Design Your Life

“Design Your Life” has become a new way of thinking that can help you learn how to shift your mindset when it comes to your career planning by implementing prototyping, brainstorming, and more. This approach can bring about some new opportunities to try new things and ask questions that will get you one step closer to your dream career. Prototypes help you visualize alternatives in a very experiential way. This way of thinking allows you to try something and fail fast without over-investing in a certain path. We want to help you adopt these new mindsets, and our Design Your Life webinar is a great starting point to do this. Still not sure how this works? Learn more about how to initiate these conversations and put design thinking to practice in our DYL: Career Exploration through Informational Interviews webinar.

Design thinking is not just for those already in a career or who have already selected a major. It is also a great tool if you are unsure about where you want your career to go or if you are thinking about changing careers. Design thinking allows you to design a life you are passionate about by exploring what makes you feel happy and fulfilled.

For information on upcoming Events and Webinars, click here. Head over to our YouTube channel to find previous workshops and employer information sessions.