with their team, then they are more likely to select you for openings in the future!

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