Approved Driver Training

West Texas A&M University requires that employees and student employees take approved driver safety training before operating University vehicles. To be placed on the Approved Driver's List, please contact: Jerry Faltnek, Director of Support Services, University Police Department at 806-651-2308. 

Van Safety

The following safety trainings are available online in the TAMUS Human Resources Training System:


#211408: General Storm Water Awareness
#2112677: Hazard Communication at West Texas A&M University
#2111114: Shots Fired, Shots Fired on Campus (#2111160)
#2111161: Flash Point, Flash Point on Campus (#2111162)


2111525 : Bloodborne Pathogens Online Training - System Version

This online course covers the following topics: 1) applicable regulations and definitions of common terms; 2) occurrence and symptoms of the most common bloodborne diseases; 3) how bloodborne pathogens may be transmitted; 4) what an Exposure Control Plan is and its key provisions; 5) exposure determination, including what workplace procedures might cause exposure; 6) control methods used to prevent exposures; 7) Hepatitis B vaccine program offered to potentially exposed employees; 8) emergency procedures to follow when blood or other potentially infectious materials may be present; 9) procedures to follow if an exposure incident does occur, including post-exposure inoculations and post-exposure evaluation and follow up; and 10) signs and labels used for bloodborne pathogens and other biohazardous materials.

Exposure Incident Reporting

If a bloodborne pathogens exposure incident should occur, report the incident immediately to your supervisor and the safety office. In addition, complete and submit a First Report of Injury form to HR and, if a contaminated sharps was involved, a Contaminated Sharps Injury Reporting Form.

Academic and Research Environmental Health and Safety - Training

West Texas A&M University offers free CPR/AED training through Student Medical Services (Virgil Henson Activities Center Room #104) for students, faculty, and staff.  Please take the initiative to make our campus a safer place by signing up today!  For more information, call Student Medical Services at 806-651-3287.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - Incident Command System (ICS) Training:


Additional Occupational Safety & Health Training:

#700-Introduction to Safety Management

#702-Effective Accident Investigation

#704-Hazard Analysis & Control

#705-Hazard Communication Program

#706-Effective Job Hazard Analysis

#709-Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

#710-Energy Control Program (Lockout/Tagout)

#711-Introduction to Ergonomics

#712-Safety Supervision & Leadership

#713-Confined Space Safety

#714-Fall Protection Program

#715-Electrical Safety Basics

#755-Bloodborne Pathogens

Heat Related Illness (HRI) Prevention