Nancy Garcia, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor of Media Communication
Office: Sybil B. Harrington Fine Arts Complex 269
Email: ngarcia@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2414
Professional Profile
Dr. Nancy García joined the Department of Communication at West Texas A&M University in 2017. García, a first-generation student and Mexican immigrant, earned an M.A. in Mass Communications and an Ed.D. in Higher Education Administration from Texas Tech University. She is a member of the Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education (TACHE), the National Association of Hispanics in Journalism (NAHJ), the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), and the College Media Association (CMA).
García is the adviser for The Prairie News, the student-led news outlet at WT.
Teaching and Related Service
García’s teaching practices focus on intentional experiential learning opportunities that develop key professional competencies for community journalism and multimedia production. The courses she teaches at the undergraduate level include Principles of Journalism, Narrative Journalism, New Media, Multimedia Journalism, International Journalism, and The Prairie News Practicum. At the graduate level, García teaches Communication Research Methods.
García is passionate about improving education opportunities, building equitable higher education environments for first-generation students, and developing programming and academic engagement to advance the efforts of Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs).
Research and Creative Activity
García’s areas of interest include intercultural communication, media and journalism pedagogy, first-generation and Hispanic/Latino/a/x student success and motivation, mentoring, and university teaching experiences. Her research has been published in journals like Communication Studies, Communication Teacher, and Journal of Latinos and Education. She has also published chapters in books like Handbook of Research on Cyberbullying and Online Harassment in the Workplace, Leading Millennial Faculty: Navigating the New Professoriate, First-Gen Stories of Success, and Teaching Communication Series: Pedagogical Resources and presented research at conferences like the Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education, the National Communication Association, and the International Communication Association.
In addition to her research, García has published popular press pieces, including one guest essay in the Borger News Herald that is an adaptation of the article published in Communication Studies: A Scene from the Borderlands of Translation, Transcendence, and Communicability and two multimedia articles in Borderzine: Reporting Across Fronteras that resulted from participation in the Dow Jones News Fund Multimedia Training Academy.
List of Publications:
To read more publications by Dr. García, please visit her Google Scholar Profile.