Casey Pleming

Casey J. Pleming

Instructor of English

Office: Classroom Center 326E
Phone: 806-651-2373

Professional Profile

Pleming joined the Department of English, Philosophy, and Modern Languages in 2008. She received a B.A. in English/Language Arts from West Texas A&M University in 2006 with her Secondary Teaching Certification, completing an M.A. in English Literature from West Texas A&M University in 2008. While working on her Master’s, she served in the department as a research and teaching assistant. She was hired as full-time faculty shortly after completing her degree. She has taught composition courses in the department ever since. 

Teaching and Related Service

Pleming teaches freshmen-level writing courses, including English 1301, 1302, and developmental writing. Recently, she has developed special-topics courses in religious and political rhetoric.

Research and Creative Activity

Pleming’s research interests include post-colonial and modernist literature, especially the works of James Joyce.