Marketing & International Business Links©

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Mkt/IB Meta Index (3,500+ Useful Links)   "SHAREKNOWLEDGE"

Last Update: October 5, 2024***

***Introductory Video (4:00 min)***

This meta index was launched in 1997 and is maintained by
Syed Tariq Anwar (Homepage)©

Professor of Marketing & International Business
Department of Management, Marketing & General Business
Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business
West Texas A&M University
Canyon, Texas 79016

Please send comments/suggestions to:
***Copyright © 1997-2024 by Syed Tariq Anwar***

* For current ranking of "Marketing & International Business Links" (using search term "International Marketing Links" or "International Business Links"), see: Google Search.

Marketing & International Business Links
Academic Journals (selected list)
    Business & Management-Related Journals
    Electronic Journals: Lists & Indexes
    International Business/Int'l Marketing/Int'l Trade
    International Law & Related Journals
    Journals/Magazines List & Indexes
    Journal Rankings, Metrics & Related Sites/Comments
    Marketing Journals
    Multidisciplinary & Other Journals
Artificial Intelligence
Benchmarking, TQM, Six Sigma & Related Links

Bibliographical Styles, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Related Sites
Business & Academic Periodicals
Business Communication
Business Ethics & Related Sites
Business History, Management Models/Philosophy & Related Theories
Business Schools, Universities, Accreditation Bodies & Higher Education

Case Method/Case Study Approach
Competitiveness Issues, Industry Clusters & Innovation
Course Syllabi & Teaching Material

Current Research, Business Portals, Institutes & Archives
Directories & Reference Sites
Distance Education
E-Business, E-Commerce & Digital Enterprises
E-Exchanges & Online Marketplaces
Indexes, Abstracts & Library Catalogs
Industry Associations
Information on Companies, Markets & Industries
Intellectual Capital & Knowledge Management
International Business & International Marketing Links
    Antitrust Issues/Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
    Asia, Oceania & Pacific Rim
    Barter & Countertrade
    Carbon Footprints & Global Business
    Carbon Tax, Cap-and-Trade, Carbon Pricing & Related Topics in Global Business
    Caribbean & Central/Latin America
    The Coronavirus (Covid-19) Crisis: Global Perspectives, Data Sites, Literature & Resources
    Country/Political Risk Analysis/Risk Management
    Country Reports/Rankings & Regional Studies
    Cultures, Cross-cultural Research, International Management, HR & Leadership Issues
    Currencies/Foreign Exchange Sites
    Doing Business: Institutes, Guides, Surveys & Other Resources
    Emerging Markets
        BRIC & RDEs
        EMs: Miscellaneous Links, Surveys & Reports
    European Sites
        Business/Markets & other Links
        The Euro
        European Union
    Exports & Imports
    Financial Crisis
    Foreign Direct Investment
    Free Trade Zones/Export Processing Zones
    Global Brands/Branding Issues, Surveys & Studies
    Global Cities
    2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis & Post-Crisis Issues and Environment
    Global Industries & Industry/Region-Specific Studies
    Globalization & Related Topics
    Global Value Chains/Global Commodity Chains
    Industry Clusters
    International Accounting
    International Agriculture
    International Business Centers
    International Business & International Marketing Resources, Indexes & Meta Sites
    International Business/Int'l Marketing Periodicals
    International Business-Related Research/Global Strategic Management/Internationalization
    International Law
    International Logistics, Distribution, Transportation, Production and Supply Chain Issues
    International Marketing/Int'l Marketing Research
    International Retailing
    International Trade Theories/Ancient Economies/World Trade
    Japanese Sites
    Maps, Geography/Geographers & Time Zones
    Middle East
    Multinational Corporations  (MNCs), Rankings & Business Reports/Surveys
    USMCA (NAFTA) & Other Trade Agreements
    North America
    Policy/Other Organizations
    Russia, Central Asia, Central/Eastern Europe & CIS
    Supply Chain Management
    Trading Companies
    World Governments/International Affairs
International Finance, Banking & Economics
International/Multilateral Organizations
Logic, Critical Thinking & Related Sites
Management Consulting & Accounting Firms
Marketing Links
    Big Data & Analytics
    Census Data, Statistical Resources & Other Data Sets (domestic & international)
    Data Resources, Links, Indexes & Meta Sites
    Market Research & Other Organizations
Media/Networks/Radio Stations
Newspapers (domestic/international) & Other Sources
Publishing Companies
Research Methods/Statistics/Math
Small Business/Entrepreneurship/Franchising/New Venture Creation
Stock Exchange Resources
Strategic Alliances, JVs/IJVs, M&As, Interorganizational Cooperation & Related Links
Theories & Related Links
Trade Shows & Exhibitions

U.S. Government/States

Other Links
Ancient Trade Routes, the Silk Road & Famous Explorers
    Ancient Trade Routes & the Silk Road
    Famous Explorers
Fellowships, Grants & Scholarships
Job-Search Sites
Mountains & Glaciers
    Karakoram Highway (KKH), Karakoram Mountains & Hunza Valley
    Mountains/Glaciers & Other Sites
Search Engines & Related Sites
Social Networking Web Sites
Symphony Orchestras & Classical Music

    Classical Music & Related Sites
    Symphony Orchestras
Travel & City Guides
Weather & Related Sites
White & Yellow Pages

Academic Journals (selected list)

Business & Management-Related Journals
Academy of Management Annals
Academy of Management Collections
Academy of Management Discoveries
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Learning & Education
Academy of Management Perspectives
Academy of Management Review
The Accounting Review
Administration and Society
Administrative Science Quarterly
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
American Economic Review
American Economic Review Insights
AEA Papers and Proceedings
American Review of Public Administration
The American Statistician
Annual Review of Economics
Annual Review of Financial economics
Annual Review of Resources Economics
Annual Review of Statistics & its Applications
Arbitration International
Asia Europe Journal
Asia Pacific Business Review
Asia Pacific Economic Literature
Asia Pacific Journal of Business Administration
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Asian Business & Management
Asian Case Research Journal
Asian Economic Papers
Asian Journal of Management Cases
Australian Journal of Management
Benchmarking: An International Journal
Big Data and Society
British Journal of Employment  Relations
British Journal of Management
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
Business & Economic History Online
Business Ethics: A European Review
Business Ethics Quarterly
Business History
Business History Review
Business Horizons
Business & Society
Business & Society Review
Business Strategy & Development
Business Strategy & the Environment
Business Strategy Review
California Management Review
Cambridge Journal of Economics
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy & Society
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Canadian Journal of Economics
Case Research Journal
China & World Economy
Chinese Management Studies
Competition & Change
Competitiveness Intelligence Review
Competitiveness Review
Computers in Human Behavior
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance: An International Review
Corporate Reputation Review
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
Creativity & Innovation Management
Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal
Cultural Geographies
Decision Analysis
Decision Sciences
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
Diaspora Studies
Distance Education
East Asia
Economic Development & Cultural Change
Economic Geography
The Economic History Review
Economic Inquiry
The Economic Journal
Electronic Markets
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
Enterprise & Society
Ethics & Behavior
European Business Review
European Economic Review
European Journal of International Management
European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management
European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology
European Management Journal
European Management Review
European Planning Studies
Family Business Review
Federation of Business Disciplines Journal
Finance & Development
Global Business Review
Growth and Change
Harvard Business Review
Human Relations
Human Resource Development Quarterly
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Journal
Human Systems Management
IBM Journal of Research & Development
IEEE - Transactions on Engineering Management
IMF Economic Review
Industrial & Corporate Change
Industrial Management & Data Systems
Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Industrial Relations Journal
Industry & Innovation
Information, Communication & Society
Information Systems Journal
Information Systems Research
International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal
International Food & Agribusiness Management Review
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems
International Journal of Bank Marketing
International Journal of Business Governance & Ethics
International Journal of Commerce and Management
International Journal of Business Communication
International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management
International Journal of the Economics of Business
International Journal of Electronic Commerce
International Journal of Emerging Markets
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
International Journal of E-Business Research
International Journal of Finance & Economics
International Journal of Human Resource Management
International Journal of Information Management
International Journal of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Management
International Journal of Industrial Organization
International Journal of Innovation & Technology Management
International Journal of Management Reviews
International Journal of Money & Finance
International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior
International Journal of Project Management
International Journal of Public Administration
International Journal of Quality & Services Sciences
International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances
International Journal of Technology Management
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
International Journal of Value-Based Management
International Journal of Web Based Communities
International Labor Review
International Migration Review
International Review of Administrative Sciences
International Review of Financial Analysis
International Small Business Journal
Internet Research
Japan and the World Economy
Journal of Accounting & Public Policy
Journal of African Business
Journal of Air Transport Management
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
Journal of Applied Case Research
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Asia Business Studies
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Business & Psychology
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Business Strategies
Journal of Business Strategy
Journal of Business Venturing
Journal of Change Management
Journal of Cleaner Production
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Journal of Common Market Studies
Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management
Journal of Corporate Finance
Journal of Development Studies
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Journal of Economic Geography
Journal of Economic Growth
Journal of Economic History
Journal of Economic Literature
Journal of Economic Perspectives
Journal of Economic Surveys
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
Journal of Education for Business
Journal of Engineering & Technology Management
Journal of Entrepreneurship
Journal of Environmental Economics & Policy
Journal of Family Business Strategy
Journal of Finance
Journal of Financial Crime
Journal of Financial Regulation
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
Journal of Forecasting
Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Journal of General Management
Journal of High Technology Management Research
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation
Journal of International Development
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money
Journal of Internet Commerce
Journal of Industrial Economics
Journal of Industrial Relations
Journal of Information Science
Journal of Informetrics
Journal of International Migration & Integration
Journal of Knowledge Management
Journal of Labor Economics
Journal of Law & Economics
Journal of Law, Economics & Organization
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
Journal of Management
Journal of Management Development
Journal of Management Education
Journal of Management & Governance
Journal of Management History
Journal of Management Inquiry
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Managerial Issues
Journal of Manufacturing Systems
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Journal of Operations Management
Journal of Organization Behavior
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Policy Analysis & Management
Journal of Political Economy
Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory
Journal of Research in International Education
Journal of Regulatory Economics
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
Journal of Small Business Management
Journal of Social Psychology
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Journal of Strategy & Management
Journal of Transport Geography
Journal of World-Systems Research
Knowledge Management Research & Practice
Law & Society Review
Leadership Quarterly
Long Range Planning
Management Communication Quarterly
Management Decision
Management Learning
Management & Organizational History
Management & Organization Review
Management Research Review
Management Review Quarterly
Management Science
Managerial & Decision Economics
The McKinsey Quarterly
Migration Studies
MIS Quarterly
MIT Sloan Management Review
Negotiation & Conflict Management Research
OPEC Energy Review
Operations Research
Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes  
Organization Science
Organization Studies
Organization Theory
Organizational Dynamics
Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics
Pacific Basin Finance Journal
Pacific Economic Review
Pakistan Development Review
Performance Improvement Quarterly
Personnel Psychology
Policy Sciences
Policy Studies Journal
Production & Operations Management
Progress in Human Geography
Project Management Journal
Public Administration
Public Administration & Development
Public Administration Review
Public Policy & Administration
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Rand Journal of Economics
Rationality & Society
Regional Studies
Regulation and Governance
R&D Management
Research in Higher Education
Research Observer
Research Policy
Research in Transportation Business and Management
Resources Policy
Review of Economic Dynamics
Review of Economics & Statistics
Review of Industrial Organization
Review of Policy Research
Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv)
Risk Analysis
SAM Advanced Management Journal
Scandinavian Journal of Management
Schmalenbach Business Review
Scottish Journal of Political Economy
Small Business Economics
SN Business & Economics
SN Social Sciences
Social Indicators Research
Social Responsibility Journal
South Asian Journal of Business Studies
Southwestern Economic Review
Strategic Change
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Strategic HR Review
Strategic Organization
Strategic Outsourcing
Strategy & Leadership
Strategic Management Journal
Strategy Science
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Operations & Computers
Technological Forecasting & Social Change
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
Technology in Society
Telecommunications Policy
The TQM Journal
Transport Policy
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior
Transportation Science
The World Bank Economic Review
Voluntas: Int'l Journal of Voluntary & Non-Profit Organizations
World Development
The World Economy
The World Bank Economic Review
The World Bank Research Observer

Electronic Journals: Lists & Indexes
Electronic Journal Access: The Alliance (The Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries)
Electronic Journal Locator (Vanderbilt Univ.)
Ejournal Site Guide: A Meta Source (The Univ. of British Columbia Library)
Electronic Journals (New Mexico State Univ.)
Virtual Libraries at (WWW Virtual Library)

International Business/Int'l Marketing/Int'l Trade Journals

Critical Perspectives on International Business
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management
European Journal of International Management
Global Business & Organizational Excellence
Global Finance Journal
Global Strategy Journal
International Business Review
International Economic Review
International Finance
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
International Journal of Cultural Policy
International Journal of Emerging Markets
International Marketing Review
International Studies of Management & Organization
International Trade Journal
Journal of Global Marketing
Journal of International Business Policy
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting
Journal of International Management
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of International Trade Law & Policy
Journal of Multinational Financial Management
Journal of Teaching in International Business
Journal of World Business
Journal of World Intellectual Property
Journal of World Investment & Trade
Journal of World Trade
Management International Review
Multinational Business Review
Review of International Business & Strategy
Thunderbird International Business Review
Transnational Corporations Review
World Competition
World Trade Arbitration & Materials
World Trade Review

International Law & Related Journals
American Journal of Comparative Law
American Journal of International Law
American Law & Economics Review
American Review of International Arbitration
American University International Law Review
Annual Survey of International & Comparative Law
Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law
Asia-Pacific Law & Policy Journal
Australian International Law Journal
Berkeley Journal of International Law
Berkeley Technology Law Journal
Boston College International & Comparative Law Review
Boston College Third World Law Journal
Boston University International Law Journal
Brooklyn Journal of International Law
California Western International Law Journal
The Cambridge Law Journal
Capital Markets Law Journal
Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law
Chicago Journal of International Law
Chicago-Kent Journal of International & Comparative Law
Chicag-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property
Chinese Journal of International Law
Colorado Natural Resources, Energy & Environmental Law Review
Columbia Business Law Review
Columbia Journal of Asian Law
Columbia Journal of European Law
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
Common Market Law Review
Cornell International Law Journal
Denver Journal of International Law & Policy
Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law
Duquesne Business Law Journal
Emory International Law Review
European Business Law Review
European Business Organization Law Review
European Integration Online Papers
European Journal of International Law
European Journal of Law & Economics
European Law Journal
Florida Journal of International Law
Fordham International Law Journal
Georgetown Journal of International Law
George Washington International Law Review
Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law
Gonzaga Journal of International Law
Hastings International & Comparative Law Review
Harvard Environmental Law Review
Harvard International Law Journal
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy
Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
Harvard Law & Policy Review
Harvard Law Review
Houston Journal of International Law
Human Rights Law Review
Illinois Business Law Journal
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal
ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law
Intellectual Property and Technology Law Journal
International & Comparative Law Quarterly
International Journal of Comparative Labor Law & Industrial Relations
International Journal of Constitutional Law
International Journal of Law & Information Technology
International Journal of Refugee Law
The International Lawyer
International Review of Intellectual Property & Competition Law
Journal of Business & Intellectual Property Law
Journal of Competition Law & Economics
Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice
Journal of International Arbitration
Journal of International Dispute Settlement
Journal of International Economic Law
Journal of International Law
Journal of Law & Commerce
Journal of Law, Economics & Organization
Journal of Law & Public Policy
Journal of Science & Technology Law
Journal of Transnational Law & Policy
Journal of World Energy Law & Business
The Law & Business Review of the Americas
Law Journals (WashLaw)
Law, Probability & Risk
Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review
Melbourne Journal of International Law
Michigan Journal of International Law
Minnesota Journal of International Law
New York University Journal of International Law & Politics
North Carolina Journal of International Law & Commercial Regulation
Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business
Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law
NYU Journal of Law & Business
Ocean Development & International Law
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal
Oxford University Comparative Law Forum
Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases
Richmond Journal of Global Law & Business
San Diego International law Journal
Santa Clara Journal of International Law
Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal
Stanford Environmental Law Journal
Stanford Journal of International Law
Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance
Stanford Law & Policy Review
Stanford Technology Law Review
Syracuse Journal of International Law & Commerce
Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal
Texas International Law Journal
Texas Journal of Oil, Gas & Energy Law
Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems
Transnational Law Review
Tulane Journal of International & Comparative Law
Tulsa Journal of Comparative & International Law
UC Davis Journal of International Law & Policy
UCLA Environmental Law & Policy
UCLA Journal of International Law & Foreign Affairs
UCLA Journal of Islamic & Near Eastern Law
UCLA Journal of Law & Technology
University of Pennsylvania Asia Law Review
University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law
University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law
The Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law & Arbitration
Virginia Journal of International Law
Washington International Law Journal
Washington University Global Studies Law Review
Wisconsin International Law Journal
Yale Journal of International Law
Yale Journal on Regulation
Yale Law & Policy Review

