Introductory Info and Activities
Many of the activities listed are from Gallup's StrengthsQuest web site. The referenced resources are available to the general public unless otherwise noted. The page number and name of the resources will be given for each activity so that you can go directly to the particular activity to see the details. This page contains copyright content from Gallup, Inc. Used with permission. Gallup®, StrengthsQuest®, Clifton StrengthsFinder® and the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder theme names and descriptions are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
A Fresh Perspective
Page 27A of the StrengthsQuest™ Activity Workbook
This activity helps students affirm their Signature Themes by relating the themes to past difficulties. This process will help students begin to develop a model of how they can consciously apply their talents to achieve success.
At First Glance
Page 4A of the StrengthsQuest™ Activity Workbook
This activity helps students analyze the content presented in their Signature Theme Report. One of the qualities that separates StrengthsFinder from other personality-type indicators is its accessible and value-added language.
At My Best
Page 2A of the StrengthsQuest™ Activity Workbook
This activity can be used as an icebreaker, or it can be used anywhere in the curriculum to facilitate discussion about talent and strengths. The purpose of this activity is to get students to think about what they do well and how people use their strengths in order to be successful.
Best of the Best
Page 11A of the StrengthsQuest™ Activity Workbook
This activity allows students to talk about individuals they identify as successful and to see that those qualities that make them successful are ones they themselves already possess. Success comes from strength, and strength comes from talent.
Collaborative Environment Document
Download Document
Exploring My Signature Themes
Page 14A of the StrengthsQuest™ Activity Workbook
This activity is designed to help students gain a greater understanding of their individual talents, providing a basis as students continue their StrengthsQuest. Students are asked to define each of their Signature Themes using their own words and phrases, and then share these definitions in small groups.
Five Clues to Talent
Download Document
In this activity, students are asked to consider five questions designed to unearth revealing clues about talent and evaluate their general academic goals in light of their talents and strengths, as well as other personal qualities and external considerations.
How Do I Use My Top 5 Guide
Download Resource File
This Guide can be used along with the 'Strengths: Myth Smashing' video or on its own to learn more about the Strengths philosophy, the StrengthsFinder assessment and your own Top 5
International Students Guide
This Guide can be used to learn more about the Strengths philosophy and how to use your Strengths as a international student at West Texas A&M University.
Myth Smashing Guide
This Guide can be used to learn more about the Strengths philosophy, the StrengthsFinder assessment and your own Top 5
Parents and Families Guide
Download Resource File
This Guide can be used to gain tips for how family members can support their student in applying their Strengths to be successful.
Periodic Table of Strengths
Download File
This was designed by a student at Muhlenberg College for use on their website. We have been given permission to post it here.
Reporting Signature Themes
Page 3A of the StrengthsQuest™ Activity Workbook
Share signature themes and invite responses to help validate and affirm top talent themes.
Signature Themes Grid
Found on your personal page on StrengthQuests web site where you took StrengthsFinder. Look for the Team Talent Map.
In this activity the participant will describe their top five talent themes in their own words, provide an example of how they've used each of their strengths, and how they plan to use them in the future. It's a great exercise to help people understand their strengths.
Strengths Insight Cards
All 34 themes with descriptions for validation and affirmation of Strengths.
The Great Wall of Talent (Themes)Page 18A of the StrengthsQuest™ Activity Workbook
This activity aims to validate and affirm talent themes.
Treasure Hunt / Scavenger Hunt
Page 23A of the StrengthsQuest™ Activity Workbook
This activity is designed to get people up and moving around to learn more about each other. Each person should identify one of his or her top five Clifton StrengthsFinder themes to share during this activity. He or she should be prepared to talk about "one benefit of this theme."
Verify Your Signature Themes, Revisited
Page 79A of the StrengthsQuest™ Activity Workbook
This activity helps students affirm their talent themes by asking them to discuss themes of talent with significant others.
Verifying My Signature Themes
Page 4 of the Strengths Development Framework document by Gallup® StrengthsQuest™
This activity helps students examine how their Signature Themes are manifested in their daily activities and how their Signature Themes are seen through the eyes of others.
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