Lloyd Green Allen
Years at WTAMU: 1910-1933
Title: Professor of Mathematics, Dean of College
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Hattie Anderson
Years at WTAMU: 1921-1956
Title: Professor of History
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Horace Bailey
Years at WTAMU: 1972-1997
Title: Professor of Biology; Dean of College of Agriculture, Nursing and Natural Sciences
Year Inducted: 2001

Don Baird
Years at WTAMU: 1965-1979
Title: Assistant Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 2007

Dr. Ima Barlow
Years at WTAMU: 1930-1964
Title: Professor of History
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Enid Bates
Years at WTAMU: 1970-1997
Title: Associate Professor of Education
Year Inducted: 2000

Georgia Barrow
Years at WTAMU: 1974-1998
Title: Assistant Professor Emerita of Nursing
Year Inducted: 2011

Dr. Robert Beckley
Years at WTAMU: 1976-2015
Title: Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Year Inducted: 2015

Dr. Douglas P. Bingham
Years at WTAMU: 46 years of service
Title: Professor of Biology
Year Inducted: 2018

Royal L. Brantley
Years at WTAMU: 1953-1987
Title: Associate Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 1992
Royal L. Brantley Bio

Pauline Brigham
Years at WTAMU: 1917-1961
Title: Associate Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 2006

Treasure Brasher
Years at WTAMU: 1980-2003
Year Inducted: 2010

Dr. Houston Bright
Years at WTAMU: 1940-1970
Title:Professor of Music, Director of University Chorale, Composer in Residence
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Derl L. Brooks
Years at WTAMU: 1965-1992
Title: Professor of Biology
Year Inducted: 1995

Mary Morgan Brown
Years at WTAMU: 1915-1938
Title: Associate Professor of Public Speaking, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Walker Hatcher Brown
Years at WTAMU: 1945-1976
Title: Assistant Professor of Physical Education
Year Inducted: 1993

Dr. Robert C. Burton
Years at WTAMU: 1959-1989
Title: Professor of Geology, Head of Mathematics Department
Year Inducted: 1994

Dr. Wilma Jo Bush
Years at WTAMU: 1957-1969, 1972-1981
Title: Professor of Education
Year Inducted: 1993
Dr. Wilma Jo Bush Bio

Dr. Robert Busteed
Years at WTAMU: 1949-1975
Title: Professor of Biology, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Wendall Cain
Years at WTAMU: 1950-1976
Title: Professor of Speech
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. C.C. Callarman
Years at WTAMU: 1956-1975
Title: Professor of Business, Dean of School of Business
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. James Calvi
Years at WTAMU: 1982 - 2016
Title: Professor of Political Science
Year Inducted: 2017

Dr. Thomas Cannon
Years at WTAMU: 1969-1993
Title: Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Year Inducted: 2011

Dr. Thomas Paige Carruth
Years at WTAMU: 1959-1987
Title: Associate Professor of Education, Vice President for Student Affairs
Year Inducted: 1993

Dr. Charles “Chuck” Chase
Years at WTAMU: 23 years of service
Title: Professor of Sports and Exercise Sciences
Year Inducted: 2019

Dr. James Clark
Years at WTAMU: 1992-2010
Title: Dean and Professor Emeritus of Animal Science
Year Inducted: 2012

Wallace Reeves Clark
Years at WTAMU: 1917-1951
Title: Professor of Music, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Ms. Susan Coleman
Years at WTAMU: 1982 - 2015
Title: Instructor of Criminal Justice
Year Inducted: 2017

Dr. Arden Colette
Years at WTAMU: 1982-2008
Year Inducted: 2010

Kathleen Collins
Years at WTAMU: 1961-1990
Title: Assistant Professor of English
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. H.L. Cook
Years at WTAMU: 1955-1977
Title: Professor of Mathematics, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 1992

RuNell Coons
Years at WTAMU: 1977-2003
Title: Instructor of Mass Communications
Year Inducted: 2006

Joseph Cox
Years at WTAMU: 1979-2008
Title: Professor Emeritus of Music
Year Inducted: 2011

Ruth Cross
Years at WTAMU: 1929-1969
Title: Associate Professor of Physical Education, Head of Department, Dean of Women
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Deborah A. Davenport
Years at WT: 1984-2011
Title: Professor of Nursing
Year Inducted: 2019

Elisabeth Davidson
Years at WTAMU: 1957-1984
Title: Assistant Professor Emerita of History
Year Inducted: 2011

Dr. James B. Davis Jr.
Years at WTAMU: 1968-1998
Title: Professor of Accounting; Head of Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance
Year Inducted: 2001