Journals/Magazines List &  Indexes
International Law Journals (FindLaw)
ISI Web of Knowledge/Clarivate Analytics
JSTOR: Journal Storage
Science Direct
Science Watch (Archive, Clarivate Analytics)

Journal Rankings, Metrics  & Related Sites/Comments
2015 Academic Journal Guide (The Association of Business Schools, UK)
Are Journal Rankings Distorting Science? (Science Daily)
Assessing Journal Quality (J. O'Connor, Scholarly Communication Librarian, Boston College Libraries)
An Assessment of the Predictive Validity of Impact Factor Scores (Holden, Rosenberg, Barker & Onghena, Research on Social Work Practice, 16/6, 2006)
Bibliometrics & Citation Tracking - Home (Bodleian Libraries, Univ. of Oxford, 2019)
The Changing Face of Journal Metrics (M. Taylor & J. Kamalski, Elsevier, Nov. 2012)
Comparing Law Journal Impact Factor/Prestige (J. Casey, Harvard Law School Library)
Current Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality List
List of ABDC Journals (2018)
Business Education Research Journal Rankings (AACSB)
Citation Analysis & Journal Rankings (Florida International Univ. Libraries)
Citation Research & Impact Metrics (ASU Library, Arizona State Univ.)
Clarivate Analytics/Web of Science
Commentary: The Power of the Unrelenting Impact Factor - Is it a Force for Good or Harm? (R. Smith, Int'l Jr. of Epidemiology, 35/1, 2006)
Editorial - Traditional & Alternative Metrics: The Full Story of Impact (H. Donato, Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, 20/1, 2014)
Exploring the Influence of Scientific Journal Ranking----, ( Sasvári, Nemeslaki & Duma, Scientometrics, 2019)
50 Journals Used in FT Research Rank (Sept. 2016)
The History & Meaning of the Impact Factor (E. Garfield, JAMA, V. 295, N. 1, 2006)
Impact Factor (Wikipedia)
Impact Factor Distortions (B. Alberts, Science, May 17, 2013)
The Impact Factor Fallacy (Paulus, Cruz & Krach, Frontiers in Psychology, 2018)
Impact Metrics & Scholarly Attribution (UCLA Library)
ISRIA Statement: Ten Point Guidelines for an Effective Process of Research Impact Assessment (Adam et al., P., Health Research Policy & Systems, 16/8, 2018)
Journal & Author Impact Metrics: An Editorial (AG Woodside, Jr. of Business Research, 62/1, 2009)
The Journal Impact Factor: A Brief History, Critique & Discussion (V. Larivière & C.R. Sugimoto, 2018)
Journal-Level Metrics (LaTrobe Univ. Library, Melbourne, Australia)
Journal Metrics (Springer)
Journal Quality List - 62nd ed. (, 2018)
Journal Metrics Getting More Meaningful & Easier to Understand: What 's New With SNIP and SJR - and How are they Calculated? (S. Huggett, Elsevier, March 2013)
Journal Ranking (Wikipedia)
A Journal Ranking for the Ambitious Economist (KM Engemann & HJ Wall, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, May-June, 2009)
Journal Ranking & Impact Factors (D. Koutsomichali, Info. Services, Univ. of Brighton, UK)
Journal Rankings: Save the Outlets for your Research (S. M. Shugan, Marketing Science, 2003)
Keeping Up with Altmetrics (R.C. Roemer & R. Borchardt, Association of College & Research Libraries)
The Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics (D. Hicks, P. Wouters & Colleagues, Nature, April 23, 2015)
Meaningful Metrics: A 21st-Century Librarian's Guide to Bibliometrics, Altmetrics & Research Impact (Roemer & Borchardt, Assoc. of College & Research Libraries, 2015)
Measure Your Research Impact (University Libraries, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Measuring Impact in Research Evaluations: A Thorough Discussion of Methods for, Effects of and Problems with Impact Measurements (L. Bornmann, Higher Edu., 73, 2017)
Measuring the Importance and Impact of Academic Research (Selected Articles, Journal of Informetrics, Elsevier)
Measuring Your Research Impact (Carnegie Mellon University Libraries)
Measuring Research Impact (City Univ. of Hong Kong Library)
Measuring Research Impact (UC Berkeley Library)

Measuring Research Quality & Impact: Times Cited Counts (Univ. of Missouri Libraries)
Measuring Scientific Impact Beyond Academia: An Assessment of Existing Impact Metrics and Proposed Improvements (Ravenscroft, Liakata, Clare & Duma, PLOS One, March 2017)

Measuring Your Scholarly Impact (V. Weis, Harvard Kennedy School, Library & Knowledge Services)
The Metric Tide: Report of the Independent Review of the Role of Metrics in Research Assessment & Management (Wilsdon, J., et al., Univ. of Sheffield; HEFCE, 2015)
Metrics Toolkit: Helping you Navigate the Research Metrics Landscape
Other Metrics: Beyond the Impact Factor (D. Crotty, Oxford Journals, 2017)
Problems Associated with Using the Impact Factor? (AD Kemp, 2013)
Rankings Journals in Business & Management: A Statistical Analysis of the Harzing Dataset (J. Minger & A. W. Harzing, 2007)
Research Impact (Auckland Univ. of Technology Library)
Research Impact: Guide About How to Track your Scholarly & Research Impact (J. Hart, Univ. of Chicago Library)
Research Impact & Citation Analysis (Penn Libraries, Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Research Impact Metrics: Citation Analysis (R. Welzenbach, Univ. of Michigan Library)
Research Impact Metrics (B. Tweedy, Univ. Libraries, Univ. of Oklahoma)
Research Metrics (Western Libraries)
San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment-DORA (2012)
Scientific Journal Rankings (SJR)
Scholarly Impact (Syracuse Univ. Libraries)
Scholarly Impact Metrics (Univ. Libraries, Seton Hall Univ.)
Scholarly Metrics (Sheridan Libraries, Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Scholarly Metrics (West Virginia Univ. Libraries)
The Seductive Power of Academic Journal Rankings: Challenges of Searching for the Otherwise (SM Nkomo, Academy of Mgt. Learning & Edu., 8/1, 2009)
Stop Looking at Rankings: Use Academe's Own Measures Instead (R.M. Freeland, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Sept. 2017)
The UT-Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings (Univ. of Texas-Dallas)
Tracking & Promoting your Scholarship (S. Ryan, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School, Nov. 2013)
Tyranny of Metrics (J.Z. Muller, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Jan. 2018)
Understanding Research Metrics (E. Devine, Content & Communications, Taylor & Francis, June 2018)
What's Wrong With the Journal Impact Factor in 5 Graphs (D.S. Chawla, Nature Index, April 2018)
When Knowledge Wins: Transcending the Sense and Nonsense of Academic Rankings (NJ Adler & A-W Harzing, Academy of Mgt. Learning & Edu., 8/1, 2009)
Where Should I Publish? (La Trobe Univ.)
With 2013 Journal Rankings, No One Metric Rules Them All (E. Dyas, Elsevier, July 2014)
Worldwide Faculty Perceptions of Marketing Journals (Hult, Reimann & Schilke, GlobalEdge Bus. Rev., 2009)

Marketing Journals
Academic Jounals  (American Marketing Association)
AMS Review
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics
Consumption, Markets & Culture
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
Corporate Communications: An International Journal
Customer Needs & Solutions
European Journal of Innovation Management
European Journal of Marketing
Industrial Marketing Management
International Journal of Advertising
International Journal of Consumer Studies
International Journal of Culture, Tourism & Hospitality Research
International Journal of Innovation Management
International Journal of Logistics Management
International Journal of Market Research
International Journal of Non-Profit & Voluntary Sector Marketing
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
International Journal of Research in Marketing
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
International Marketing Review
International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of Brand Management
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Journal of Cultural Marketing Strategy
Journal of Consumer Affairs
Journal of Consumer Behavior
Journal of Consumer Culture
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Journal of Consumer Policy
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Customer Behavior
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management
Journal of Euromarketing
Journal of Global Marketing
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
Journal of Interactive Marketing
Journal of Islamic Marketing
Journal of International Consumer Marketing
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of Macromarketing
Journal of Market-Focused Management
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Channels
Journal of Marketing Communications
Journal of Marketing Education
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education
Journal of Marketing Management
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing
Journal of Personnel Selling & Sales Management
Journal of Product & Brand Management
Journal of Product Innovation Management
Journal of Public Affairs
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services
Journal of Services Marketing
Journal of Service Research
Journal of Strategic Marketing
Journal of Supply Chain Management
Journal of Targeting, Measurement & Analysis of Marketing
Managing Service Quality
Marketing Education Review
Marketing Intelligence & Planning
Marketing Letters
The Marketing Review
Marketing Science
Marketing Theory
Place Branding & Public Diplomacy
Psychology & Marketing
Public Relations Review
Qualitative Market Research
Review of Marketing Science
The Service Industries Journal
Services Marketing Quarterly
Tourism & Hospitality Research

Multidisciplinary & Other  Journals
Advances in Climate Change Research
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
American Anthropologist
The American Historical Review
American Journal of Human Biology
American Journal of Political Science
American Journal of Sociology
American Scientist
Animal Biology
Annual Review of Animal Biosciences
Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics
Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science
Annual Review of Cell & Developmental Biology
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Annual Review of Control, Robotics & Autonomous Systems
Annual Review of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution & Systematics
Annual Review of Food Science & Technology
Annual Review of Genomics & Human Genetics
Annual Review of Law & Social Sciences
Annual Review of Materials Research
Annual Review of Medicine
Annual Review of Microbiology
Annual Review of Neuroscience
Annual Review of Nuclear & Particle Science
Annual Review of Nutrition
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology & Organizational Behavior
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
Annual Review of Political Science
Annual Review of Psychology
Annual Review of Public Health
Annual Review of Sociology
Annals of Botany
Asian Survey
Astronomy & Astrophysics Journal
Astrophysical Journal
British Journal of the History of Science
British Journal of Politics & International Relations
British Journal of Sociology
British Medical Journal
Brown Journal of World Affairs
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Chemical Reviews
Climatic Change
Contemporary Review
Current History
Columbia International Affairs Online
Columbia Journal of Environmental Law
Cultural Geographies
Current Biology
Energy Policy
Ethics & International Affairs
The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Policy
Geography Compass
Geographical Journal
Geographical Review
Georgetown Environmental Law Review
Georgetown Public Policy Review Online
Global Environmental Change
Global Environmental Politics
Global Networks
Harvard Asia Pacific Review
Harvard International Review
History of Science
History Today
The Independent Review
Indian Journal of History of Science
Information Technologies & International Development
Inorganic Chemistry
International Affairs
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
International Journal of Urban & Regional Research
International Organization
International Relations
International Security
International Social Science Journal
International Studies Quarterly
International Third World Studies Journal & Review
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Markets
Journal of American Medical Association
Journal of Biology
Journal of Cold War Studies
Journal of Cultural Geography
Journal of Environment & Development
Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal of Historical Geography
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Journal of International Affairs
Journal of Microbiology
Journal of Modern History
Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research
Journal of Organic Chemistry
Journal of Paleontology
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Journal of Public & International Affairs
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
Journal of World History
Journal of Zoology
Knowable Magazine
The Lancet
Middle East Review of International Affairs
Millennium: Journal of International Studies
MIT International Review
National Geographic
Natural Resources Research
Nature Astronomy
Nature Biotechnology
Nature and Culture
Nature Climate Change
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Nature Genetics
Nature Medicine
Nature Methods
Nature Physics
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Nature Sustainability
New Perspectives Quarterly
National Security Journal
The New England Journal of Medicine
Organization and Environment
Plant Science
Policy Review
Political Geography
Political Science Quarterly
Quantum Science & Technology
Rand Review
Review of Modern Physics
Review of Policy Research
The Round Table
SAIS Review of International Affairs
Science Advances
Science Robotics
Science Translational Medicine
Scientific American
Scientific Reports
Social Forces
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Third World Quarterly
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Trends in Microbiology
The Washington Quarterly
The Wilson Quarterly
World Politics
World Press Review
The World Today
The Yale Globalist
Yale Global Online
Yale Human Rights & Development Law Journal
Yale Journal of Criticism
Yale Law & Policy Review

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (Accenture)

Artificial Intelligence (Financial Times)
Artificial Intelligence (IBM)
Artificial Intelligence (IEEE Spectrum)
Artificial Intelligence (MIT Technology Review)
Artificial Intelligence (NIST, U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
Artificial Intelligence (OECD)
Artificial Intelligence (ScienceDirect)
Artificial Intelligence (Scientific American)
Artificial Intelligence (Wikipedia)
Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & Policy (The World Bank, May 17, 2023)
Artificial Intelligence (World Economic Forum)
Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Teaching & Learning (U.S. Dept. of Education, 2023)
Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector (World Bank Group)
AI should Augment Human Intelligence, not Replace it (De Cremer & Kasparov, HBR, March 2021)
Blue Print for an AI Bill of Rights (White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, Oct. 2022)
Copyright Registration Guidance: Works Containing Material Generated by Artificial Intelligence (U.S. Copyright Office, March 2023)
DOE Explains Artificial Intelligence (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
The Economic Potential of Generative AI (McKinsey Digital)
Generative AI could raise global GDP by 7% (Goldman Sachs, April 5, 2023)
The Global AI Index (Tortois Media, 2023)
Google AI
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Development in the Post-Covid-19 Era (World Bank Group)

