On-Time Program Completion Rates

Period of Time # Completed Within Expected Time Frame % Completed Within Expected Time Frame

Recent Year

2023 - 2024

15/16 94%

1 Year Prior

2022 - 2023

16/18 89%

2 Year Prior

2021 - 2022

18/19 95%
** 3 year On-Time Program Average is 92% **

Praxis Pass Rates

Period of Time # Passed Exam # Taking the Exam % Passed Exam Rate

Recent Year

2022 - 2023

15 16 94%

1 Year Prior

2022 - 2023

18 18 100%

2 Year Prior

2021 - 2022

20 20 100%
** 3 Year PRAXIS Pass Average is 98% **

Employment Rates of Graduates

Period of Time # of Graduates from Prior Year % of Graduates from Prior Year

Recent Year

2022 - 2023

15/15 100%

1 Year Prior

2022 - 2023

16/16 100%

2 Year Prior

2021 - 2022

17/19 89%
** 3 Year Employment Rate Average is 96% **