Castina Dobbins
McNair Scholar 2023
- Major(s): Accounting and Finance Major
- Classification: Senior
- Anticipated Graduation Date: Spring 2024
- Career Aspirations: After attaining a bachelor’s degree, Castina plans to continue her education, attaining a master’s degree before taking the CPA exam to pursue a Certified Public Accounting (CPA) License.
“My favorite part of the McNair Scholars Program was gaining valuable research experience that will help me in graduate school to further my educational goals. I enjoyed working with my mentor, Dr. Oscar Solis, and the McNair Staff, Victoria and Kirbi, who have helped me improve as a person and researcher. My cohort was a group of individuals who were driven, passionate, and supportive of each other. It was great getting to know each of them beyond their research. We have built bonds that only other McNair Scholars can understand. “- Castina Dobbins

“The Financial Hardship on Lives that Face Cancer”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Oscar Solis
This study explores cancer's financial hardships and emotional impact on patients, survivors, and their families. We developed a 32-question survey and interviewed participants in person and through an online version of the survey. The findings suggest that most cancer patients and survivors faced financial hardships that prevented them from paying bills and resulted in acquiring loans and credit cards to pay for expenses. The paper also highlights participant financial advice for current and future cancer patients and their families. This research could help those in hardship from cancer see different techniques or other sources to help them navigate the emotional impact, financial toxicity, and financial hardships the cancer patients, survivors, and their families face.