Dr. Angie Debo
Years at WTAMU: 1924-1935
Title: Assistant Professor of History
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Myron Dees
Years at WTAMU: 1969-2004
Title: Professor Emeritus of Health and Physical Education
Year Inducted: 2009

Norma Dobson
Years at WTAMU: 1977-2001
Title: Assistant Professor of Nursing
Year Inducted: 2008

Dr. Ted A. DuBois
Years at WT: -2016
Title: Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 2016

Dr. Charmazel Dudt
Years at WTAMU: 1970-2006
Year Inducted: 2010

Joseph L. Duflot
Years at WTAMU: 1918-1953
Title: Professor of Sociology, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Barry Duman
Years at WTAMU: 1969-2009
Year Inducted: 2010

Rowie V. Durden
Years at WTAMU: 1959-1992
Title: Assistant Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Allen Early Jr.
Years at WTAMU: 1970-1984
Title: Associate Professor of Economics
Year Inducted: 1993

Dr. George Eason
Years at WTAMU: 1962-1986
Title: Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 1992

Martha Estes
Years at WTAMU: 1973-1998
Title: Assistant Professor of Music Therapy
Year Inducted: 2001

Mr. Bill Evans
Years at WTAMU: 1966-2007
Title: Associate Professor of Music Therapy
Year Inducted: 2016

Dr. Louis Fairchild
Years at WTAMU: 1971-2003
Title: Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Year Inducted: 2009

Dr. William J. Findley
Years at WTAMU: 1947-1980
Title: Associate Professor of Education and Psychology
Year Inducted: 1992

Mary Beth Ford
Years at WTAMU: 1972-2001
Title: Instructor of Education
Year Inducted: 2007

Dr. Benjamin Ford Fronabarger Jr.
Years at WTAMU: 1922-1924, 1932-1953
Title: Professor of English, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Karyn Friske
Years at WTAMU: -2021
Title: Professor of Accounting
Year Inducted: 2021

Dr. Gary Garner
Years at WTAMU: 1963-2002
Title: Professor of Music, Director of Bands and Orchestras
Year Inducted: 2005

Dr. Mary M. Gaume
Years at WTAMU: 1945-1976
Title: Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Phil Gensler
Years at WTAMU: 1965-1998
Title: Professor of Computer Information Systems
Year Inducted: 2004

Dr. Mary Gill
Years at WTAMU: 1970-1997
Title: Associate Professor of Spanish
Year Inducted: 2001

Arthur Glover
Years at WTAMU: 1968-1981
Year Inducted: 2010

Edna Graham
Years at WTAMU: 1920-1952
Title: Professor of Mathematics
Year Inducted: 2006

Geraldine R. Green
Years at WTAMU: 1928-1947
Title: Associate Professor of English, Dean of Women
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Jimmie L. Green
Years at WTAMU: 1954-1976
Title: Professor of Plant Science, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Ferdinand Paul Guenther
Years at WTAMU: 1910-1925
Title: Professor of French and German, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Ted Guffy
Years at WTAMU: 1990-2006
Title: Dean and Professor Emeritus of Education
Year Inducted: 2012

Dr. Duane F. Guy
Years at WTAMU: 1958-1994
Title: Professor of History, Head of Department of History and Political Science
Year Inducted: 1995
Dr. Duane F. Guy Bio

William F. Haggard
Years at WTAMU: 1942-1969
Title: Professor of Accounting, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Harry Haines
Years at WTAMU: 1977-1997
Title: Professor of Music, Head of Department of Music and Dance
Year Inducted: 2001

Dale Hall
Years at WTAMU: 1964-1995
Title: Assistant Professor of Accounting
Year Inducted: 2000

Dr. Trudy Hanson
Years at WTAMU: 1989-2020
Title: Professor of Communication
Year Inducted: 2023

Emerson Haraden
Years at WTAMU: 1967-1977
Title: Assistant Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 1992
Emerson Haraden Bio

Mabel Hare
Years at WTAMU: 1956-1981
Title: Assistant Professor of English
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Ples Harper
Years at WTAMU: 1946-1974
Title: Professor of Modern Languages, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Robert Frank Heflin
Years at WTAMU: 1957-1985
Title: Assistant Professor of History
Year Inducted: 1992

Betty Henry
Years at WTAMU: 1972-1996
Title: Assistant Professor of Nursing
Year Inducted: 2002

Dr. Joseph A. Hill
Years at WTAMU: 1910-1948
Title: Professor of History, President of College
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Ronald Hiner
Years at WTAMU: 1984-2007
Title: Professor of Accounting
Year Inducted: 2008