Benchmarking, TQM, Six Sigma & Related Links

American Productivity Quality Center
Baldrige Award (Value Based
Benchmarking (About Inc.)
Benchmarking (Wikipedia)
The Benchmarking Exchange
Benchmarking Methods (Value Based
The Benchmarking Network
Benchmarking and Best Practices Resource List
Benchmarking Links
Benchmarking Reports (Best Practices, LLC)
Benchnet: The Benchmarking Exchange
The Deming Cycle (Value Based
Global Benchmarking Network
Kaizen (Value Based
Six Sigma (iSixSigma)
Six Sigma (Value Based
Six Sigma (Wikipedia)
Total Quality Management (Wikipedia)
Total Quality Management Glossary (M. J. Shamp)
TQM-14 Points of Managenent/Deming (Value Based

Bibliographical Styles, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Related Sites
Citing Internet & Print Resources (Cornette Library, West Texas A&M Univ.)
Guide to Grammar & Style (Jack Lynch, Rutgers Univ.)
Logos: Multilingual E-Translation Portal
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
Multilingual Dictionaries List (Univ. of Geneva)

Business & Academic Periodicals

Bloomberg Businessweek
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Conference Board
The Economist
Industry Week
Latin Trade
PC Magazine
Technology Review
Training & Development

Business Communication

Business Communication Quarterly
Business Communication Resource Links (McGraw Hill)
Business Communication Skills (Business Management@Suite101)
Communication in Business-to-Business Marketing Channels: Does Culture Matter? (Rosenbloom & Larsen, IMM/32, 2003)
Communication Strategies at a Fortune 500 Company: The Impact on Performance (M. D. Simmons)
Cross-Cultural Communication (Kwintessential/UK)
Journal of Business Communication
Speech Communication Resources & Links (Cengage Learning)
12 Secrets of Effective Business Communication (Smashing Media GmbH)
Why Good Communications are Important (BIS & Dept. for Business, Innovation & Skills/UK)

Business Ethics & Related Sites

Accounting Scandals (Wikipedia)
Business Ethics & Anti-corruption (ITA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
Business Ethics (Knowledge@Wharton)
Business Ethics: The Magazine for Corporate Responsibility
Business Ethics (Santa Clara Univ.)
Business Ethics (Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosoiphy/2008)
Business Ethics (Wikipedia)
Business Ethics - A European Review
Business Ethics Quarterly
Business & Society
Ethics Education in Business Schools (AACSB, 2004)
Ethics Must be Global not Local (B. George, Bloomberg Businessweek/Feb. 12, 2008)
Ethics & Responsibility (12Manage)
Financial Bubbles & Business Scandals in History (Int'l Jr. of Public Admn./Gray, Frieder & Clark, 30/2007)
Frameworks for Teaching & Learning Business Ethics Within the Global Context: Background of Ethical Theories (White & Taft/JME, Aug. 2004)
The Greatest Financial Scandals (BloombergBusinessweek)
A History of Business Ethics (R. T. De George/Santa Clara Univ.)
Is Business Ethics Getting Better? A Historical Perspective (J. B. Ciulla, Business Ethics Quarterly/21, 2011)
Journal of Business Ethics
List of Ethics Topics (Wikipedia)
List of Corporate Scandals (Wikipedia)
OECD Guidelines for MNEs: Recommendations for Responsible Business Conduct in a Global Context-2011
Teaching Business Ethics: A Critical Need (Bloomberg Businessweek/Oct. 25, 2007)
Teaching Business Ethics in the Age of Madoff (Change/Dec. 2009)
White-Collar Crime (Wikipedia)
Why Business Ethics? (J. Hooker, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 2003)

Business History, Management Models/Philosophy & Related Theories

Ansoff's Product/Market Grid (Value Based
Balanced Scorecard (Value Based
Balanced Scorecard (Wikipedia)
BCG Matrix (12Manage)
BCG Matrix (Value Based
BCG Growth Share Matrix (Wikipedia)
Best of History Web Sites
Blue Ocean Strategy (Value Based
Blue Ocean Strategy (Wikipedia)
Bricks & Clicks (12Manage)
Business (Wikipedia)
Business Cycles (Wikipedia)
Business Model (Wikipedia)
Business Philosophies & Popular Management Theories (Wikipedia)
The Center for International Business History (Univ. of Reading)
Change Management Iceberg (Value Based
Industrialization of Services Business Model (Wikipedia)
International Business Study (Wikipedia)
Labor History (WWW Virtual Library)
List of Business Theorists (Wikipedia)
List of Management Topics (Wikipedia)
List of Oldest Companies (
List of Oldest Companies (
List of Oldest Companies (Wikipedia)
Management (Wikipedia)
12Manage: Management Methods, Models & More
Organizational Configurations (Value Based
Organizational Configurations/Mintzberg (12Manage)
Porter's 5 Competitive Forces Model (Value Based
Porter's 5 Forces Analysis (Wikipedia)
Porter's Value Chain Model (Value Based
Seven Habits Model (Value Based
Strategy (12Manage)
Strategy (Wikipedia)
Strategic Management (Wikipedia)
Strategy Maps (Value Based
Strategy Maps (Wikipedia)
Sustainable Competitive Advantage (Wikipedia)
10 Schools of Strategic Management/Mintzberg (12Manage)
Tertiary Sector of Industry (Wikipedia)
12 Principles of the Network Economy (12Manage)
Value Based Management Methods/Models/Theories
Value Chain (Wikipedia)
Value Network (Wikipedia)

Business Schools, Universities, Accreditation Bodies & Higher Education

AACSB International
Accreditation in the United States (U.S. Dept. of Education)
Association for Institutional Resources
Best Colleges 2014 (U.S. News & World Report)
Business & Business School: A Partnership for the Future, 2006 (AACSB)
Business Education in the 21st Century - I (D. A. Garvin & S. M. Datar, HBS, Oct. 2008)
Business Education in the 21st Century - II (D. A. Garvin & S. M. Datar, HBS, Oct. 2008)
The Business School Rankings Dilemma, 2005 (AACSB)
College Guide (Washington Monthly)
Colleges & Universities (Yahoo Directory)
Copyown: A Resource on Copyright Ownership for the Higher Education Community (R. J. Petersen, Univ. of Maryland)
AACSB Research Report: Globalization of Management Education-2011 (AACSB)
2014 Business
Data Guide (AACSB)
Impact of Research: A Guide for Business Schools (AACSB International, 2012)
International Center for Education Statistics (U.S. Dept. of Education)
International Universities (Yahoo Directory)
Management Education at Risk (AACSB, 2002)
The Promise of Business Doctoral Education, 2013 (AACSB)
U.S. Colleges & Universities (Yahoo Directory)
Web U.S. Universities, Alphabetic (Statistics/Team, Univ. of Texas-Austin)
Why Management Education Matters (AACSB)
University of the Future (Ernst & Young, 2012)

Case Method/Case Study Approach

Application of a Case Study Methodology (W. Tellis, Fairfield Univ.)
The Case Method (Harvard Business School)
The Case Method: A Critique and a Conceptual Menu for Excellence (Y. Sankar, Dalhouise Univ.)
Case Research Associations & Suggested Readings of the Case Method
Case Studies (Houghton Mifflin)
Case Studies (Univ. of Auckland)
Case Study (WSJ Center for Entrepreneurs)
Case Study (Wikipedia)
A Case Study of Case Studies: Producing Real World Learning within the Classroom (D. Needham, Nottingham Trent Univ., 2001)
Case Writing in Action
Editorial: Save Research-Abandon the Case Method of Teaching (S. Shugan, Marketing Science, March/April 2006)
Guide to Case Analysis (McGraw Hill)
HBS Case Method Deprives Students of an Authentic Learning Experience (MBA Toolbox)
The Ivey Case Study Method (Univ. of Western Ontario)
Making the Case: Professional Education for the World of Practice (D. A. Garvin, Harvard Magazine, Sept./Oct. 2005)
Preparing an Effective Case Analysis (South-Western College Publishing)
SWIF Learning: A Guide to Student-Written, Instructor-Facilitated Case Writing (P. W. Swiercz, George Washington Univ.)
Teaching Strategies: Case-Based Teaching (Univ. of Michigan)
Using a Teaching Case (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Univ.)
Writing Teaching Cases: A Quick Reference Guide (CAIS)

Competitiveness Issues, Industry Clusters & Innovation

Business Cluster (Wikipedia)
The Case for U.S. Trade Leadership (Business Roundtable)
Cluster Development (Wikipedia)
Clusters of Innovation Initiative (Council on Competitiveness)
Cluster Mapping Project (HBS)
Cluster Mapping in Europe & the U.S. (C.H.M. Ketels, HBS, 2005)
Cluster Theory (
Competitiveness (Wikipedia)
Competitiveness Index (Council on Competitiveness)
Competitiveness in U.S. Rural Regions: Learning & Research Agenda (M. E. Porter et al., HBS, Feb. 2004)
Council on Competitiveness
Creating Economic Clusters in the Muslim World (Dinar Standard)
Diamond Model & Clusters/Porter (12Manage)
Disruptive Innovation/Christensen (12Manage)
Economic Profiles of the 50 U.S. States & the District of Columbia (Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness)
The Future of Market Capitalism (M. Porter, HBS, Oct. 2008)
Global Biotech Clusters (W. Hoffman, MBBNet)
The Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007 (World Economic Forum)
Global Competitiveness Report-World Economic Forum (Wikipedia)
Innovation (Wikipedia)
Innovation Index (IBM)
Innovation Index Links (The Great North Alliance)
Innovation Lecture 2001-Netherlands (M.E. Porter, HBS)
Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness (HBS)
International Cluster Competitiveness Project (HBS)
Making Sense of Clusters: Regional Competitiveness & Economic Development (The Brookings Institution)
Regional Innovation (Council on Competitiveness)
Signs of Life: The Growth of Biotech Centers in the U.S. (Cortright & Mayer, The Brookings Institution, 2002)
World Competitiveness Yearbook (IMD)

Course Syllabi & Teaching Material

Electronic Commerce Course Syllabi Page (B. D. Santos, Univ. of Louisville)
Marketing Syllabi & Teaching Material (The World Lecture Hall, UT-Austin)
Syllabits (New South Network Services)
WTAMU Course Syllabi (West Texas A&M Univ.)
The World Lecture Hall (Univ. of Texas-Austin)

Current Research, Business Portals, Institutes & Archives

AMA's Global Marketing Special Interest Group
Bain & Company
Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.
The Boston Consulting Group
Brint Web Portals
Business Books: Core Collections & More (P. Z. McKay, Univ. of Florida)
Cluster Mapping Project (HBS)
Council on Competitiveness
Data & Research (The World Bank)
Data & Statistics (
Data & Statistics (IMF)
Development Data & Statistics (The World Bank)
The Earth Institute (Columbia Univ.)
Global Business Policy Council (ATKearney)
GlobalEdge (Michigan State Univ.)
Global Industries (KPMG)
HBS Working Knowledge
INSEAD Knowledge
International Cluster Competitiveness Project (HBS)
Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness (HBS)
Journal of International Business Studies Paper Archives
Journal of International Marketing Archives
Journal of Marketing Archives
Journal of Marketing Research Archives
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Archives
KPMG International
Marketing Science Institute/Research
Martindale's Reference Desk
McKinsey & Company
Mercer Management Consulting
12Manage (Management Methods, Models & More)
Policy Research Working Papers (The World Bank Group)
Project Syndicate
Research & Insights (Accenture)
Research & Knowledge at IMD
RGE Monitor
The Sloan Industry Centers (The Alfred Sloan Foundation)
Value Based (Management Methods/Models/Theories)
WTO Research & Analysis
WTO Trade Topics

Directories & Reference Sites
Around the World in 2 Billion Pages (Internet Archive)
The Best Information on the Net: BIOTN (O'Keefe Library, St. Ambrose Univ.)
Business & Economics (The WWW Virtual Library)
Business Cycle Indicators (The Conference Board)
Business Research Links
Business Resources (LSU Libraries)
Calendars (Yahoo)
CMC Information Sources
Digital Collections & Programs (The Library of Congress)
Digital Librarian: A Librarian's Choice of the Best of the Web (M. V. Anderson, Cortland, New York)
Electronic Reference Collection (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Electronic Resources (Univ. of Oxford Libraries)
Guides for Business Research (Univ. of Washington)
Infomine: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections (The Libraries of the Universities of California)
The Institute of Social Research (Univ. of Michigan)
Internet Archive
Islamic Calendars (Yahoo)
Internet Scout Project (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
Internet Subject Guides (Louisiana State Univ. Libraries)
Melvyl Homepage (California Digital Library)
NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks (National Institute for Research Advancement, Japan)
OECD Statistics Portal 
Social Science Information Gateway: SOSIG
WayBackMachine (Internet Archive)

Distance Education

Best Online Graduate Business Programs - 2014 (US News & Business Report)
California Virtual Campus
Distance Education (Chronicle of Higher Education)
Distance Education Clearinghouse (Univ. of Wisconsin, Extension)
Distance Learning (Yahoo List)
Distance Learning: College & Universities (Yahoo List)
Distance Learning Institutions (Open Directory Project)
Guide to Online
Western Governors University

E-Business, E-Commerce & Digital Enterprises
Center for eBusiness@MIT
Center for Research in Electronic Commerce (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Commerce Net
Doing Business on the Internet (The Library of Congress)
Electronic Business (Wikipedia) (The Economist Intelligence Unit)
eBusiness Research Centers (Penn State)
E-Business Outlook 2003 (A. T. Kearney)
E-Commerce (ZDNet)
Electronic Commerce (Lex Mercatoria)
Electronic Commerce (Yahoo Directory)
E-Lab (Vanderbilt Univ.)
The Electronic Commerce Guide
Electronic Markets (The International Journal of Electronic Commerce & Business Media)
e-Government (Booz.Allen & Hamilton)
IBM E-Commerce Advisor Tools
The Information Economy (H. R. Varian, Univ. of California-Berkeley)
International Center for Electronic Commerce, Seoul Korea
Internet & Online (
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication (Indiana Univ.)
Managing the Digital Enterprise (M. Rappa,  North Carolina State Univ.)
Strategy & the New Economics of Information (BCG)
Transaction Net
We Are the Web (Wired)
Web 2.0 (Wikipedia)
Working Knowledge: E-Commerce & the Marketspace (Harvard Business School)
World Wide Web (Wikipedia)

E-Exchanges & Online Marketplaces

B2B Exchanges for the Retail Industry (
E-Sourcing: 21st Century Purchasing (Booz Allen Hamilton, 2000)
Online Marketplaces (Wellman/M.P. Singh, ed./CRC Press, 2004)
Seven Online Marketplaces - Pros & Cons (Practical Ecommerce)

Top Online Marketplaces (Bloomberg Businessweek)

Indexes, Abstracts & Library Catalogs
Databases from SAGE Publications
ERIC: Educational Resources Information Center
Electric Library (Infonautics Corp.)
High Impact Journals (Science Gateway)
ISI Web of Knowledge (Thompson Reuters)
Internet Archive
Lexis.Nexis - Academic Universe
Librarians' Index to the Internet (Univ. of Calif.-Berkeley)
The Library of Congress Online Catalog
OCLC: Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Palgrave Search
Pathfinders (Cornette Library, West Texas A&M Univ.)
Science Direct
SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index (Thompson Reuters)
Stanford University Library & Academic Information Resources
WayBackMachine (Internet Archive)
Wiley Interscience

Industry Associations

American Apparel Producers' Network (AAPN)
American Bankers Association
American Petroleum Institute
Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, Inc. (AIAM)
Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA)
Electronics Industries Alliance (U.S.)
The Federation of International Trade Associations
International Air Transport Association
National Association of Manufacturers (U.S.)
National Federation of Independent Business (U.S.)
Trade Associations (Yahoo List)

