Kara Ramirez
McNair Scholar 2023
- Major(s): Biology (Pre-Vet)
- Classification: Senior
- Anticipated Graduation Date: Fall 2023
- Career Aspirations: After attaining a bachelor’s degree, Kara plans to apply and attend vet school or go into a graduate master’s program for a field that she is interested in.
“My favorite activity was touring the Texas Tech Campus. Seeing the campus and its facilities boosted my desire to attend and attain a master’s degree. I was able to see the Biotechnology program and tour the labs along with seeing what the courses for a graduate program are like. I also was able to meet many people who would help me if I attended a Texas Tech graduate program. It was very enthralling and I look forward to applying.”- Kara Ramirez

“Epidemiological Study of the Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance of Ticks within the Texas Panhandle”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. David Sissom
Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) play a vital role in the higher education of Hispanic students. Despite their increasing enrollment, Hispanic students often face unique challenges within these institutions. By utilizing photovoice with the multidimensional conceptual framework of servingness at HSIs, this study will explore how Hispanic students enrolled at a four-year Hispanic Serving Institution explain servingness through the concepts of outcomes (academic and non-academic), experiences (student and nonstudent), internal organizational dimensions, and external forces.