Mary Elizabeth Hudspeth
Years at WTAMU: 1910-1943
Title: Professor of Spanish, Head of Department, Dean of Women
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Harry R. Hueston
Years at WTAMU: -2021
Title: Professor of Criminal Justice
Year Inducted: 2021

Jack T. Hughes
Years at WTAMU: 1952-1985
Title: Professor of Anthropology
Year Inducted: 1992

Richard Jackson
Years at WTAMU: 1966-1997
Title: Associate Professor of Political Science
Year Inducted: 2001
Richard Jackson Bio

Dr. James R. Johnson
Years at WTAMU: 1964-1983
Title: Professor of Business, Head of Department of Business Education
Year Inducted: 1992
Dr. James R. Johnson Bio

Dr. Lee L. Johnson
Years at WTAMU: 1937-1955
Title: Professor of Business, Chair of School of Business Administration
Year Inducted: 2006
Dr. Lee L. Johnson Bio

W. Mitchell Jones
Years at WTAMU: 1926-1971
Title: Associate Professor of Education and Psychology, Dean of Men
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Walter H. Juniper
Years at WTAMU: 1949-1974
Title: Professor of English, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Edward P. Kahler, II
Years at WTAMU: 25 years of service
Title: Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 2024

James D. Kemmerling
Years at WTAMU: 1968 - 2008
Title: Professor Emeritus of Speech and Theatre
Year Inducted: 2014

Dr. Jim L. Kidd
Years at WTAMU: 1969-1991
Title: Professor of Education, Dean of College of Education and Social Sciences
Year Inducted: 1993

Dr. A. Kirk Knot
Years at WTAMU: 1940-1973
Title: Professor of English, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. David A. LaBrie
Years at WTAMU: 1970 - 2000
Title: Professor Emeritus of Biology
Year Inducted: 2014

Dr. Ruth Lowes
Years at WTAMU: 1921-1972
Title: Professor of Education, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Mattie Swayne Mack
Years at WTAMU: 1922-1968
Title: Professor of English
Year Inducted: 2006

Tennessee Malone
Years at WTAMU: 1910-1944
Title: Librarian
Year Inducted: 2008

Dr. Theo Edwin Maloy
Years at WTAMU: 1999-2012
Title: Associate Professor Emeritus of Public Administration
Year Inducted: 2012

Dr. George Mann
Years at WTAMU: 1993-2008
Title: Professor Emeritus of Education
Year Inducted: 2012

Dr. Zeke B. Marchant
Years at WTAMU: 1958-1994
Title: Professor of Business, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 1992

Fred Marsh
Years at WTAMU: 1965-2000
Title: Assistant Professor of Political Science
Year Inducted: 2003

David Matthis
Years at WTAMU: 1955-1982
Title: Associate Professor of Political Science
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. C. Travis McBride
Years at WTAMU: 1957-1991
Title: Professor of Political Science, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 1992
Dr. C. Travis McBride Bio

Thomas B. McCarter
Years at WTAMU: 1918-1951
Title: Professor of Mathematics and Physics, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Mary R. McCulley
Years at WTAMU: 1955-1989
Title: Associate Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Murray B. Measamer
Years at WTAMU: 1951-1967
Title: Professor of Geography, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Jerry Miller
Years at WTAMU: 1963, 1970-1998
Title: Professor of Finance, Dean of College of Business
Year Inducted: 2005

Dr. Suzanne Monroe
Years at WTAMU: 1997 - 2015
Title: Professor of Education
Year Inducted: 2016

Dr. Ted Montgomery
Years at WTAMU: 1975-2004
Title: Professor of Animal Science
Year Inducted: 2007

Helen W. Moore
Years at WTAMU: 1930-1975
Title: Associate Professor of English
Year Inducted: 1992

William A. Moore
Years at WTAMU: 1946-1977
Title: Professor of Speech, Director of Theatre
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Richard Moseley
Years at WTAMU: 1970-2006
Year Inducted: 2010

Dr. Darrell Munsell
Years at WTAMU: 1965-1997
Title: Professor of History
Year Inducted: 2000

Clyde A. Murray
Years at WTAMU: 1926-1957
Title: Professor of Mathematics, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Jack H. Muthersbough
Years at WTAMU: 1963-1992
Title: Assistant Professor of Geography
Year Inducted: 1993

Dr. Garry Nall
Years at WTAMU: 1963-1966, 1968-2001
Title: Professor of History
Year Inducted: 2004