Information on Companies, Markets & Industries

The Annual Reports Service (WSJ)
Chicago's Top 100 Companies (Chicago Tribune)
Companies (Yahoo Directory)
Corporate Information (G. Regnery, Stamford, CT)
CorpTech: Database of 50,000 High-Tech Companies (Corporate Technology Information Services)
Dow Jones Industrial Average (Wikipedia)
Dun & Bradstreet
Europages - The European Business Directory
Free Domain Name Search
Global Investor
Hoover's Companies - A-Z
Hoover's Online
Industry Research Desk (Virtualpet)
List of Companies (Wikipedia)
Thomas Register of American Manufacturers
The US Web100 by Industry
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission

Intellectual Capital & Knowledge Management
Enterprise Knowledge Workers: Understanding Risks & Opportunities (EIU, 2007)
Global Employment Trends 2009 (ILO)
Human Capital & Job Creation (Milken Institute)
Intangibles Valuation (Value Based
Knowledge Connections (D. Skyrme)
Knowledge Ecology (Community Intelligence Labs)
Knowledge Economy (EnterWeb)
Knowledge Management (Wikipedia)
Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning (
The Knowledge Management Resource Center
Knowledge (Wikipedia)
Measuring Knowledge Assets of a Nation: Knowledge Systems for Development (UN)
The Montague Institute
Sveiby Knowledge Associates
Tacit Knowledge (Wikipedia)
Worknomics: Measuring the Importance of People (The Boston Consulting Group, 2001)

International Business & International Marketing Links

African Studies Center (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Yahoo's Links to Africa

Antitrust Issues/Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
A Brief Comparison of European & American Antitrust Law (A. F. Abbott, The Univ. of Oxford Center for Competition Law & Policy)
Antitrust - Various Articles (Harvard Law Review)
Antitrust Enforcement Guidelines for International Operations (U.S. Dept. of Justice)
Antitrust Law is not that Complicated (Harvard Law Review Forum, Vol. 130, 2017)
Breakup of the Bell System (Wikipedia)
The European and U.S. Approaches to Antitrust and Tech (M. Coppola & R. Nazzini, CPI, May 4, 2020)
The Evolution of Standard Oil (J. Desjardins, Visual Capitalist, Nov. 24, 2017)
Fighting Global Corruption: Business Risk Management (U.S. State Dept.)
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (U.S. Dept. of Justice)
The Global Dominance of European Competition Law Over American Antitrust Law (Bradford et al., A., Columbia Law School Scholarship Archive, Jul2, 2019)
Paradoxes of Digital Antitrust: Why the FTC Failed to Explain its inaction on Search Bias (F. Pasquale, Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, July 2013)
Placing the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act on the Tracks in the Race for Amnesty (SA Fraser, Texas Law Review, 90/4, 2012)
Platform, Power & the Antitrust Challenge: A Modest Proposal to Narrow the U.S.-Europe Divide (E. M. Fox, Nebraska Law Review, Vol. 98, 2019)
SEC Enforcement Actions: FCPA Cases (1978-2020)
Standard Oil: Ascent & Assessment (U.S. Department of Justice)
Troubled Waters Between U.S. and European Antitrust (D. D. Sokol, Michigan Law Review, April 2017)
Using Antitrust Law to Address the Market Power of Platform Monopolies (M. Jarsulic, Center for American Progress, July 28, 2020)
U.S. and EU Competition Law: A Comparison (E. M. Fox, Institute for International Economics)
U.S. Antitrust Law & Policy in Historical Perspective (L. P. Sawyer, HBS Working Paper, 2019)
The U.S. Antitrust Laws in a Global Context (D. P. Wood, Columbia Business Law Review, 2004)
Why U.S. Antitrust Law should not Emulate European Competition Policy (G. A. Manne, Int'l Center for Law & Economics, Dec. 19, 2018)
WSJ's 'Ma Bell Map'

Asia, Oceania & Pacific Rim
Asian Business Watch
Asian & Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures (Univ. of Virginia Library)
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library (Australian National Univ.)
Asia Pacific Management Forum
Asia-Pacific Research Center (Stanford Univ.)
Bibliography of Asian Studies (Univ. of Michigan)
CEAL - Council on East Asian Libraries Homepage
The Chang-Lin Tien Center for East Asian Studies (UC-Berkeley)
Fairbank Center for East Asian Research (Harvard Univ.)
Harvard University Asia Center
Institute of East Asian Studies (UC-Berkeley)
Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance
SARAI - South Asia Resources Access on the Internet (Columbia University)  
Yahoo's Links to Asia
Yahoo's Links to Oceania
Yahoo's Links to Pacific Rim

Barter & Countertrade
Asia Pacific Countertrade Association
Barter (Wikipedia)
Barter - Relevance & Relation to Money (R. Davies, U.K.)
Countertrade (Wikipedia)
Economic Incentives for Countertrade (R. Mirus & B. Yeung, JIBS, Fall 1986)
Global Offset & Countertrade Association

Carbon Footprints & Global Business
Short Video: 'Carbon Footprints & Global Business: Critical Issues & a Review', 2020 AIB Conference Paper (YouTube, 5:13 min)

Carbon Footprints (FT, 2018-2020)
Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change-IPCC, Aug. 2021)
Costs of Carbon (The Economist, Sept. 17, 2020)
Counting Carbon in the Marketplace (OECD, June 2009)
The Economics of Climate (Finance & Development, Dec. 2019)
Expert Consensus on the Economics of Climate Change (P. Howard & D. Sylvan, NYU School of Law, Dec. 2015)
Global Fossil Fuel Subsidies Remain Large (Coady et al., D., IMF, May 2, 2019)
How to Reduce your Carbon Footprints (Albeck-Ripka, L, NYT)
101 Companies Committed to Reducing their Carbon Footprints (B. Morgan, Forbes, Aug. 26, 2019)
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: How Much at What Cost? (McKinsey & Co. & The Conference Board, Dec. 2007)
Six Products, Six Carbon Footprints (J. Ball, Oct. 6, 2006, WSJ)
State & Trends of Carbon Pricing 2018 (The World Bank)
State & Trends of Carbon Pricing 2020 (The World Bank)
World Development Report 2010: Development & Climate Change (IBRD/The World Bank, Washington, DC, 2010)

Carbon Tax, Cap-and-Trade, Carbon Pricing & Related Topics in Global Business
Carbon Pricing Dashboard: Map & Data (The World Bank)
Carbon Risk & Resilience (S. Bradley, G. Lan & S. Pye, Chatham House, April 2018)
Carbon Tax vs. Cap-and-Trade: What's a Better Policy to Cut Emissions? (N. Kaufman, World Resource Institute, March 2016)
Climate & Carbon: Aligning Prices & Policies (Various Reports, OECD)
The Climate Challenge & Trade: Would Border Carbon Adjustments Accelerate or Hinder  Climate Action? (A. Prag, OECD, Feb. 2020)
Developing Country Perspectives on Carbon-Based Competitiveness, Trade & Climate Linkages (V. P. B. Yu III, Chatham House, London, UK, Oct. 2009)
Emission Trading Registries: Guidance on Regulation, Development & Administration (The World Bank Group, 2016)
The Faster Principles for Successful Carbon Pricing (OECD & The World Bank Group, Sept. 2015)
Fiscal Policies for Paris Climate Strategies - From Principle to Strategies (IMF, May 2019)
Guide to Communicating Carbon Pricing (IBRD/The World Bank, 2018)
Putting a Price on Pollution (I. Parry, Finance & Development, Dec. 2019)
State & Trends of Carbon Pricing 2020 (World Bank Group, Washington, DC., May 2020)

Caribbean & Central/Latin America
LANIC (Latin American Network Information Center, Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Latin World - Directory of Internet Resources
Yahoo's Links to Caribbean
Yahoo's Links to Central America
Yahoo's Links to Latin America

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) Crisis: Global Perspectives, Data Sites, Literature & Resources
Seminar Video: "The Coronavirus (Covid-19) Crisis: Global Perspectives and Research Issues", West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Sept. 28, 2020 (YouTube, 1:10 hr)

The Best, and the Worst, of the Coronavirus Dashboards (N. V. Patel, MIT Technology Review, March 6, 2020)
The British Medical Journal
Bulletin of World Health Organization
CDC Covid Data Tracker
Cell (Cell Press)
Central Banks' Response to Covid-19 in Advanced Economies (Cavallino & de Fiore, BIS, June 2020)
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)
Combating Covid-19 with Resilience (Deloitte)
Complexity of the Basic Reproduction Number - Ro (Delamater et al., P. L., EID Journal, Jan. 2019)
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Wikipedia)
Coronavirus, Covid-19 (World Economic Forum)
Covid Economics: Vetted & Real-Time Papers (Center for Economic Policy Research, London, UK)
Covid-19 Herd Immunity: Where are we? (A. Fontanet & S. Cauchemez, Nature Reviews Immunology, Oct. 2020)
The Covid-19 Pandemic and the $16 Trillion Virus (D. M. Cutler & L. H. Summers, JAMA, Oct. 20, 2020)
Covid-19: Strategic Intelligence (World Economic Forum)
Coronavirus Resource Center (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Covid-19 Databases & Journals (CDC)
Covid-19 Financial Data Tracking (FRED)
Covid-19: Implications for Business (McKinsey & Co.)
Covid in the U.S.: Latest Maps and Case Count (NYT)
The Covid Tracking Project (The Atlantic)
Global Epidemiological Situation (WHO)
Herd Immunity: A Rough Guide (Fine, Eames & Heymann,Clinical Infectious Diseases, April, 2011)
A History of Herd Immunity (Jones, D., The, Sept. 19, 2020)
How Covid is Changing the World: A Statistical Perspective (CCSA & Others, 2020)
International Journal of Epidemiology (Oxford Academic)
The IMF & Covid-19
Journal of American Medical Association
The Lancet (Elsevier)
The Limits of R: What the Reproduction Number Can and Can't Tell Us About Covid-19 (D. Adam, Nature, July 2020)
Living, Working & Covid-19 (Ahrendt et al., D., Eurofound/EU, 2020)
Nature (Springer Nature)
Nature Medicine (Springer Nature)
Navigating Covid-19 in Asia & the Pacific (Editors: Susantono, Sawada & Park, Asian Development Bank, Sept. 2020)
NBER Studies Related to Pandemic Research
The New England Journal of Medicine
Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
Scientific American (Springer Nature)
The 7 Best Covid-19 Resources (Visual Capitalist)
Vaccine (Elsevier)
WHO Coronavirus (Covid-19) Disease Dashboard
Why Open Science is Critical to Combating Covid-19 (OECD, May 2020)
Why Ro is Problematic for Predicting Covid-19 Spread (K. Zimmer, The Scientist, July 13, 2020)
The World Bank Group's Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic
World Investment Report 2020: International Production Beyond the Pandemic (UNCTAD, 2020)

Country/Political Risk Analysis/Risk Management
Control Risks Group
Country Risk Analysis (C. R. Harvey, Duke Univ.)
Country Risk Analysis (PNC Financial Services Group)
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU): Country Reports
Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World (NIC, Nov. 2008)
Overseas Investment (OPIC)
Political & Economic Risk (PERC Ltd., HK)
Political Risk Services Online (The PRS Group)
RMS - Risk Management Solutions

Country Reports/Rankings & Regional Studies
Area Studies (Political Science Resources, U.K.)
Background Notes (U.S. State Dept.)
Corruption Perception Index 2012 (Transparency International)
Country Briefings (The Economist)
Country Commercial Guides (U.S. State Dept.)
Countries & Regions (The World Bank Group)
Country Fact Sheets (UNCTAD)
Country Information (IMF)
Country Reports on Economic Policy & Trade Practices (U.S. State Dept.)
Country Studies (The Library of Congress)
Data & Statistics (The World Bank)
Economic Freedom of the World 2012 Annual Report (Gwartney et al., J., Fraser Institute, Canada)
Economy Rankings (The World Bank Group)
Freedom in the World 1989-2013 (Freedom House)
2007 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (Bosma et al., Babson College & London Business School)
Governance & Anti-Corruption (World Bank Institute)
Governance Matters III: Governance Indicators for 1996-2002 (World Bank Institute)
Human Development Report 2013 (UNDP)
Human Development Reports 1990-2020 (UNDP)
Human Development Report 2020 (UNDP)
IMD World Competitiveness Ranking  2013 (IMD, Switzerland)
2021 Index of Economic Freedom (The Heritage Foundation)
Infonation (UN Publications)
Internet Center for Corruption (Univ. of Passau & Transparency International)
Nations in Transition (Freedom House)
The New Economy Index (The Progressive Policy Institute)
Trade Profiles 2005-2012 (WTO)
Trade Statistics (WTO)
The World Bank Group: Publications & Research
World Competitiveness Yearbook (IMD, Geneva)
World Economic Outlook (IMF)
The World Factbook (CIA Publications)

Cultures, Cross-Cultural Research, International Management, HR & Leadership Issues
Communication & Skills (12Manage)
Competing Across Borders: How Cultural and Communication Barriers Affect Business (EIU, 2012)
Cross-Cultural Communication (Wikipedia)
Cultural Anthropology (Wikipedia)
Culture (Wikipedia)
Culture Portal (Wikipedia)
Earth Calendar
Expatriate (Wikipedia)
Edward Hall (Wikipedia)
Geert Hofstede (Wikipedia)
Global Employment Trends (ILO)
Global Wage Report 2014-2015 (ILO)
Holidays & Festivals (Wikipedia)
Human Resources Management (12Manage)
ILO Databases
Information Sources for Economic & Social Sectors (ILO)
International & National Labor Law (ILO)
International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (ILO)
Labor Force Surveys (ILO)
Labor Statistics (ILO)
Language (Wikipedia)
Leadership (Wikipedia)
Leadership Styles (12Manage)
Organization & Change (12Manage)
Resource Guide on the Informal Economy (ILO)
The Salary Calculator (
Global Salary & Cost of Living Data (Salary Expert)
Wharton Center for Leadership & Change Management
Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research (The Wharton School)

Currencies/Foreign Exchange Sites
Currency Exchange Rates (Travlang)
Forex Directory (MG Financial Group)
The Universal Currency Converter (Xenon Laboratories, Inc.)

