Yadhira (Yaya) Avalos
McNair Scholar 2023
- Major(s): Biology (Pre-Med)
- Classification: Junior
- Anticipated Graduation Date: Spring 2025
- Career Aspirations: After attaining a bachelor’s degree, Yaya intends to attend medical school and become a family physician. She would like to one day own a clinic for low-income families in Texas.
“My favorite part of being a McNair Scholar is the community that was built here. Being surrounded by such driven and inspiring people has been so inspiring. We all collectively share big goals for our life, and I don’t doubt that one day we will reach them.”- Yaya Avalos

“Ethical Implications of Social Media in Health Care”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Priscella Correa
Technology has grown expediently over the years, and so has social media. It was inevitable for social media to reach the healthcare space eventually. While digital communications have helped pave the way for many new and exciting advances, it has also raised some ethical concerns. In this evolving digital world where healthcare providers are desensitized to social media use around them, it is important to recognize necessary rules to prevent any unethical situations from arising. Healthcare providers need to have a set of ethical principles to guide them.