Dr. Norman Joseph Nelson
Years at WTAMU: 1970-2006
Year Inducted: 2010

Dr. Vaughn Nelson
Years at WTAMU: 1969-2001
Title: Professor of Physics, Founding Director of Alternative Energy Institute
Year Inducted: 2005

Dr. Pat O'Brien
Years at WTAMU:
Year Inducted: 2016

Dr. Hubert W. Oppe
Years at WTAMU: 1963-1988
Title: Professor of Sociology, Head of Department of Sociology and Social Work
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. James Owens
Years at WTAMU: 1978 - 2022
Title: Professor of Finance
Year Inducted: 2023

Dr. Sue Park
Years at WTAMU: 1966-2007
Title: Professor of English, Dean of College
Year Inducted: 2008

David N. Patterson
Years at WTAMU: 1965-1995
Title: Associate Professor of Mathematics
Year Inducted: 1999

Dr. Peter Petersen
Years at WTAMU: 1967-2000
Title: Professor of History
Year Inducted: 2003

Dr. Chester A. Pierle
Years at WTAMU: 1923-1954
Title: Professor of Chemistry, Head of the Department, Dean of the Graduate Division
Year Inducted: 2008

Frank R. Phillips
Years at WTAMU: 1920-1952
Title: Professor of Agriculture, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Elsa R. Porter
Years at WTAMU: 1956-1989
Title: Assistant Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Ellis Benton Posey
Years at WTAMU: 1967-1980
Title: Associate Professor of Education
Year Inducted: 1993

Stanley Potter
Years at WTAMU: 1962-1998
Year Inducted: 2010

Dr. J. Keith Price
Years at WTAMU: 19 years of service
Title: Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice
Year Inducted: 2023

Dr. Dale Pulliam
Years at WTAMU: 1979-1997
Title: Professor of Accounting
Year Inducted: 2000

Dr. Darlene A. Pulliam
Years at WTAMU: 1998-2021
Title: Professor of Accounting
Year Inducted: 2021

Myrna Raffkind
Years at WTAMU: 1984-1991
Title: Instructor Emerita of Psychology/Sociology
Year Inducted: 2009

Dr. Kollengode (Raju) Ramakrishman
Years at WTAMU: 1978-2004
Title: Professor Emeritus of Social Work
Year Inducted: 2009

Dr. Frederick W. Rathjen
Years at WTAMU: 1956-1990
Title: Professor of History
Year Inducted: 1992

J.W. Reid
Years at WTAMU: 1910-1922
Title: Professor of Chemistry, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Mary Moss Richardson
Years at WTAMU: 1922-1945
Title: Associate Professor of English
Year Inducted: 2008

Jennie C. Ritchie
Years at WTAMU: 1910-1941
Title: Associate Professor of English, Dean of High School
Year Inducted: 2006

Dave Ritter
Years at WTAMU: 1965-2001
Title: Associate Professor of Music
Year Inducted: 2004

George H. Ritter
Years at WTAMU: 1957-1981
Title: Assistant Professor of Political Science
Year Inducted: 1994

Dr. James B. Roberts
Years at WTAMU: 1949-1972
Title: Professor of Education, Dean of Graduate School
Year Inducted: 2006

Isabel Robinson
Years at WTAMU: 1926-1960
Title: Associate Professor of Art
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Duane Rosa
Years at WTAMU: 33 years of service
Title: Professor of Economics
Year Inducted: 2020

Dr. James L. Russell
Years at WTAMU: 1946-1972
Title: Professor of Education, Dean of Graduate School
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Robert Sawvell
Years at WTAMU: 1967-1996
Title: Professor of Geography
Year Inducted: 2002

Nancy Schnell
Years at WTAMU: 1977-1999
Title: Assistant Professor of Nursing
Year Inducted: 2002

Dr. Gerald E. Schultz
Years at WTAMU: 54 years of service
Title: Professor of Geology
Year Inducted: 2018

William E. Semmelbeck
Years at WTAMU: 1970-1987
Title: Associate Professor of Business
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Lester Fields Sheffy
Years at WTAMU: 1918-1957
Title: Professor of History, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Walter L. Shelly
Years at WTAMU: 1963-2003
Title: Associate Professor of Political Science
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Douglas A. Shirley
Years at WTAMU: 1913-1949
Title: Professor of Physics, Dean of College, Registrar
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. W. David Sissom
Years at WTAMU: 32 years of service
Title: Regents Professor of Biology
Year Inducted: 2024

Dr. Emmitt Smith
Years at WTAMU: 1949-1974
Title: Professor of Education; Dean of College; Vice President for Program Development, Research and Public Service
Year Inducted: 1993

