Your Communication Studies and Media Communication faculty are experts in their fields and ready to support your education at WT.
We have an emphasis to fit your interests and career goals. Check out the various options providing you the flexibility to build solid career paths.
Join the department's student organizations for hands-on learning opportunities to add to your classroom education. Some include options for online learners.
Check out some of the events you can experience as a student in the Department of Communication. We have in-person and online events to serve our majors.
Internships and job opportunities are available to grow your knowledge and skills obtained in the Department of Communication. Check out what is available and see what is the right fit for you.
Connecting with peers and attending events on campus is part of the college experience. Check out the Fine Arts Fanfare for the latest news in the Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities, including upcoming performances and opportunities to interact with other students.
Dr. Jessica Mallard Communication Scholarship
Dr. Jessica Mallard joined the faculty at West Texas A&M University in 2002, transitioning to the position of Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts & Humanities Dean in 2011. Through this scholarship, donors honor the legacy of Dean Mallard by supporting student success at West Texas A&M University.
Thank you, Dr. Mallard for all of your service at WTAMU!
Graduate Student Profile: Allison Welch
Buffs Around Town - Palace Coffee from West Texas A&M University on Vimeo.