Career Fair Next Steps

So you attended the Career Expo…now what? Believe it or not you have plenty to do now to really make the most of this opportunity.

Make sure your resume is polished so you can follow up. Do this by making a resume review appointment or viewing our resume workshop information online.

Next, prepare yourself for the next step of getting a job, the interview! Watch our interview workshop on YouTube or learn more about interviews here online. Most of all, be sure you review the job posting, remember the skills and strengths that align with the role, and be prepared to talk about yourself giving specific examples. Brush up on the important things about the company like location, who you’re interviewing with, and what position you’re interviewing for. And don’t forget to have some questions prepared to really emphasize your interest in the role and company.

Following up is another crucial step. Many recruiters actually rely on you making the next move. Be sure to apply for positions you discussed at the career fair, send a thank you note or introductory email with any details of your conversation to job the recruiter’s memory of you along with your updated email, and add the recruiters to your LinkedIn network so you can stay in touch. Send a short note of how you met them at the career fair when you connect with them on LinkedIn.

Are you interested in more tips about career and professional development? Follow @wtcareer on a social media platform.

 For information on upcoming Events and Webinars, click here. Head over to our YouTube channel to find previous workshops and employer information sessions.