Writing Center Faculty Support

The Writing Center provides many resources for faculty members. Let us be part of your classroom and semester experience! Below are the different ways we can assist faculty.

Faculty Referral Program

Have a struggling student? We can offer specialized instruction that includes brainstorming, outlining, proofreading, and everything in between! To take advantage of our referral program, please fill out our form.

Classroom Presentations

The Writing Center can speak to your class! We can adapt our presentation depending on your writing needs. Past presentations have included information about our services, writing professional emails, and the writing process. If interested in the UWC speaking to your class this semester, email us at

Require Our Services for Assignments

Want higher-quality papers from students? We can help! Some instructors require their students to visit the Writing Center before turning in assignments. After a student visits us, we send you a confirmation email about their visit.

Need More Assistance?

Let us know! We are always looking for ways to improve our services. Email us at or stop by the Writing Center in person!