What's Your Greatest Weakness

I have found that this question sparks a lot interest in students who we talk to about interview preparation. I mean, it makes sense. Who really wants to discuss the things that make them, well…weak?! If you find yourself curious about how to break down your biggest flaws without absolutely obliterating your chances at getting that dream job, then stick around! 

Okay, first off... I was being a little dramatic before (I do have an undergrad degree in Theatre, after all.) You probably won’t obliterate anything except maybe a brain cell while trying to find the perfect response this common yet intimidating interview question. There's several things that you can keep in mind while answering this question that will show the employer that you are honest, self-aware, and on a path of growth.

  1. Keep your weakness to the non-essential skills. When you are preparing for your interview, make sure and review the list of qualifications listed in the job description and avoid stating any of these key skills as your weakness. For example, if you are applying to a position in sales, you probably don't want to say that talking to people makes you want to rip out your hair.
  2. Be real. We all have weaknesses. Saying "I am too much of a perfectionist" can sound contrived. It may be the honest truth, but the employer doesn't know you and so you can't depend on them to assume anything. People value honesty, so allow your response to be honest and reflect your self-awareness while still being polished.
  3. Tell the employer how this weakness has shown up in your past performance. Again, this simply helps to paint an honest picture for the employer.
  4. Once you have stated your weakness, you need to let the employer know what you do to mitigate that weakness. If you aren't doing anything to mitigate your weakness...start now. This is the time for you to make sure the employer knows that your weakness will not get in the way of you being a great employee.

This all sounds pretty easy, right?! Let's put it together! 

"My greatest weakness is time management. I find that I often get lost in tasks that I really enjoy and then have to shuffle my schedule around to complete the other tasks. While I am always able to complete all my tasks, I have found that using an organization tool such as Microsoft Teams or even a simple calendar reminder really helps me to stay on track and get things done without having to do all of the shuffling."

There you have it! It is really as simple as that. Here's the deal... don't try to freestyle this one. Before your next interview, take an honest assessment of yourself and prep that five star response with these four steps in mind!

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