PACE Program Cost

EdD Finance Graphic


Option 1: Certification ONLY, with Continuous year round enrollment

Monthly Payment Plan

Application Fee Free
Enrollment Fee $65
Monthly Payment $95
Program Cost  $4500

PACE Cost Explained

Monthly Payment Plan - Total Cost $4500

Only $65 to enroll with a monthly charge of $95. Once a teaching job is secured, the remaining balance will be paid over 9 months which may be deducted monthly from a paycheck. This plan will result in lower payroll deductions.

Option 2: Masters Degree seeking, 30-36 SCH* (36 SCH if doing student teaching)

Monthly Payment Plan

Application Fee Free
Enrollment Fee $65 [Module 1]
Monthly Payment $95

Completing the MAT (Masters of Arts in Teaching) - Additional 24 SCH*:

  • 6 SCH - transcribed from Module 1 toward MAT
  • Remaining 24 SCH - Approximately $9,600 in tuition
  • Additional $2,400 (approx.) for 6 SCH (if doing student teaching)

*SCH - semester credit hours


Office of Teacher Preparation
(806) 651-2668
Pyxa Sovilay
PACE Coordinator
Old Main 415B
(806) 651-2613