Conduct Informational Interviews

If you are in the job search you have likely researched the companies you are interested in to find information about their career opportunities, culture, and people. While this research is necessary and critical to the job search, you can dive even deeper by conducting an informational interview with someone in that company or even just that industry in general. Informational interviews can help you learn first-hand about a company and gain insight on how to climb the proverbial ladder to get to that dream job. Contacting someone you have never met before can be nerve wracking, but keep in mind that at this point you aren’t asking for a job, rather, you are simply gathering information to add to your arsenal and growing your network. You will likely even discover that people are open and excited to talk about themselves and what they know!

Go to our website to read more tips on how to prepare for an informational interview and maximize your time. This article also provides some helpful insights as well as some sample questions you could ask during an informational interview.

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