C.E.R.T. (Campus Emergency Response Team)

C.E.R.T. (Campus Emergency Response Team)

The West Texas A&M University CERT group is comprised of faculty and staff assigned as building and floor coordinators to help the campus prepare and respond to evacuations, drills, and critical incidents. They also help with the continuity of operations and campus services, during and after an emergency.

The CERT members volunteer to help coordinate WT's response to campus emergencies involving students, employees, and visitors, while paying special attention to the continuing safety and security needs of members of the university community.

CERT Emergency Response Kit includes:

  • 1-green CERT bag
  • 1-CERT vest
  • 1-hard hat
  • 1-set of safety glasses
  • 1-set of work gloves
  • 1-safety whistle
  • 1-flashlight (replaceable battery type)
CERT is about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety, and doing the greatest good for the greatest number. CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations. Through consistent training, CERT volunteers help protect students, employees, and visitors during campus emergencies.