Doing Business: Institutes, Guides, Surveys & Other Resources
Bribery & Corruption: OECD
Business & Investment Environment (Baker Library, HBS)
Business & Law Guides (Hieros Gamos)
Corruption (European Commission)
Corruption Perception Index 2019 (Transparency International)
Doing Business Abroad (U.S. Dept. of State)
Doing Business: Comparing Business Regulations: 2004-2020 (The World Bank/IFC)
Doing Business: Law Library (The World Bank)
Doing Business-Regional Reports, 2007-2011 (IBRD/World Bank)
Doing Business in South Asia 2007 (IBRD/World Bank)
Enabling Trade: Valuing Growth Opportunities (World Economic Forum)
Exporting Corruption: A Progress Report 2020 (Transparency International)
Global Anti-Bribery & Corruption Survey 2011 (KPMG)
Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013 (Schwab, K., World Economic Forum)
The Global Cost of Opacity: Measuring Business & Investment Risk Worldwide (Kurtzman, Yago & Phumiwasana/2004)
Global Corruption Report 2007 (Transparency International)
Global Corruption Report 2008 (Transparency International)
The Global Information Technology Report 2013 (Bilbao-Osorio, B., Dutta, S., & Lanvin, B., eds., World Economic Forum)
Governance & Anti-Corruption (The World Bank)
Guides to Doing Business (Lex Mundi)
International Tax & Business Guides (Deloitte)
Investment Climate (IFC, The World Bank Group & MIGA)
Investment Guide Series (UNCTAD)
Investment Guides (Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment)
KILM-Key Indicators of the Labor Market (ILO)
2008 Opacity Index (Milken Institute)
Paying Taxes in 2010: The Global Picture (IFC/PriceWaterhouseCoopers)
Private Sector Development (UNIDO)
Transparency International/Berlin, Germany
U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center: Publications/Bergen, Norway
United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNODC)

Emerging Markets (EMs)


BeyondBRICs (Financial Times)
BRIC (Wikipedia)
Current Answers (and Questions) About BRICs and N-11 (Goldman Sachs, July 2007)
Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050 (Wilson & Purushothaman, Goldman Sachs, 2003)
Competing for Advantage (Bhattacharya et al., A., BCG, 2010)


2009 BCG Multilatinas (BCG, 2009)
Indexes & Rankings (Latin Trade)
List of Arab Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Argentine Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Bangladesh Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Brazilian Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Chinese Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Companies in Hong Kong (Wikipedia)
List of Indian Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Malaysian Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Mexican Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Pakistani Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Philippine Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Russian Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Singaporean Companies (Wikipedia)
List of South African Companies (Wikipedia)
List of South Korean Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Taiwanese Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Thai Companies (Wikipedia)
List of Turkish Companies (Wikipedia)
The New Global Challengers (Aguiar et al., M., BCG, 2006)
The 2008 BCG 100 New Global Challengers (Aguiar et al., M., BCG, 2007)
The 2009 BCG 100 New Global Challengers (Aguiar et al., M., BCG, 2009)
The 2011 BCG Global Challengers (Sharad et al., V., BCG, 2011)
The 2013 BCG Global Challengers (Bhattacharya et al., A., BCG, 2013)
The 2014 BCG Global Challengers (BCG)
The 2016 BCG Global Challengers (BCG)
Global Leaders, Champions & Challengers - 'A Ten-Year Review' (BCG)

EMs: Miscellaneous Links, Surveys & Reports

The Banking System in Emerging Economies: How Much Progress has been Made (BIS, Aug. 2006)
Barclay Emerging Market Index
Burgeoning Bourgeoisie: A Special Report on the New Middle Classes in Emerging Markets (J. Parker, The Economist, Feb. 14, 2009)
China: Opportunity & Challenge (F. W. McFarlan, HBS, Oct. 2008)
Competition & Competition Policy in Emerging Markets (A. Singh, UNCTAD)
Consumer Brands of the Top 100 Companies in the Muslim World (DinarStandard)
Corporate Responsibility Practices of Emerging Market Companies (OECD, Sept. 2005)
Davidson Data Center & Network
The Emerging Global Labor Market (McKinsey & Co.)
Emerging Global Markets (Milken Institute)
Emerging Markets (Deutsche Bank Group)
Emerging Markets (Yale Univ. Library)
Emerging Markets
Emerging Markets (
Emerging Markets (Financial Times)
Emerging Markets (Wikipedia)
Emerging Market Finance (J. P. Mei, New York Univ.)
Emerging Market Financing (IMF)
Emerging Market Indicators (
Emerging Markets (ACNielsen)
Emerging Markets (
Emerging Markets Data (Project Finance Portal, HBS)
Emerging Markets Index (Investopedia)
Emerging Markets Infrastructure: Just Getting Started (Morgan Stanley/2008)
Emerging Markets Outlook (Goldman Sachs)
Emerging Market Priorities for Global Retailers: The 2006 Global Retail Development Index (ATKearney)
Emerging Markets Program (FAS/USDA)
Emerging Markets Q&A (dollarDEX)
Emerging Markets (RGE Monitor)
Emerging Markets: Reshaping the Global Economy (Grand Thornton, 2008)
Emerging Markets Resource Guide (Thunderbird)
Emerging Markets Series (Oxford Business Group)
Emerging Markets: The Big Ten Countries (Yale Univ. Library)
Emerging Markets Subject Guide (Yale Univ. Library)
Fast Forward to Growth: Seizing Opportunities in High-Growth Markets (Accenture, 2012)
Financial Crisis in Emerging Markets (NBER)
FTSE Emerging Markets
Innovation in Emerging Markets: Strategies for Achieving Commercial Success (Deloitte)
Global Emerging Market Database (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Global Entrepreneurship: The Contrasting Cases of China & India (T. Khanna, HBS, Oct. 2008)
Global Financial Data
Global Financial Stability Report: 2002-2006 (IMF)
Globalization and Monetary Policy in Emerging Markets (BIS, May 2005)
Human Development Reports: Global, Regional & National (UNDP)
IFC & Emerging Markets at a Glance (IFC)
Index of Emerging Market Resources (
Innovations in Emerging Markets (IFC)
Investment Promotion Network (ipaNet)
Laboratories of Innovation: Leveraging EMs for Commercial Success (Deloitte)
Learning from Emerging Markets (K. MacPherson, Ernst & Young)
List of Stock Exchanges (Wikipedia)
List of Stock Market Indices (Wikipedia)
Market Potential Indicators (GlobalEdge)
Market Potential Indicators for Emerging Markets: 1996-2005 (MSU-CIBER)
Migration, Trade & Development (Conference/Dallas Fed, Oct. 6, 2006)
Rise of Emerging Markets in M&As (Rotherbuecker & Hoyningen-Huene, ATKearney, 2008)
S&P Emerging Markets Indices
Stock Exchanges Worldwide
Standard & Poor's Emerging Markets Data Base
Ten BEM Initiative a Decade Later: Measurement & Commentary (Slough, Miesing & Brain)
Transforming the World's Emerging Markets (CISCO, 2006)
Understanding Recent Crises in Emerging Markets (R. Chang, Atlanta Fed)
World Economic Outlook: Globalization & External Imbalances (IMF, April 2005)
World Federation of Exchanges
The World in 2050: How Big Will the Major EM Economies Get and How can the OECD Compete? (J. Hawksworth/PWC/2006)
World Investment Reports 2022 (UNCTAD)
Worldwide Cost of Living Survey 2006-City Ranking (Mercer HR Consulting)
Worldwide Governance Indicators: 1996-2007 (World Bank Group)

European Sites

Business/Markets & other Links
        Center for West European Studies (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
        eironline: European Industrial Relations Observatory Online
        Euro Data Research Archive Links (Mannheim Center for European Social Research)
        EIROnline: European Industrial Relations Observatory Online
        Euro Data Research Archive Links (Mannheim Center for European Social Research)
        European Governments on the WWW (G. Anzinger)
        WWW Virtual Library: West European Studies (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
        Yahoo's Links to Europe

The Euro
        Euro and the European Central Bank (Philadelphia Fed)
        The Euro (EU)
        The Euro: Key Internet Websites (European Commission)
        Euro (Wikipedia)
        European Central Bank

European Union
        CORDIS: Community Research & Development Information Service
        European Commission Library Catalogs
        European Investment Bank
        ECLAS (European Commission Library Catalog)
        The European Union in the U.S.
        European Union A-Z Index
        European Union Internet Resources (Univ. of Calif.-Berkeley)

Exports & Imports
Basic Guide to Exporting (ITC, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 2015)
Basics of Exporting (SUSTA)
Bureau of Industry & Security (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
District Export Council (U.S. Commercial Service)
Document Library (Office of the U.S. Trade Representative)
Export Assistance (
Export and Import (Business.Gov)
Export.Gov (U.S. Government Export Portal)
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Export Processing Zones (ILO)
Export Processing Zones: Past & Future Role in Trade & Development (Engman, Onodera & PInali, OECD, 2007)
Free Trade Zones (Wikipedia)
Resource Guide on Export Processing Zones (ILO)
Special Economic Ziones: Progress, Emerging Challenges & Future Directions (T. Farole & G. Akinci, The World Bank, 2011)
State Exports to Countries & Regions (ITA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
Tariff Information Center (U.S. International Trade Commission)
Thomas Global Register
Top 50 Metropolitan Area Exporters (ITA)
TradeStats Express (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
Welcome to Exporting 101 (Export.Gov)
Who Exports, Who Buys (Bureau of the Census)

Financial Crisis
An Analysis of Financial Crisis: Lessons for the International Financial System (R. Portes, London Bus. School)
1997 Asian Financial Crisis (Wikipedia)
Financial Crisis (Wikipedia)
Financial Crisis in Historical Perspective ( 2008, 07:07)
Financial Crises: Lessons from History (BBC/Sept. 2007)
The History of the Global Financial Crisis of 1997-99 in Asia as a Whole (World History Archives)
International Financial Crises Homepage (JJ Lim)
Of Manias, Panics & Crashes (
The World Financial Crisis (NYT)
This Time is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight Centuries of Financial Crisis (C. Reinhart-UOMaryland & K. Rogoff-HarvardU/April 2008)
United States Housing Bubble (Wikipedia)
What Happens During Recessions, Crunches & Busts? (Claessens, Kose & Terrones, IMF/August 2008)
What Happens During Recessions, Crunches & Busts? (PowerPoint Version; Claessens, Kose & Terrones, IMF/August 2008)

Foreign Direct Investment
China Investment Policy (K. Davies, OECD, 2013)
CFIUS Reports & Tables (U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, 2009-2021)
FDI (Wikipedia)
Foreign Direct Investment (MOF, The Japanese Government)
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (CRS Report for Congress, June 2017)
Foreign Direct Investment (IMF)
Foreign Direct Investment (UNIDO)
FDI Confidence Index-Various Reports (ATKearney)
2022 FDI Confidence Index (ATKearney)
FDI Database (UNCTAD)
FDI Data (A. T. Kearney)
FDI Intelligence (FT, 2022)
FDI (FT, 2022-2023) (MIGA, World Bank Group)
FDI Perspectives (Vale Columbia Ceter on Sustainable Int'l Investment)
FDI: OECD iLibrary
FDI Statistics: Data, Analysis & Forecasts (OECD)
FDI Statistics (UNCTAD)
FDI (Texas Economic Development, The State of Texas, 2019-2022)
FDI (U. S. Dept. of Commerce)
Glossary of FDI Terms & Definitions (OECD)
International Surveys: FDI in the U.S. (BEA: 2019-2022)
Investing Across Borders: Indicators of Foreign Direct Investment Regulation (The World Bank Group)
Investment Statistics & Trends (UNCTAD, 2022)
Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities (U.S. Treasury.Gov, 2021-2022)
Publications Related to FDI (Vale Columbia Ceter on Sustainable Int'l Investment)
Trends & Recent Developments in FDI (OECD)
Vale Columbia Ceter on Sustainable International Investment (Columbia Univ.)
World Investment Report 2022 (UNCTAD)
World Investment Report 2023 (UNCTAD)

Free Trade Zones/Export Processing Zones
Export Competitiveness & Export Processing Zones (The World Bank)
Free Trade Zone (Wikipedia)
Free Trade Zones (ICC)
Free Zones: Benefits & Costs (OECD Observer)
Special Economic Zones (The World Bank, 2017)
World Investment Report 2013: Global Value Chains - Investment for Trade & Development (UNCTAD)

Global Brands/Branding Issues, Surveys & Studies
Ad Age Leading National Advertisers 2022: Rankings & Analysis (June 26, 2022)
Advertising Age: 100 Leading National Advertisers (2007)
Best Global Brands 2022 (Interbrand)
Brand Disruption 2023 (iab)
Kantar BrandZ Most Valuable Global Brands 2022 (Kantar Group)
Brand Globally, Market Locally (J. Barron & J. Hollingshead, Jr. of Bus. Strategy, 25:1, 2004)

Brand Papers (
Business of Luxury (Financial Times Special Report, May 29, 2008)
Center on Global Brand Leadership (Columbia Univ.)
Consumer Brands of the Top 100 Companies in the Muslim World (DinarStandard)
Global Branding & Advertising (Y. Moon, HBS, Oct. 2008)
Global Brands 2019 (Financial Times)
Global Brands (Holt, Quelch & Taylor, HBS Working Knowledge/Sept. 2004)
Global Luxury Goods Market---- (C. D'Arpizio & F. Levato, Bain & Co, Nov. 15, 2022)
2022 Global Marketing Trends (Deloitte)
Most Trusted Brands 2022 (MorningTrust)
The 100 Top Brands-2001 (Business Week)
Managing Brands in Global Markets: One Size Doesn't All (Knowledge@Wharton/June 2005)
The Reality in Ranking the Top Global Brands (Branding Strategy/Aug. 2008)
World's Most Valuable Brands: 2020 (Forbes)
World's Largest Advertisers 2022 (AdAge)
World's Simplest Brands, 9th Edition (Siegel+Gale)

Global Cities

The Global Liveability Index 2022 (EIU)
City Economies (PWC, Nov. 2009)
Cities of the Future (PWC 2005)
Global Cities for the Future (McKinsey Quarterly)
2012 Global Cities Index & Emerging  Cities Outlook (ATKearney)
Global Cities Index 2010 (Foreign Policy)
Global City Indicators (Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Govt. of Ontario, Canada)
Global Cities Investment Monitor 2011 (KPMG)
Hot Spots: Benchmarking Global City Competitiveness (EIU, 2012)
List of Cities by GDP (Wikipedia)
U.S. Metro Economies, Jobs, GMP, Growth, etc. (The US Conference of Mayors, 2022)
Opportunities in an Urbanizing World (Emerging Market Research Institute, Credit Suisse, 2012)
Richest Cities in the World
The 10 Fastest-Growing (and Fastest-Declining) Cities in the World (The Atlantic, Jan. 19, 2012)

Urban Development (The World Bank)
Urban World: Mapping the Economic Power of Cities (McKinsey Global Institute)
World Cities Best Practices: Innovations in Transportation (NYC Dept. City Planning, 2008)
WDR 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography (The World Bank)

2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis & Post-Crisis Issues and Environment

Seminar Videos:
* 'Revisiting the 2008 Global Financial Crisis: A Ten-Year Assessment (part VII)', West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Oct. 3, 2018 (YouTube, 1:01 hr)
* 'Post-Financial Issues, Globalization & the U.S. Economy (part IV)', West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Nov. 17, 2010 (YouTube, 59:53 min) 
* 'Dealing with Global Financial Crisis (Part II)', West Texas A&M University, Canyon, April 8, 2009 (YouTube, 1:15 hr)

