Tutor Assistance Program (TAP)

Tutoring Services is a free, appointment-based, one-on-one and pair/group tutoring program for students. Core-curriculum subjects in the math and science areas are covered, but are not limited to these subjects.

Do you:

  • Have trouble with a core curriculum class?
  • Lack confidence in your study skills?
  • Need a scheduled study partner?
  • Need help understanding course content?

The Tutor Assistance Program­ can help you:

  • Enhance test preparation skills.
  • Improve daily study habits.
  • Enrich subject ­understanding.
  • Improve course grades.
  • Develop a study plan that can be applied to all classes.

 The Tutor Assistance program has three ways to get help with tutoring for your classes.

1. Walk-In Tutoring Centers

Tutoring Services has three dedicated tutoring centers available. Please click on each tutoring center's name to learn more about it.

Accounting Tutoring Center  
Math Tutoring Center  
Science Tutoring Center  

2. Tutor Request

The Tutor Assistance Program will match a student with a tutor qualified to meet the student's individual needs. Students wil have direct contact with tutors to discuss days and times to meet throughout the semester.

To request a match with a tutor, please complete a Student Request Assistance Form on Buff Success. Placement with a tutor is not guaranteed as placement is dependent on availability. To see the courses that we currently tutor, please check the list.

3. Brainfuse

Brainfuse is a 24/7, online tutoring service available to all WT students for free. You can find the Brainfuse icon at the bottom of your homepage when you log into BuffConnect.

Brainfuse offers live, on-demand tutoring where students work one-on-one in real time with a tutor, using the tools available for the various subjects to communicate on a virtual whiteboard.

To learn how Brainfuse works, check out the Brainfuse overview video.

About Our Buff Tutors

Each tutor in the Tutor Assistance Program must meet the following requirements:

  • Have earned an A or B in the subject area they tutor.
  • Maintain a 3.0 GPA.

Buff Tutors assist with core, undergraduate, and graduate courses.

Interested in being a tutor for our department? Submit a Tutor Application!

Feedback or Suggestions?

Please tell us how we are doing by taking our survey.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at (806) 651-2341.