Alpha Mu Alpha
Alpha Mu Alpha is the national marketing honorary of the American Marketing Association. It was established in the spring of 1981 to recognize and reward academic excellence in the discipline and science of marketing. In order to be inducted into Alpha Mu Alpha, a student must meet the scholastic requirement as well as have been nominated by one or more of the marketing faculty. Alpha Mu Alpha was implemented at WT in 2016 and has since inducted numerous, highly skilled marketing students.
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Robert Allen King
Assistant Professor of Marketing
CC 214C • (806) 651-4002 • Email
Beta Gamma Sigma
Founded in 1913, Beta Gamma Sigma is the international business honor society for AACSB-accredited schools (which are the top 10% of business school programs around the world). To be eligible for selection for Beta Gamma Sigma membership, students must be in the top 10% of undergraduate/graduate business students, assuring that our members belong to an organization synonymous with the highest standards of academic excellence. Beta Gamma Sigma membership is the highest honor a business student attending WT can achieve. Our chapter at WT has received Highest Honors from the Beta Gamma Sigma Collegiate Chapter Honor Roll Program.
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Kelly McCauleyAssociate Professor of Management
CC 228A • (806) 651-2549 • Email
Omicron Delta Epsilon
Omicron Delta Epilson (ODE) is one of the world's biggest international academic honor societies with nearly 700 chapters throughout the world. Its primary objectives are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics. While the ODE organization began in 1963, WT established its chapter in 1970.
To be considered for membership, an undergraduate student must complete 12 hours of economics courses, attain an economics GPA of 3.0 or higher, have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, and a genuine interest in economics. A graduate student must complete at least 9 hours of course work, with 6 completed hours of graduate economics courses, and an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher to be eligible for membership.
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Neil MeredithAssociate Professor of Economics
CC 332B • (806) 651-2493 • Email
Upsilon Pi Epsilon
Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) is the first and only, existing international honor society in the Computing and Information disciplines. Upsilon is the first letter for the Greek word “computer”; Pi is the first letter for “information”; and Epsilon is the first letter for “science”. The mission of UPE is to recognize academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Computing and Information Disciplines. UPE was first organized at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, in 1967 and now it consists of more than 290 chapters in various colleges and universities in North America and overseas. The WT Chapter of UPE was initiated in 2017 and since then it has inducted numerous highly skilled and talented CIS students.
The eligibility of students for election for membership in this chapter of the Upsilon Pi Epsilon Association shall be determined as follows:
- A graduate student must be a candidate for a graduate degree in the Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business Computer Information Systems (CIS) disciplines, and must have completed at least eighteen semester hours for graduate credit. Further, he or she must have a grade point average of at least 3.6, exclusive of research and seminar courses.
- An undergraduate student must be a candidate for an undergraduate degree in the computing and information disciplines, and must have completed at least 45 semester hours for undergraduate credit, including 15 semester hours or 23 quarter hours in the basic courses in the Computer Information Systems discipline. Further, he or she must have a grade point average of at least 3.0, with a grade point average of at least 3.3 in all computer information systems coursework, and must rank in the top thirty-five percent of computing students satisfying the credit requirement.
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Liang ChenAssistant Professor of Computer Information Systems
CC 208F • (806) 651-2469 • Email