The Aftermath of Financial Crisis (C. Reinhart & K. Rogoff, AER Papers & Proceedings, 99/2, 2009)
The Ascent of  Money (N. Ferguson, PBS/2008)
Assessing the Impact of the Current Financial & Economic Crisis on Global FDI Flows (UNCTAD/Jan. 2009)
The Best Books for Making Sense of the Financial Crash, 10 Years Later (J. Crane, The Strategist/New York Magazine, Aug. 20, 2018)
Boom, Bust. Repeat (E. Chancellor, WSJ, Oct. 9, 2009)
Causes of the Financial Crisis & the Slow Recovery (J. B. Taylor, 2014)
The Challenges of a Post-Crisis World (M. Wolf, FT, Jan. 28, 2014)
Corruption & the Global Financial Crisis (D. Kaufmann, Forbes, Jan. 27, 2009)
Currency Crashes in Industrial Countries: Much Ado About Nothing? (J. E. Gagnon, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System/Feb. 2009)
Did Policy Makers Get Crisis Financial Regulation Right? (Bailey, Schardin & Swagel, Bipartisan Policy Center, Sept. 2016)
Economic Crisis in a Globalized World (PBS)
Fed Confronts Financial Crisis by Expanding its Role as Lender of Last Resort (Duca, DiMartino & Renier, Dallas Fed/Feb.-March 2009)
Financial Crisis (African Development Bank Group)
Financial Crisis Explanations, Types & Implications (S. Claessens & A. Kose, IMF, Jan. 30, 2013)
The Financial Crisis Five Years Later (U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, Sept. 2013)
Financial Crisis, The World Bank Blog (The World Bank Group)
Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 (Wikipedia)
The Financial Crisis - Looking Back & the Way Forward (G. Trumpel-Gugerell, European Central Bank/Jan. 2009)
Finance & Development (IMF), June 2008 - "The Financial Market Crisis"
Finance & Development (IMF), Dec. 2008 - "World Economy Under Stress"
Finance & Development (IMF), March 2009 - "The World in Crisis"
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report (The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Wash. DC., Feb. 2011)
The Financial and Economic Crisis of 2008-2009 and Developing Countries (Dullien et al., S., United Nations & UNCTAD, 2011)
The Financial Crisis - 10 Years Later (Reuters)
Financial Crisis at 10: Will We Ever Recover? (R. Barnichon, C. Matthes & A. Ziegenbein, FRBSF Economic Letter, Aug. 13, 2018)
The Financial Stability Board: The New Face of International Financial Regulation (N. Lyngen & C. Simmons, Harvard Int'l Law Jr., 54, 2013)
The First Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century: Part II, June-Dec. 2008 (Reinhart & Felton, Univ. of Maryland/MPRA)
The Fiscal Impact of the International Financial Crisis on Latin American & Caribbean Economies (Fretes & Villela, Oct. 2008/IDB)
The Future of the Global Financial System: Scenario to 2020 (2009 World Economic Forum/
Global Banking, Financial Stability & Post-Crisis Policy Challenges Symposium (R. Sander & S. Kleimeier, Comp. Eco. Studies, 56, 2014)
Global Downturn: In Graphics (BBC, March 19, 2009)
Global Economic Crisis and ADB's Response (Asian Development Bank, April 2009)
The Global Economic Crisis: Systematic Failures & Multilateral Remedies (UNCTAD)
Global Economic & Financial Challenges: A Tale of Two Views (J. Caruana, BIS, April 9, 2014)
Global Financial Crisis - Ten Years on (VOX CEPR Policy Portal, Aug. 29, 2017)
Global Finance in Crisis: A Provisional Account of the "Sub-Prime" crisis and How we got into it (J. Sapir, Real World Economics Review/2008)
Global Financial Crisis (ABC News)
Global Financial Crisis (Asian Development Bank)
Global Financial Crisis Bulletin (Protiviti)
Global Financial Crisis (Brookings Institution)
Global Financial Crisis (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
Global Financial Crisis (Cato Institute)
Global Financial Crisis: CEG Resources (Global Economic Governance Program, University College, Univ. of Oxford)
Global Financial Crisis (FT)
Global Financial Crisis (Google Video)
Global Financial Crisis (N. Ferguson/, 06:10)
Global Financial Crisis (Global Issues)
Global Financial Crisis (IIE)
Global Financial Crisis (M. Chossudovsky, Google Video/Jan. 2009, 1:18:37)
Global Financial Crisis (Grail Research, Feb. 2009)
Global Financial Crisis (Mefeedia)
The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis & Policy Implications (D.K Nanto, Congressional Research Service/Oct. 2009)
Global Financial Crisis: Implications for South Asia (South Asia Region, The World Bank/Oct. 2008)
Global Financial Crisis & its Impact on Microfinance (E. Littlefield & C. Kneiding, CGAP/2009)
The Global Financial Crisis in Photos (Time/2009)
The Global Financial Crisis of 2007-20?? (C. I. Jones, Stanford Univ./March 2009)
The Global Financial Crisis: Preliminary Lessons (D. Strauss-Kahn, IMF/March 25, 2009)
Global Financial Crisis-Various Speakers (GoogleVideo)
Global Financial Crisis-Various Speakers (
The Global Financial Crisis & Developing Countries (Overseas Development Institute/UK)
Global Financial Crisis: The Role of the IMF (M. Weiss, CRS for Congress, Oct. 2008)
Global Financial Stability Report (IMF/Oct. 2008)
Global Financial Turmoil & Emerging Market Economies: Major Contagion & a Shocking Loss of Wealth? (C.M. Loser, ADB)
Global Recession Timeline (BBC)
Here's how the Recession May have Cost you $70,000 in Lifetime Income (M. Murphy, MarketWatch, Aug. 14, 2018)
How Bad Was it? The Costs & Consequences of 2007-09 Financial Crisis (Atkinson et al., T., Dallas Fed, July 2013)
How did Economists get it so Wrong? (P. Krugman, NYT, Sept. 2, 2009)
How Financial Madness Overtook Wall Street (Serwer & Sloan, Time/Sept. 18, 2008)
How is Politics Affected by Financial Crisis? (M. Funke, World Eco. Forum, Nov. 24, 2015)
ILO Global Job Crisis Observatory (ILO)
Implications for Asia from the Global Financial Crisis & Policy Perspectives (T. Kato, IMF/Feb. 2009)
The Implications of the Global Financial Crisis for Low Income Countries (IMF/March 2009)
Impact of the Financial Crisis on Finance Sector Workers (J. Sandenyoye, ILO/Feb. 2009)
Lawrence Summers on 'House of Debt'/A. Mian & A. Sufi (FT, June 6, 2014)
Lessons of the Financial Crisis (B. Steil, Council on Foreign Relations, March 2009)
Lessons from the Financial Crisis (FT, Dept. 2, 2017)
Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 (J. E. Stiglitz, Seoul Jr. of Economics, 2010)
Lessons from World Bank Group Responses to Past Financial Crises (The World Bank/Dec. 2008)
Mastering Management: Managing in a Downturn (FT & KPMG, a four-part series/Feb. 6, 2009)
New Evidence on the Aftermath of Financial Crises in Advanced Countries (CD Romer & CH Romer, AER, Oct. 2017)
The Origins of the Financial Crisis (Bailey, Litan & Johnson, Brookings Institution/Nov. 2008)
Overview: Global Financial Crisis Spurs Unprecedented Policy Actions (I. Fender & J. Gyntelberg, BIS Quarterly Review/Dec. 2008)
Ready to Lead? Rethinking America's Role in a Changed World (R. Niblett, Chatham House/UK, 2009)
Recovery from Financial Crisis: Evidence from 100 Episodes (CM Reinhart & KS Rogoff, AER Papers & Proceedings, 104/5, 2014)
Regulatory Reform: 10 Years After the Financial Crisis &  the Dodd-Frank Securities Law (Congressional Research Service, April 13, 2018)
The Regulatory Responses to the Global Financial Crisis: Some Uncomfortable Questions (S. Claessens & L. Kodres, IMF, 2014)
Security Implications of the Global Financial Crisis (Burton & Stewart, Stratfor/March 2009)
Social Innovations in a Post-Crisis World (Innovations/WEF-Davos, Switzerland, 2009)
Speeches on the Recent Financial Crisis (Bank for International Settlements)
State-by-State Breakdown of TARP Funds (WSJ)
Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: FDI and Establishment Performance (L. Alfaro & M. Chen, HBS Working Paper, 2010)
Swimming Against the Tide: How Developing Countries are Coping with Global Crisis (The World Bank/2009)
Ten Years After the Crash (Brookings, Sept. 6, 2018)
Ten Years After the Crash (FT)
2008: Ten Years After the Crash --- (New York Magazine)
Ten Years After the Crisis (WSJ)
This Time is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight Centuries of Financial Crisis (C. Reinhart-UOMaryland & K. Rogoff-HarvardU/April 2008)
Timeline: Banking Crisis (, Oct. 16, 2008)
Timeline: Credit Crunch to Downturn (BBC News, Aug. 7, 2009)
Top Ten Financial Collapses (Time/2009)
Total Global Losses from Financial Crisis: $15 Trillion (Yoon, A. WSJ, Oct. 1, 2012)
25 People at the Heart of Meltdown (The Guardian, Jan. 26, 2009)
25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis (Time, Feb. 2009)
27 Visualizations & Infographics to Understand the Financial Crisis (
The U.S. Financial Crisis: The Global Dimension with Implications for U.S. Policy (Nanto et al., D.K., Nov. 25, 2008/CRS Report for Congress)
The U.S. Financial Crisis, Global Financial Turmoil, & Developing Asia: Is the Era of High Growth at an end? (W. E. James et al., ADB/Dec. 2008)
Wall Street's Day of Reckoning (M. Zuckerman, US News & World Report, Sept. 19, 2008)
What We've Learned from the Financial Crisis (J. Fox, HBS, Nov. 2013)
When Markets Collide (Mohamed El-Erian, FT Review, 2008)
The World Bank Group’s Response to the Global Economic Crisis- Phase I (The World Bank Group, 2010)
The World Bank Group’s Response to the Global Economic Crisis- Phase II (The World Bank Group, 2012)
The 2008 World Economic Crisis: Global Shifts & Faultlines (B. Gokay, Global Research/Feb. 25, 2009)
World Economic Outlook: Financial Stress, Downturns & Recoveries (IMF/2008)
World Economic Situation & Prospects (UN, 2018)
WTO Sees 9% Global Trade Decline in 2009 as Recession Strikes (WTO/March 2009)

HDI (2022)

Global Industries & Industry/Region-Specific Studies
Annual Statistical Bulletin 2012 (OPEC)
Asian Development Outlook 2012: Confronting Rising Inequality in Asia (ADB)
Assessing the Impact of Phasing-Out  of the ATC on Apparel Exports on  the Lease Developed & Developing Countries (P. Applebaum, UCSB, 2004)
Assessing the Impact of the Current Financial & Economic Crisis on Global FDI Flows (UNCTAD, Jan. 2009)
Asia's Race to Capture Post-MFA Markets: A Snapshot of Labor Standards, Compliance, and Impacts on Competitiveness (Meulen & Berik/ADR, 23/2006)
Benchmarking National Attractiveness for Private Investment in Latin American Infrastructure (World Economic Forum, 2007)
China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative High-Income Society (The World Bank, 2012)
Coming of Age: Asia's Evolving R&D Landscape (EIU & Mercer, 2012)
Competing with India & China in the Post-MFA Era (Subhan & Azar)
Egypt After the Multi-Fiber Arrangement: Global Apparel & Textile Supplay Chains as a Route for Industrial Upgrading (D. Magder/IIE/2005)
The Expiration of the MFA: An Analysis of the Consequences for South Asia (A. Haté et al., Univ. of Wisconsin, 2005)
Finding Opportunity in a Post-Textile-Quota World (Chernoff, Hillier & Field, ATKearney, 2005)
The Forces Shaping World Cotton Consumption After the MFA (McDonald & Voolrath, USDA, April 2005)
Foreign Ownership of U.S. Financial Assets: Implications of a Withdrawal (J. K. Jackson, CRS Report/2008) Reports (2012)
The Future of the Apparel & Textile Industries (Abernathy, Volpe & Weil, Harvard Center for Textile & Apparel Research/2005)
The Future of Manfacturing: Opportunities to Drive Economic Growth (World Economic Forum & Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 2012)
Global Industries (KPMG)
The Global Infrastructure Challenge (BCG, 2010)
2013 Global Innovation 1000 (Booz & Company)
Global Oil & Gas Transaction Review 2013 (EY)
A Global Perspective of Liberalizing World Textile & Apparel Trade (X. Diao & A. Somwaru, Nordic Jr. of Political Economy/28-2002)
The Global Textile & Clothing Industry Post the ATC (H.K. Nordas, WTO, 2004)
Index of Global Philanthrophy & Remittances 2012 (Hudson Institute)
2006 Information & Communication for Development (The World Bank, 2006)
2009 Information & Communication for Development (The World Bank, 2009)
2012 Information & Communication for Development (The World Bank, 2012)
Infrastructure 2007: A Global Perspective (Urban Land Institute & Ernst & Young)
Infrastructure 2008: A Competitive Advantage (Urban Land Institute & Ernst & Young)
Infrastructure 2009: Pivot Point (Urban Land Institute & Ernst & Young)
Infrastructure 2010: Investment Imperative (Urban Land Institute & Ernst & Young)
Infrastructure 2011: A Strategic Priority (Urban Land Institute & Ernst & Young)
Infrastructure 2012: Spotlight on Leadership (Urban Land Institute & Ernst & Young)
Infrastructure 2013: Global Priorities, Global Insights (Urban Land Institute ( Ernst & Young)
Innovation Measurement: Tracking the State of Innovation in the American Economy (U.S. Dept. of Commerce/Jan. 2008)
The Internet's New Billion (BCG, 2010)
Investing in Central Asia (FT Special Report/Oct. 30, 2008)
KPMG International Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2005
Lights! Water! Motion (Doshi, Schulman & Gabaldon, Strategy+Business, Spring 2007)
Looking Ahead 2007: Consumer Business Industry (Deloitte)
Looking Ahead in Energy & Resources (Deloitte)
Management Tools & Trends 2007 (Rigby & Bilodeau, Bain & Co.)
Management Tools 2013: An Executive's Guide (D. K. Rigby, Bain & Co)
Manufacturing the Future: The Next Era of Global Growth & Innovation (McKinsey Global Institute, Nov. 2012)
MFA Phase Out: Implication for Asia-Pacific (M. Proksch, OECD Global Forum, 2004)
NAFTA, Trade Diversion & Mexico's Textiles & Apparel Boom & Bust (W. Gruben, SW Economy/Dallas Fed, Oct./Nov. 2006)
The New Power Brokers (Mckinsey & Co., Oct. 2007)
Preparing for Fundamental Shifts in Energy: Strategies for Changing Industry (BCG, 2005)
Promoting Fair Globalization in Textiles & Clothing in a Post-MFA Environment (ILO, 2005)
Realizing the Oil Supply Potential of the CIS: The Impact of Institutions & Policies (Ahrend & Tompson, OECD/2006)
Redefining Global Health Care (M. Porter, HBS, Oct. 2008)
Regime Change in the Oil & Gas Industry (Deloitte, 2006)
Reports: The Gulf (FT Special Reports)
Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable & Equitable Benefits? (The World Bank/Sept. 2010)
The Road Ahead for the U.S. Auto Industry: 2000 (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
The Road Ahead for the U.S. Auto Industry: 2005 (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
The Road Ahead for the U.S. Auto Industry: 2006 (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
The Road Ahead for the U.S. Auto Industry: 2007 (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
The Road Ahead for the U.S. Auto Market: 2008 (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
The Road Ahead (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 2010)
The Road Ahead 2011 (Automotive Industries Team, U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
The Road Ahead: China's Passenger Vehicle Market in 2015 (R. Haddock et al., Booz Allen Hamilton, March 2006)
The Service Revolution in Global Manufacturing Industries (Deloitte, 2006)
Sharing the Idea: The Emergence of Global Innovation Networks (EIU & IDA Ireland, 2007)
Short Term Energy Outlook (Energy Information Administration, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Jan. 2009)
Skills Gap in US Manufacturing (Deloitte & Manufacturing Institute/2011)
Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (HM Treasury/UK, Jan. 2007)
The Textile & Clothing Industry: Adjusting to the Post-Quota World (R. Adhikari & Y. Yamamoto)
Trading Up: The New American Luxury (Silverstein & Fiske, BCG/2004)
Transit Troubles: Pipeline as a Source of Conflict (P. Stevens, Chatham House/UK, 2009)
Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013 (J. Blanke & T. Chiesa-eds., The World Economic Forum, 2013)
Water & Waste Management (FT Special Reports/Dec. 16, 2008)
Winning in Emerging Market-Cities (Jin et al., D., BCG, Sept. 2010)
Winning in a Polycentric World: Globalization and the Change World of Business (Ernst & Young, 2011)
The World Bids Farewell to the MFA (S. McDonald, USDA, Feb. 2006)
World Oil Outlook: 2007-2012 (OPEC)
Worldwide Energy Outlook 2012 (IEA)

