How to order a parking permit:
- Go to the WT parking permit portal.
- Please use your WTAMU email address when ordering a parking permit.
- New students can order a parking permit the Monday after attending NSO.
- Students attending the August NSO, can order a parking permit after arriving to campus and reserving a WTAMU mailbox.
- Mailing address needs to be where you want the permit to go. When ordering a permit online use the Student/Tuition Account drop down option for payment. The cost will then be $0.00 which is correct. You can then process the order and receive a temporary permit to print. Your permit for the academic year will arrive by mail in seven to ten business days to the address you provide. Be sure to contact Parking Services if your permit is not received.
- You can purchase a permit with a temporary license plate number. Simply contact Parking Services (806) 651-2309 and update your plate information once you receive your new license plate.
- Only one permit can be ordered online per academic year. Additional permits must be purchased at Parking Services.
- Display your 20 day temporary parking permit after placing your order on the passenger side front dashboard.
How much are permits?
- Included in the cost of tuition.
- Additional vehicles on campus – Permits are $40.00 per vehicle.
- New vehicle – replacement permit is $10.00 with the return of the original permit.
Where do I need to place my parking permit on my vehicle?
- Permits are to be displayed on the inside of the lower passenger side of the front windshield, unless an alternate location has been approved by Parking Services due to unique vehicle characteristics.
Are there permits specific to motorcycles and where can they park?
- Yes. There are motorcycle specific permits and they are to be placed on the left front fork.
- Motorcycle only parking is available and may also park in any valid parking space.
Are there temporary permits?
- If you have purchased a valid permit for a vehicle, you are allowed 21 days of free temporary permits. Temporary permits can be issued for a day or up to a week for another vehicle.
- Temporary permits are available at the Parking Services Office during business hours and at UPD (circle drive of Old SUB) after hours. UPD is open 24/7/365.
- Temporary permits are also available at the Information Desk at the JBK Student Center and from UPD at the Amarillo Center.
- Temporary permits must be displayed on the inside, lower passenger side corner of the front windshield.
- Temporary permits will NOT be issued if you have an outstanding parking citation.
When will parking permits start being enforced for the fall semester?
- Parking permit enforcement will begin on Sept. 3, 2024.
- Several all campus emails will be sent to the student’s WT email account providing parking permit reminders prior to the enforcement date.
Can I park on campus without a permit?
- Only at the First United Bank Center (FUBC). Permits are required in all other parking areas 24/7 (Canyon and Amarillo campuses), except between the long semesters and during the summer months.
If I am a visitor on campus, where can I park?
- Visitor permits are available at Parking Services or the JBK Student Center Information Desk at no cost.
- Parking spaces designated by sign as visitor parking are located in front of the JBK Student Center, in front of Old Main, north side of the Fieldhouse (The Box), behind Buffalo Courts, on the north side of the Fine Arts Complex and in front of the Virgil Henson Activities Center.
If I live on campus, where can I park?
- In any available parking space not designated by sign or painted yellow, red or orange curb.
- There are no designated lots on campus. Only a valid permit is required.
Where is Parking Services located and what hours of operation?
- Old Student Union Building (Old SUB) at 301 23rd street, across from McDonalds.
- Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
- Phone Number: (806) 651-2309
What are the parking rules and regulations?
If I get a citation, can I appeal it?
- Yes. Appeals must be made within 20 days of the issued citation without making payment first.
- An appeal is not permitted 21 days or more after the citation was issued.
What happens if I choose not to pay the citation?
- A restriction is placed on your student records after 30 days if the citation remains unpaid.
- After 30 days of a citation being unpaid, a one-time $15.00 late fee is applied.
- After three unpaid citations, a boot will be placed on your vehicle. If half of your citations fees and the boot fee are not paid within seven days, your vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense.
If I have to bring a different car to campus, what do I do?
- If you have purchased a valid permit for a vehicle, you are allowed 21 days of free temporary permits. Temporary permits can be issued for a day or up to a week for another vehicle. Temporary permits can also be purchased after the first 21 days have been used.
- Temporary permits are available at the Parking Services Office (Old SUB) and at the UPD (circle drive of Old SUB) after hours. UPD is open 24/7/365.
- Temporary permits are also available at the Information Desk of the JBK Student Center during normal business hours.
- Bringing a different car to campus does not authorize you to use visitor parking.
If I live on campus, will I have to move my vehicle for football games held at Buffalo Stadium?
- Yes. Vehicles parked in designated premium stadium parking lots (Zones 6, 7, 10 & 14) need to be moved by midnight on Friday. The first row in Zone 13 (facing north) will also need vehicles removed. This area will be utilized for handicap parking. Vehicles not moved by the deadline will be towed at the owner’s expense. See the online game day map for zone locations and residence hall vehicle relocation options.
Where can I find a campus parking map?
Is there a free shuttle bus service on campus?
- Thunder Express is under the direction of Panhandle Community Services (PCS) and they provide a free bus services to the WT campus. Buses operate from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. During peak hours, there will be a combination of WT (Thunder Express) and Panhandle Community Services (PCS) buses on the route.
- There is free parking at the First United Bank Center (FUBC). In most cases, the bus stop will be closer to your destination than you will be able to find a parking space.
How do I know where the buses are located across campus?
- By using the WT Mobile App and selecting the Buff Transit icon, students can view the buses in real time as they operate on the campus route.
- View the buses in real time on the Buff Transit website
Where are the eight designated bus stops?
- First United Bank Center (northwest corner)
- Torres Evolution Canyon – 47 Valley View Road.
- Two morning stops 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
- Two midday stops 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.
- Two afternoon stops at 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
- Legend’s Canyon – 50 Valley View Road.
- Two morning stops 7:35 a.m. and 8:35 a.m.
- Two midday stops 12:35 p.m. and 1:35 p.m.
- Two afternoon stops at 3:35 p.m. and 4:35 p.m.
- 4th Avenue - south of the Natural Science Building
- Pedestrian Mall - west side, by Jack B. Kelley Student Center
- Russell Long Blvd - north of Fine Arts Complex
- Russell Long Blvd - north of Virgil Henson Activities Center
- Russell Long Blvd - south of the Ag Complex
How can I get to Wal-Mart, if I do not have a vehicle on campus?
Panhandle Community Services provides a free bus ride to Wal-Mart every Friday during the spring and fall semesters.
Pick up locations and times are as follows:
- First United Bank Center (FUBC): 2:00 p.m. - students can use the shuttle service to arrive at the FUBC.
- Campus Evolution Villages: 2:05 p.m.
- Legends Canyon Apartments: 2:10 p.m.
The shuttle bus will arrive at 3:30 p.m. to pick up students from Wal-Mart and return to campus.
If you have additional questions, please call (806) 651-2309 during normal business hours or (806) 651-2300 after hours.