Public Dashboards

Enrollment Dashboard - enrollment statistics per class day, including census and certified enrollment counts
Headcount Dashboard - headcounts of the number of majors enrolled by department and/or by college
SCH Dashboard - semester credit hours generated by semester by college, by department, and/or course prefix
Registration Dashboard - registration statistics per week of registration, prior to the first day of class
Graduates Dashboard - numbers of graduates by college, department, major, and academic program.
Course Evaluation Schedule - schedule of the opening and closing of course evaluations for the current semester
New Transfer Demographics - dashboard focusing on incoming transfer students for a large scale view of transfer student demographics, program enrollments, transfer colleges, prior residence, and housing
FTFT Program Enrollment - dashboard focusing on first-time, full-time, degree seeking students to identify what colleges, departments and programs are gaining enrollment by region and high school
Employment Outcomes: Degree Comparison - explore the post-graduate earnings of two majors side by side. Be able to make informed decisions about your degree choice and earning potential 5 years post-graduation, along with debt comparison

Assessment Dashboards

Assessment for Improvement Scorecard - feedback and comments on learning assessment reports for individual programs to promote longitudinal action and accountability
GenEd/Core Analysis Indicator - critical dashboard offers year-by-year rubric based analysis of WT core objectives built to drive both short-term and long-term learning improvement interventions

FERPA Protected Dashboards

(login required)

FTIC Retention Dashboard - disaggregated first-year retention rates for full-time degree seeking, first-time in college students, typically defined as the Freshman Cohort
FTIC 4-Year Graduation Rate Dashboard - disaggregated 4-year graduation rates for full-time degree seeking, first-time in college students, typically defined as the Freshman Cohort
FTIC 6-Year Graduation Rate Dashboard - disaggregated 6-year graduation rates for full-time degree seeking, first-time in college students, typically defined as the Freshman Cohort
Transfer 2-Year Graduation Rate Dashboard - disaggregated 2-year graduation rates for transfer students
Transfer 4-Year Graduation Rate Dashboard - disaggregated 4-year graduation rates for transfer students
Graduation Dashboard - disaggregated numbers of degrees awarded by academic year