Global Value Chains/Global Commodity Chains
Agricultural Value Chains in Developing Countries: A Framework for Analysis (J.H. Trienekens, Int'l Food & AgBus Mgt. Review, 14/2, 2011)
The Apparel Global Value Chain: Economic Upgrading & Workforce Development (Fernandez-Stark, Frederick & Gereffi, Duke Univ., 2011)
The Banana Sector in Ecuador: Trade, Supply Chain & US Cooperation (H. Vega, Gain Report, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, 2011)
A Canadian Approach to the Apparel Global Value Chain (Industry Canada/Milstein & Co Consulting, Inc., 2008)
China's Move Up the Value Chain: Implications for Canada (The North-South Institute, 2012)
Competing Within Global Value Chains (M. Galar, ECFIN, Dec. 2012)
The Fragmentation of Global Production & Trade in Value-Added: Developing New Measures in Cross-Border Trade (R. Coopman, USITC, 2011)
From Commodity Chains to Value Chains: Interdisciplinary Theory Building in an Age of Globalization (T.J. Sturgeon, 2008, MIT)
The Fruit & Vegetables Global Value Chain (Fernandez-Stark, P. Bamber & G. Gereffi, Duke Univ., 2011)
The Future of Value Chain (GCI, Capgimini & Intel, 2006)
The Global Apparel Value Chain, Trade & the Crisis (G. Gereffi & S. Frederick, The World Bank, 2010)
The Global Apparel Value Chain: What Prospects for Upgrading by Developing Countries (G. Gereffi & O. Memedovic, UNIDO, 2003)
The Global Networked Value Circle: A New Model for Best-in-Class (Harris et al., S.,/UOEdinburgh Business School & Capgemini, 2011)
The Global Power of Brazilian Agribusiness (EIU & Accenture, Nov. 2010)
Global Value Chain Analysis: A Primer (G. Gereffi & K. Fernandez-Stark, Duke Univ., 2011)
Global Value Chains & Development (Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness, Duke University)
Global Value Chains, Economic Upgrading & Gender: Case Studies of the Horticulture, Tourism & Call Center Industries (C. Staritz & J. G. Reis, The World Bank, 2013)
Global Value Chains & The Transmission of Business Cycle Shocks (Gangnes, Ma & Assche, ADB, June 2012)
Global Value Chain in the Agrifood Sector (J. Humphrey & O. Memedovic, UNIDO, 2006)
Global Value Chains in the Electronics Industry (T.J. Sturgeon & M. Kawakami, The World Bank, 2010)
Global Value Chains, Local Clusters and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparative Assessment of the Sports Goods Clusters in Sialkot, Pakistan and Jalandhar, India (UNIDO, 2009)
Global Value Chains in a Post-Crisis World: A Development Perspective (Editors: O. Cattaneo, G. Gereffi & C. Staritz, The World Bank, 2010)
Global Value Chains: Preliminary Evidence & Policy Issues (K.D. Backer, OECD, March 2011)
Global Value Chains: Publications List (Global Value Chains Initiative)
Global Value Chains: Selected Policy Issues (K.D. Backer, OECD, Oct. 2012)
Global Value Chains, Upgrading & Poverty Reduction (Lee, Gereffi & Barrientos, 'Capturing the Gains, Nov. 2011)
Global Value Chains & Services - An Introduction (Kommerskollegium, National Board Of Trade, Feb. 2013)
Global Value Chains (Various Publications, Global Forum on International Trade Statistics & Economic Globalization, UN)
The Impacts of Private Standards on Global Value Chains (Int'l Trade Center, 2011)
Inserting Local Industries into Global Value Chains & Global Production Networks (UNIDO/2004)
International Comparative Evidence on Global Value Chains (K.D. Backer & N. Yamano, OECD, 2012)
Internet Value Chain Economics: Gaining a Deeper Understanding of the Internet Economy (ATKearney, 2010)
Linking Trade & Value Chain Development (J. Downing, USAID)
Making the Cut? Low-Income Countries and the Global Clothing Value Chain in a Post-Quota & the Post-Crisis World (C. Staritz, The World Bank, 2011)
Managing the International Value Chain in the Automotive Industry: Strategy, Structure & Culture (S. Schmid & P. Grosche, BertelsmannStiftung, 2008)
Mapping Global Value Chains (S. Miroudot & K.D. Backer, OECD, 2012)
Mapping Global Value Chains: Intermediate Goods Trade & Structural Change in the World Economy (UNIDO, 2010)
Mastering Complexity in Global Manufacturing: Powering Profits & Growth through Value Chain Synchronization (Deloitte)
Measuring Success in the Global Economy: International Trade, Industrial Upgrading, & Business Function Outsourcing in Global Value Chains (Sturgeon & Gereffi, Transnational Corporations, Aug/2009)
Moving Food Along the Value Chain: Innovations in Regional Food Distribution (A. Diamond & J. Burham, USDA, 2012)
Multinational Corporations, Value Chains & Knowledge Spillovers in the Global Aircraft Industry (J. Niosi & M. Zhegu, IJIE, 2/2, 2010)
A 'New' Approach to Global Value Chain Analysis (J. Keane, ODI, UK, Aug. 2008)
New Trends in Value Chain Upgrading: Lessons from Large & Small Countries (G. Gereffi/Duke Univ. & USITC, 2012)
The Offshore Services Value Chain: Developing Countries & the Crisis (G. Gereffi & K. Fernandez-Stark, The World Bank, 2010)
The Offshore Services Global Value Chain (Fernandez-Stark, Bamber & Gereffi, Duke Univ., 2011)
Resilient Supply Chains in a Time of Uncertainty (EIU & Oracle, 2010)
Rethinking Operations for a Two-Speed World (Knowledge@Wharton)
Rise of Global Value Chains & Trade in Value Added (B. Meng, IDE/JETRO, 2011)
Sewing Success? Employment, Wages & Poverty Following the End of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement (Lopez-Acevedo & Robertson, The World Bank, 2012)
Shaping Value Chains for Development: Global Value Chain in Argibusiness (J. Humphrey, GTZ, Germany)
The Shifting Geography of Global Value Chains: Implications for Developing Countries & Trade Policy (World Economic Forum, 2012)
Staying Competitive in the Global Economy: Compendium of Studies on Global Value Chains
(OECD, 2008)
Succeeding in a Volatile Market - 2018: The Future Value Chain (GCI, Capgemini, SAP & HP, 2008)
Trade in Tasks & Global Value Chains: Stylized Facts & Implications (WTO, Jan. 2013)
Trade Patterns & Global Value Chains in East Asia (IDE/JETRO, 2011)
Value Chain (The Economist, Nov. 19, 2009)
Value Chain Framework - Porter (12manage)
A Value Chain Analysis of the US Beef & Dairy Industries (M. Lowe & G. Gereffi, Duke Univ., 2009)
Value Chain Development: Approaches & Activities by Seven UN Agencies & Opportunities for Interagency Cooperation  (A. Stamm & C.V. Drachenfels, German Development Institute/2011)
Value Chains & Tropical Products in a Changing Global Trade Regime (C. Mather, ICTSD, 2008)
The Value of Value Added: Measuring Global Engagement, and Gross and Value-Added Trade (W.M. Powers, Nov. 2012, USITC)
What are the Implications for Global Value Chains When the Market Shifts from the North to the South? (R. Kaplinsky & M. Farooqi, The World Bank, 2010)
World Investment Report 2011: Non-Equity Modes of International Production & Development (UNCTAD)
World Investment Report 2013: Global Value Chains - Investment & Trade for Development (UNCTAD)

Globalization & Related Topics
Seminar Videos:
'Globalization 24', WTAMU, Canyon, April 4, 2024 (YouTube, 9:44 min)
'Globalization 23', WTAMU, Canyon, May 4, 2023 (YouTube, 3:47 min)

'Globalization 22', WTAMU, Canyon, May 12, 2022 (YouTube, 9:12 min)
Globalization's Conundrum: Issues & Realities, Nov. 24, 2019 (
YouTube, 15:12 min)
'Globalization & the Changing Business World'', WTAMU, Canyon, Oct. 12, 2006 (YouTube, 1:02 hrs)

Articles about Globalization (HBS Working Knowledge)
Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy (PBS)
Deglobalization in Hyper-connected World (Balsa-Barreiro et al., B.,, Feb. 25, 2020)
2024 Geostrategic Outlook (EY Parthenon, Dec. 2023)
Digital Economy Report 2019: Value Creation & Capture - Implications for Developing Countries (UNCTAD)
DHL Connectedness Index 2014 (P. Ghemawat & S. A. Altman, 2014)
DHL Global Connectedness Index 2016 (P. Ghemawat & S. Altman, NYU, 2016)
DHL Global Connectedness Index 2018 (S. Altman, P. Ghemawat & P. Bastian, NYU, 2018)
DHL Global Connectedness Index 2020 (S. Altman & P. Bastian, NYU, 2020)
DHL Global Connectedness Index 2022 (S. Altman & C. Bastian, NYU, 2023)
DHL Global Connectedness Report 2024 (A. Altman & C. Bastian, NYU, 2024)
Digital Globalization: The New Era of Global Flows (McKinsey & Co., March 2016)
The Global Competitiveness Report, 2017-2018 (K. Schwab, World Economic Forum, 2018)
The Global Competitiveness Report 2019 (World Economic Forum)
Global Environment - Transformed Organization (C. M. Christensen, HBS, Oct. 2008)
The Global Risk Report 2024 (19th ed., World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland)
Globalization in Transition: The Future of Trade & Value Chains (McKinsey & Co., Jan. 2019)
The Globalization Project (Univ. of Chicago)
Globalization 3.0: Prospects for a New World Order (M. Walker, ATKearney, 2007)
Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (IMF)
Globalization (N. Ferguson & J. Quelch, HBS, Oct. 2008)
Globalization (The World Bank)
Globalization (ILO)
Globalization (Global Policy Forum)
Globalization (OECD Observer)
Globalization (Wikipedia)
Globalization (World Economic Forum)
Globalization and its Critics (R. Y. Eng)
Globalization and Deglobalization (BIS papers, 2018)
Globalization and its Implications on Industries (various reports; UNIDO)
Globalization Glossary (F. Lechner, Emory Univ.)
2018 Globalization Report (J. Weiß, A. Sachs & H. Weinelt, Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2018)
Globalization of Innovation & R&D (S. H. Thomke, HBS, Oct. 2008)
Globalization Issues
Globalization Isn't in Retreat: It's Just Gone Digital (L.D. Tyson & S. Lund, World Economic Forum, Feb. 21, 2017)
Globalization, Populism & Inclusion (D. Rodrik, Dec. 2018)
Globalization Report 2020 (Bertelsmann Stiftung)
Globalization Research Center (CIO)
Globalization Resets (Mallaby, S., Finance & Development, Dec. 2016)
The Globalization Website (F. Lechner, Emory Univ.)
Glossary of Globalization, Trade & Health Terms (WHO)
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly of Globalization (J. Yap & A. Huan, SID Directors Bulletin, Q3, 2018)
The Great Globalization Shakeout: Duck, Cover & Hold (ATKearney, 2010)
Historical Roots of Globalization (G. Jones, R. Abdelal & W. Kirby, HBS, Oct. 2008)
How to Measure Globalization? A New Globalization Index (NGI)  (Vujakovic, P., FIW Working Paper, Feb. 2010)
Human Development Report 2023/2024 (UNDP)
International Forum on Globalization
Measuring Globalization-2003 (A.T. Kearney/Foreign Policy)
Measuring Globalization-2004 (A.T. Kearney/Foreign Policy)
Measuring Globalization-2005 (A.T. Kearney/Foreign Policy)
Measuring Globalization-2006 (A.T. Kearney/Foreign Policy)
Measuring Globalization (Google Images)
Measuring Globalisation: OECD Economic Globalisation Indicators 2010 (OECD/Sept. 2010)
The Globalization Index 2007 (Foreign Policy, Nov/Dec. 2007)
Measuring Globalization: The Experience of the United States of America (O. G. Whichard, USDC/2003)
Myths & Realities of Globalization (Conference/Dallas Fed, Nov. 3-5, 2004)
OECD Handbook on Economic Globalization Indicators - 2005 (OECD)
Preventing De-Globalization (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, International Affairs, 2016)
A Quick Guide to the World History of Globalization (L. Ludden, Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Research Wizard Listings For Globalization (Univ. of Nebraska-Omaha)
The State of Globalization in 2019 & What it Means for Strategists (Ghemawat & Altman, HBR, Feb. 6, 2019)
Success Stories from Top Companies, Brands and Entrepreneurs Facilitating World Trade & Travel (
Tables & Charts on Globalization (Global Policy Forum)
Top 5 Most Globalized Countries - 2022 (DHL Connectedness Index 2022)
UN - World Economic Situation and Prospects (2024)
Unlocking the Value of Globalization: Profiting from Contineous Optimization (Deloitte/2005)
Why the World Needs Better - Not Less Globalization (World Economic Forum, Dec. 20, 2020)
Working Knowledge: Globalization (Harvard Business School)
World Economic Outlook: 1993-2024 (IMF)
World Happiness Report 2024 (Helliwell et al., JF, Wellbeing Research Center, Univ. of Oxford, 2024)
World-Systems and Globalization Research Centers/Workgroups (IROWS, Univ. of Calif.-Riverside)
World Trade Report 2023: Re-globalization for a Secure, Inclusive & Sustainable Globalization (WTO, Geneva, Switzerland)
Yale Center for the Study of Globalization

Industry Clusters
Cluster Best Practices (R. Ramsawak, UWI)
Clusters & Cluster Development (Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness, HBS)
Clusters & Competitiveness: A New Federal Role for Stimulating Regional Economies (Mills et al., K. G., Brookings Institution)
Clusters & Competitiveness (Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness, HBS)
Clusters Flustered (The Economist, April 14, 2011)
Clusters for Competitiveness: A Practical Guide & Policy Implications for Developing Cluster Initiatives (The World Bank, 2008)
Cluster Mapping Project (Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness, HBS)
The Evolution & Structure of Industrial Clusters in Japan (H. Yamawaki, World Bank Institute, 2001)
The Fading Lustre of Clusters (The Economist, Oct. 11, 2007)
Fostering Innovation-Led Clusters: A Review of Leading Global Practices (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2011)
Industrial Clusters & Networks: Case Studies of SME Growth & Innovation (K. Nadvi, UNIDO, 1995)
Italy's Business Clusters: Sinking Together (The Economist, Oct. 15, 2009)
Next Generation Economic Clusters (ATKearney, 2011)
The Next Silicon Valley (MIT Technology Review, July 2013)
Precision Industry Cluster (Berne Economic Development Industry, 2010)
The Swiss Watch Cluster (Goodman et al., A., HBS, May 2010)
Swiss Watch Industry: Prospects & Challenges (Credit Suisse, Oct. 2013)