Dr. Hollice H. Snyder
Years at WTAMU: 1965-1983
Title: Associate Professor of Business
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Marian Z. SoRelle
Years at WTAMU: 1962-1977
Title: Professor of Speech
Year Inducted: 1992

Dr. Russell Sparling
Years at WTAMU: 1970-2001
Title: Professor of English
Year Inducted: 2007
Dr. Russell Sparling Bio

Dr. Robert E. Splawn
Years at WTAMU: 1966-1989
Title: Professor of Education
Year Inducted: 1994

Benjamin Alvis Stafford
Years at WTAMU: 1910-1925
Title: Professor of Latin, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Winston Stahlecker
Years at WTAMU: 1986-2000
Title: Professor of Marketing, Head of Department of Management, Marketing and General Business
Year Inducted: 2003

Dr. J. Pat Stephens
Years at WTAMU: 1963-1998
Title: Professor of Public Administration
Year Inducted: 2001

Dr. B.A. Stewart
Years at WTAMU: 25 years of service
Title: Professor of Agriculture
Year Inducted: 2018

Dr. W.M. (Fred) Stoker
Years at WTAMU: 1958-1985
Title: Professor of Education, Head of Division, Dean of College
Year Inducted: 1994

Ms. Allene Stovall
Years at WTAMU: 1960-2001
Title: Assistant Professor Emerita of Sports and Exercise Sciences 1960-2001
Year Inducted: 2012

Ms. Claudia Stuart
Years at WTAMU: 1995 - 2015
Title: Instructor of Criminal Justice and Sociology
Year Inducted: 2017

Dr. Jean Stuntz
Years at WTAMU: 21 years of service
Title: Professor of History
Year Inducted: 2023

Dr. Pat Sullivan
Years at WTAMU: 1959-1991
Title: Professor of English, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 1992

R.A. Terrill
Years at WTAMU: 1911-1940
Title: Professor of Manual Arts, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Constantine P. Thomas
Years at WTAMU: 1992 - 2017
Title : Professor Emeritus of Education, Director, Center for Learning Disabilities
Year Inducted: 2018

Dr. Ron Thomason
Years at WTAMU: 1969-2006
Title: Professor Emeritus of Plant Science
Year Inducted: 2009

Dr. Crannell Tolliver
Years at WTAMU: 1946-1972
Title: Professor of Speech, Head of Department
Year Inducted: 2006

Dr. Charles R. Townsend
Years at WTAMU: 1967-1994
Title: Professor of History
Year Inducted: 199 5

Leon Trekell
Years at WTAMU: 1960-1964, 1967-2000
Title: Associate Professor of Accounting
Year Inducted: 2003

Dr. Ken Van Doren
Years at WTAMU: 1977-2006
Year Inducted: 2010

Dr. Joleen Walsh
Years at WTAMU: 1974-1997
Title: Professor Emerita of Nursing
Year Inducted: 2009

Ms. Ella "Jean" Walker
Years at WTAMU: 1980 - 2014
Title: Instructor of Finance
Year Inducted: 2017

Dr. Jack H. Walker
Years at WTAMU: 1948-1980
Title: Professor of Speech
Year Inducted: 1993

Dr. Kenneth W. Waugh
Years at WTAMU: 1956-1984
Title: Professor of Education
Year Inducted: 1993

Dr. Hellon Wilbur
Years at WTAMU: 1968-2002
Title: Professor Emeritus of Education 1968-2002
Year Inducted: 2012

Dr. Donald Williams
Years at WTAMU: 1973-2007
Title: Associate Professor of Agricultural Business and Economics
Year Inducted: 2008

Dr. Kenneth O. Wilson
Years at WTAMU: 1963-1997
Title: Associate Professor of Agriculture, Dairy Manager
Year Inducted: 2000

Dr. Leonard W. Wilson
Years at WTAMU: 1966-1969, 1971-1994
Title: Professor of Plant Science
Year Inducted: 1995

Mr. Dave Wohlfart
Years at WTAMU: 1991-2008
Title: Instructor Emeritus of Mass Communication
Year Inducted: 2012

Clark E. Wooldridge
Years at WTAMU: 1978-1993
Title: Associate Professor of Social Work
Year Inducted: 1995

Dr. Robert A. Wright
Years at WTAMU: 1964 - 2013
Title: Professor Emeritus of Biology
Year Inducted: 2014

Guy Yates
Years at WTAMU: 1969-2000
Title: Assistant Professor of Speech Communication
Year Inducted: 2003