How much does WT cost per year?

You may get a quick estimate of the cost of one academic year using our cost calculator. For detailed information on how West Texas A&M University students are billed, please read through this page. The cost of tuition per semester varies based on residency, academic classification, housing, and specific fees for courses and/or academic programs.

Information About:

Costs for Undergraduate Students  
Costs for Graduate Students  
Who Determines Residency Status?  
Texas Resident Students  
Out-of-State Students  
International Resident Students  
Declared Majors and Specific Course with an Approved Additional Flat Fee  

About Rate Tables

The tables below give the base cost of attendance based on residency status and year that coursework is begun at West Texas A&M University. Each link will open a new page, giving the breakdown of the base cost of attendance for 1-26 hours on Fall and Spring tables, and 1-15 hours on Intersession and Summer tables. These costs are approved by the Texas A&M System Board of Regents. Rate tables will NOT include course fees or lab fees (other than differential tuition rates.)

Guaranteed Rate Undergraduate Students - The rate table year for undergraduate is determined by the semester they begin course work at West Texas A&M University. If the student exceeds the guaranteed rate of time, they will then move to the newest tables available for the year their guaranteed rates expire.

One Year Rate Undergraduate Students - The undergraduate student’s rate table year is the current academic year rate.

Graduate and Second Bachelor's - A student enrolling as a new graduate or second bachelor’s student will be billed at the current academic graduate rate. Second bachelor’s students are not charged Graduate Tuition and Graduate Designated Tuition for all classes at a 4000 level or less.

Cost Of Attendance Tables

Use the links below to jump to semester type and table year to see the full base cost of 1-26 hours for Fall and Spring semesters, and 1-15 hours for Intersession and Summer semesters.  

Fall/Spring Tables by Year

Academic years begin with the Fall Semester and end with the Second Summer Session of the following year. Fall semesters run from August through December. Spring semesters run from January through May. Summer terms run from June into July (SU1) and from July into August (SU2) before the next academic year starts.  One-year rate and graduate students will be billed using the current academic year rate tables.  Guaranteed rate undergraduate students are billed using the same table for the academic year in which they first enrolled at WT and for 48 consecutive months thereafter (or until they graduate, whichever comes first.)


IMPORTANT NOTE:  As a result of actions taken by the Texas Legislature to address affordability in higher education, all resident undergraduate academic costs, including tuition, mandatory academic fees, all academic-related general fees, and college course fees will not increase for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years. Exception to the guaranteed rate tuition would be a change in the Statutory Tuition rate by the Texas State Legislature and guaranteed tables will be updated accordingly before the start of the next academic year.

Fall 2020/Spring 2021 Guaranteed Rate Tables (expire May 2024)  

Summer Tables by Year

Summer semesters run from June to July, (Summer 1) and July to August, (Summer 2) each year. One-year and graduate rate students are billed at the current academic year rates.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  As a result of actions taken by the Texas Legislature to address affordability in higher education, all resident undergraduate academic costs, including tuition, mandatory academic fees, all academic-related general fees, and college course fees will not increase for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years.

Intersession Tables by Year

Intersession semesters are January Intersession and May Intersession. One-year under graduate rate and graduate students are billed from the current academic year 1-year rate tables.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  As a result of actions taken by the Texas Legislature to address affordability in higher education, all resident undergraduate academic costs, including tuition, mandatory academic fees, all academic-related general fees, and college course fees will not increase for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years.