
Dr. Mark Bartley

Lilith Brainard Professor of Music

Office: Mary Moody Northen Hall, Room 166
Phone: 806-651-2776

Personal Website

Professional Profile

Mark Bartley has conducted professional orchestras across the U.S., China, South Korea, Portugal, Romania, and the Czech Republic. He has also directed ensembles from Cornell, Yale, Boston University, New England Conservatory, University of Texas, University of Hawaii, Baylor University, Changwon National University (South Korea) and the Orquestra Nacional Sopros (Portugal). In the Texas Panhandle, he has served the Amarillo Symphony Orchestra as associate conductor and led the Amarillo Youth Symphony. He is a frequent clinician of All-Region and other festival ensembles.

Teaching and Related Service

As Director of Orchestral Activities, Dr. Bartley leads the WT Symphony Orchestra and teaches graduate-level conducting. He also serves the Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts & Humanities as Associate Dean for Music and leads the top orchestra at WT's Band & Orchestra Camp.