Behavior Intervention Team (BITeam)

The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) exists to help promote the development of a healthy campus community at West Texas A&M University. The team, made up of select University employees, provides early intervention and support to students who may display behavior that causes reason for concern for the welfare of the individual or the University community.

Contact Information

  • BIT Report/ CARE Report Form - To report an incident
  • Emergency - University Police Department (UPD) - 911
  • Student Counseling Services - 806-651-2340

Recognize and Help a Student in Crisis


  • West Texas A&M University Faculty and Staff Training
    • Prevention, Intervention and University Response is a brief training used by the BITeam to inform campus stakeholders of the system in place to address behavior management concerns. The training is loaded onto the TAMUS' TrainTraq course module 2111655: Behavioral Intervention Team (BITeam) - WTAMU.
  • University of Washington's Center for Teaching and Learning
    • Policies and Professionalism are important when dealing with situations that may arise in your classroom, online, or in your interactions with students and faculty.