Brand Rationale

Identity System Overview

A well-developed identity system defines an organization, describes its culture, differentiates and positions the organization within the context of the competitive marketplace, and ensures that messages sent to and received by appropriate target audiences are clear and consistent. This document will acquaint you with that system. Although it will take some practice, the branding guidelines will become second nature to you and part of every West Texas A&M University publication, promotion, correspondence, conversation and experience. Fill out the creative request form to request creative services from the Office of Communication and Marketing. All requests will be completed based on University priorities, date of event or scope of project.

Graphic Standards Style Guidelines


Overall Themes of WTAMU's Strategic Plan

• Academic Excellence

• Enrollment

• Learning Environment and Student Success

• Outreach


Brand Promise

The West Texas A&M brand represents a “strong, respected academic institution where people are treated as valuable members of a friendly, supportive community.”


Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators

• Student Learning and Success

• Academic Excellence

• Research, Scholarship and Creative Work

• Fiscal Responsibility

• Catalyst for Economic Development in Region


Key Cultural Attributes

• Academic and Intellectual Freedom

• Pursuit of Excellence in All Endeavors

• Creativity and Innovation

• Respect for the Dignity of All Individuals

• Cooperation and Communication

• Community Service and Leadership

• Exceed Expectations of Internal and External Customers

• Continuous Improvement

• Integrity

These attributes define who we are as an institution—our character, our personality. They are core values that will not be compromised, even to overcome obstacles or achieve short-term goals. It’s our job, everyday and with every encounter, to live up to these powerful descriptors.


Key Messages

• West Texas A&M University provides a major university experience without the big college hassles and expense.

• We are a progressive, growing university with an expanding campus, new facilities, state-of-the-art instructional technology and cutting-edge academic programs.

• We help students explore and discover their interests, talents and abilities and support them in their academic, social and career development.

• We offer a wide variety of academic majors with several outstanding programs that compete (and win!) at the highest level.

• Our students benefit from personal attention, hands-on learning and real-world experiences.

Graphic Standards Style Guidlines