Buff Allies

Buff Allies is a volunteer group of staff, faculty, students, alumni, and community members who are committed to creating a safe campus for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA) members of the WT community. Allies will have a Buff Allies or Buff Allies Safe Zone sticker on their offices to designate areas of support in which ALL students can feel safe asking questions, seeking resources, or just hanging out.

Buff Allies welcome those who have questions or need resources but don’t know who or how to ask. Friends, family, and potential allies are invited to seek out a Buff Ally for a safe place to ask questions or seek resources.

Buff Allies is a grassroots volunteer effort. Together with Spectrum, the gay-straight alliance student group, we are committed to creating a discrimination-free campus for all, including our LGBTQIA friends and family.

If you are interested in becoming a Buff Ally or learning about Safe Zone, you can contact the Buff Allies Leadership team at

Look for This Sticker!



Buff Allies Leadership Team