International Accounting

Advances in International Accounting

International Agriculture
Seminar Video: 'The ABCD of International Business', WTAMU, Canyon, May 12, 2022 (YouTube, 7:49 min)
2019 Agribusiness Value Creators Report (BCG)
Agricultural Commodity Supply Chains (Chatham House, UK, 2016)
Agriculture & Food: The World Bank
Beyond Scarcity (2006 Human Development Report, UNDP)
Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Feb. 2007)
Commodity Intelligence Reports (CIR) & World Agricultural Production (WAP), USDA
Cotton: World Markets & Trade (USDA)
Crop Prospects & Food Situation (FAO)
Data & Analysis: Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA
Data Sets: International (USDA)
Economic Research Service (USDA)
Fighting Climate Change (2007-2008 Human Development Report, UNDP)
Food & Agriculture Global Value Chains (ILO, 2017)
Food & Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
Foreign Agriculture Service (USDA)
Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture: The Emerging Role of Private Sector Finance (PE McNellis, FAO, June 2009)
The Future of Food & Agriculture (FAO, 2017)
Global Value Chains in the Agrifood Sector (UNIDO/2006)
Human Development Report 2019 (UNDP)
Human Development Reports 2006-2019 (UNDP)
IMF Data Mapper (IMF)
International Markets & U.S. Trade (Sept. 2020)
International Agriculture (Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell Univ.)
Land Grab or Development Opportunity (FAO, IIED & IFAD, 2009)
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2020-2029
Publications (Economic Research Service, USDA)
Reaping What we Sow (Finance & Development, Dec. 2019)
Shaping the Future of Global Food Systems: A Scenario Analysis (World Economic Forum, Jan. 2017)
Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (HM Treasury, UK, Jan. 2007)
Trade Policies & Procedures (USDA)
Trends & Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture: Evidence from Case Studies (FAO, 2012)
World Agricultural Production (USDA, Oct. 2020)
World Agriculture: Towards 2030/2050 (FAO, 2006)
World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development (IBRD/The World Bank, Washington, DC, 2008)
World Food Situation (FAO)
The World Food Situation: New Driving Forces & Required Actions (J. V. Braun, IFPRI, Dec. 2007)
USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

International Business Centers

International Business & International Marketing Resources, Indexes & Meta Sites
Adminet World
BuyUSAGov (U.S. Commercial Service)
Dept. of Trade & Industry, U.K.
The Dutch Export Site
Everything International (L. C. Russow, Philadelphia Univ.)
Foreign & International Information (Yale Univ. Social Science Libraries & Info. Services)
Global Business (Various Speakers, HBS, Oct. 2008)
Global Business (Time)
Global Business Directory
The Global Connector (Indiana Univ.)
GlobalEdge (MSU Ciber, Michigan State Univ.)
G8 Information Center (Univ. of Toronto)
GRA Research Hotlinks (Global Risk Assessment, Inc.)
The Group of 30
IPA net (MIGA-World Bank)
International Business (L. Perner, Univ. of Southern Calif.)
International Business Index (USA Today)
International Business Resource Connection (Univ. of Kansas)
International Business Resources (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
International Economics Gateway (Alta Plana Corp. & Seth Grimes)
International Marketing Portals & Meta Sites (
International Resources (M. V. Anderson, Cortland, New York)
International Trade Administration (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
The Market Access Database (European Commission)
Martindale's International Business, Finance & Economics Center
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Nyenrode Business Information Services (Universiteit Nyenrode)
Research Datasets (Center for International Development, Harvard Univ.)
RGE Monitor (N. Roubini)
Virtual International Business & Economic Sources (Univ. of North Carolina-Charlotte)
WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources (W. A. Selcher)
Web Resources for International Trade (The Federation of International Trade Associations)

International Business/Int'l Marketing Periodicals
Ad Age Global
Finance & Development
Journal of Commerce Online
Multinational Monitor
OECD Observer

International Business-Related Research/Global Strategic Management/Internationalization
Research in Global Strategic Management (Science Direct)

International Law
European Union Law
Foreign Law (The Univ. of Chicago Library Information System)
Foreign, International, & Transnational Law Resources (Lillian Goldman Library at Yale Law School)
Islamic & International Law Lex Mercatoria)
International Courts & Tribunal (Lex Mercatoria)
International Law (Wikipedia)
Law Library (The World Bank)
Law by Source: Global (Cornell Law School)
Law-Related Project (M. Herberger & H. Rubmann, Univ. of Saarland)
Laws of Other Nations (
Legal Resources in Europe
List of Free Trade Agreements (Wikipedia)
Multilaterals Project: Conventions & Treaties (Edwin Ginn Library, Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts Univ.)  
Trade Agreements in Force (SICE)
Treaties (EurLex)
Treaties: International Trade Instruments (Lex Mercatoria)
Treaty (Wikipedia)
The United Nations Treaty Collection
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
Wash Law - Legal Research on the Web (Washburn Univ. School of Law)
World Law (Australasian Legal Information Institute, Univ. of Technology, Sydney & Univ. of New South Wales)
World Intellectual Property Organization
The WIPO Arbitration & Mediation Center
WWW Resources for Foreign & International Legal Research (Univ. of Colorado Law Library)

International Logistics, Distribution, Transportation, Production & Supply Chain Issues
Access: Changing What's Possible (F. Smith, FedEx, May 23, 2006)
Airports Council International
Air Transport Association
American Truckings Association
20th Annual Trends & Issues in Logistics in Transportation Study: Operating in the New Normal (Ernst & Young, 2011)
Association of American Railroads
China 2015: Transportation & Logistics Strategies (ATKearney/2010)
China's E-Commerce Market: The Logistics Challenges (ATKearney/2011)
Combating Supply Chain Disruptions (The Logistics Institute - Asia Pacific, 2011)
Connected World: Transforming Travel, Tranportation and Supply Chains (World Economic Forum, May 2013)
Connectiong to Compete 2012: Trade Logistics in the Global Economy (Arvis et al., J-F, IBRD/The World Bank, 2012)
Down to the
Deutsche Post World Net
Express Delivery Services: Competitive Conditions Facing U.S.-Based Firms in Foreign Markets (USITC, 2004)
Global Logistics: Challenges for Expansion into Emerging Markets (Logistics Management/July 2013)
2012 Global Logistics & Trends (IMS Worldwide, Inc.)
Global Supply Chain (J. H. Hammond, HBS, Oct. 2008)
100 Great Supply Chain Partners 2011 (SupplyChainBrain)
International Air Transport Association
JAFZA-Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai
Katoen Natie
"K" Line
Logistics (Wikipedia)
Logistics World
Measurement of National-Level Logistics Costs & Performance (K. Rantsila & L. Ojala, Int'l Transport Forum & OECD, 2012)
Menlo Worldwide
New Models for Addressing Supply Chain & Transport Risks (World Economic Forum, 2012)
NYK Line
Outlook on the Logistics & Supply Chain Industry 2013 (World Economic Forum, July 2013)
PIERS: Port Import Export Reporting Service
Supply Chain (Wikipedia)
Supply Chain Optimization (Wikipedia)
The Technology Revolution & its Implications for the Future (D. Yoffie, HBS, Oct. 2008)
2013 Third-Party Logistics Study (Capgemini Consulting, 2013)
Time to Market (Wikipedia)
Top 15 Container Shipping Lines - 2013 (Shipping & Freight Resources)
Top 50 Transportation & Logistics Compnies (2013)
Top 50 Trucking Companies (JOC/2013)
Transforming Global Logistics for Strategic Advantage in Emerging Markets (Q. Weden, IBM GBS, 2006)
Transportation & Logistics 2030 (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2010)
United Parcel Service (UPS)
U.S. Postal Service (USPS)
The World Shipping Directory

International Marketing/Int'l Marketing Research

Conducting International Marketing Research in the 21st Century (Craig & Douglas, New York Univ.)
Global Marketing Management-7th Ed. (M. Kotabe & C. Helsen, John Wiley, 2016)
Marketing Fact Pack 2018 (AdAge)
Population Density & Urbanization (UN)
21st Annual Global Marketers (AdAge, Nov. 2007)
AdAge's 2018 Industry Predictions (AdAge, Jan. 2018)
World's Largest Advertisers 2017 (AdAge, Dec. 2017)

International Retailing
Global Powers of Retailing 2020 (Deloitte)
Global Powers of Retailing 2021 (Deloitte)
Global Powers of Retailing 2022 (Deloitte)

Global Powers of Retailing 2023 (Deloitte)
Global Retail Development Index, Year & Area, 2004-2019 (Rueda, Londoño & Rodriguez, April 2021)
The 2023 Global Retail Development Index (A.T. Kearney)

International Trade Theories/Ancient Economies/World Trade
Ancient Economies I (M. Silver, City College of New York)
Asian Maritime & Trade Chronology to 1700 CE (Maritime Asia)
A Century of Free Trade (BBC)
Economic Theories (Wikipedia)
GTN: Global Trade Negotiations Homepage (Harvard Univ.)
History of International Trade (Wikipedia)
Industrial Archaeology (Wikipedia)
International Trade (Wikipedia)
International Trade Theory (J. W. Harrington, Univ. of Washington)
International Trade Theory & Policy Analysis (S. M. Suranovic, George Washington Univ.)
Laissez-Faire (Wikipedia)
List of International Trade Topics (Wikipedia)
Mercantilism (Wikipedia)
Trade (Wikipedia)

Japanese Sites
The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan
Chambers Information Network Trade Inquiry
Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies (Harvard Univ.)
Japan Automotive Manufacturers Association
Japan Economic Foundation
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
The Japan Foundation - Center for Global Partnership
J Guide: Stanford Guide to Japan Information Resources
Japan Information Network
Japanese Listed Companies (Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd)
The Japanese Studies Network Forum (JS-NET)
Keidanren (Japan Federation of Economic Organizations)
Ministry of Finance (MOF)
Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (formerly MITI)
Statistics Bureau & Statistics Center (Ministry of Public Mgt., Home Affairs, Posts & Telecommunications)
U.S. Commercial Service Japan
Yahoo's Links to Japan

English Usage in the UK & USA (K. Katsiavriades, U.K.)
Ethnologue: Languages of the World (Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc., Dallas, Texas)
Foreign Languages for Travelers (Travlang)
Kryss Tal: Language Families (K. Katsiavriades, U.K.)
Languages & Linguistics
Language Dictionaries & Translator

Maps, Geography/Geographers & Time Zones
Cartography (Wikipedia)
Date & Time Gateway
Essay on Geography & GIS (ESRI, Sept. 2008)
Geographical Magazine
Geographic Information System (Wikipedia)
Geography (Wikipedia)
Harvard Map Collection (Harvard Univ.)
List of Cartographers (Wikipedia)
Map Collection (Univ. of Calif.-Berkeley)
Government Information & Maps Department (Univ. of Calif.-Davis)
Google Maps
List of Geographers (Wikipedia)
Maps: Libraries (Yahoo List)
Maps: World (Yahoo List)
National Geographic Magazine
Online Dictionary & Glossary in Economic Geography (G. Krumme, Univ. of Washington)
PCL Map Collection (Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection, Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Ptolemy (Wikipedia)
Ptolemy (B. Arnett)
Ptolemy & His Geography (Berggren & Jones)
The Ptolemy Project (Dept. of EECS, UC-Berkeley)
The World (Mapquest)
World City Maps (PCL, Univ. of Texas at Austin)
The World Clock - Time Zones
Yahoo Maps

Middle East
Middle East Network Information Center (The Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Yahoo's Links to Middle East

Multinational Corporations (MNCs), Rankings & Business Reports/Surveys
Access Index Rankings by Country (FedEx/2006)
America's Largest Private Companies 2022 (Forbes)
Global Marketers Index (2017)
Leading National Advertisers Index (1997-2018)
Ad Age - Data (2021)
Ad Age - Largest Advertisers 2022
Ad Age Agency Report 2023: Rankings & Analysis
Arab World Competitiveness Report 2011 (World Economic Forum & OECD, 2011)
Asian Development Outlook 2023 (Asian Development Bank)
Asian Economic Integration Report 2021: Making Digital Platforms Work for Asia and the Pacific (Asian Development Bank)
Asia's Fab 50 Companies (Forbes)
ATKearney's Global Services Location Index
100 Best Companies to Work For - 2023 (Fortune)
Best Global Brands 2020 (Interbrand)
Global Innovation 1000 (Business+Strategy, 2018)
The BRIC Countries (Danmark's Nationalbank)
Britain's Most Admired Companies: 2020 (Management Today)
The Business Week Global 1000 (2000)
The Business Week Global 1000 (2001)
The Business Week Global 1000 (2002)
The Business Week Global 1000 (2003)
The Business Week Global 1000 (2004)
The Business Week Global 1200 (2005)
Company Profiles/Brands/Country Rankings (
Company Rankings (INSEAD)
Comparing Companies on  their Commitment to Tackling Global Warming (ClimateCounts)
Consumer Brands of the Top 100 Companies in the Muslim World (DinarStandard)
Country Titans (Dow Jones Indexes)
Digital Library of UNCTAD Publications
Doing Business 2020 (The World Bank/IFC)
Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050 (Goldman Sachs)
The Economist Special Reports: 2023
Energy Information Administration (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
FT 500 (2015)
FT 1000: High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific (Feb. 2018)
FT Special Reports: 2022-2024
Fortune 500 (2015-2024)
Fortune Global 500 (2015-2024)
World's Most Admired Companies-Fortune (2016-2024)
Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2010/2011 (F. McMahon & M. Cervantes)
The Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018 (World Economic Forum)
Global Dynamism Index: Business Growth Fundamentals (Grant Thornton, 2012)
The 2018 Global Innovation 1000 (Strategy&)
2023 - Global 100: Most Sustainable Corporations in the World
Global Top 100 Companies by Market Capitalization (pwc, May 2022)
World Employment & Social Outlook: Trends 2018 (ILO)
Human Development Report: 2021-2024 (UNDP)
Inc. 5000 - Regionals (2024)
Industrial Development Report Series 2023-2024 (UNIDO)
Industry Week 1000 (2020)
Largest Transnational Corporations (UNCTAD)
Latin America's Top 500 Companies - 2020 (Latin Trade)
Leading Business Cities of the Muslim World (Dinar Standard)
Mapping the Global Future: National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project
Most Influential Businessmen of all Time (Forbes)
Multinational Enterprises (ILO)
Top 1000 World Banks 2023 (The Banker)
OECD Corporate Governance Factbook (2021)
Overcoming the Innovation Readiness Gap 2021 (BCG)
Pew Global Attitudes & Trends (Datasets)
State of Global Islamic Economy Report 2023-2024 (Salaam Gateway)
Regional Economic Reports (IMF)
Report on Business: Top 1000/Canada (The Globe & Mail)
The 2019 Global Retail Development Index (A.T. Kearney)
Sector Titans Index (Dow Jones Indexes)
Special Reports from The Wall Street Journal and Barron's: 2002-2005
Statistical Review of World Energy 2008 (BP)
Statistics and Databases (ILO)
The 2004 DS 100: Top 100 Companies of the Muslim World (DinarStandard)
The 2005 DS 100: Top 100 Companies of the Muslim World (DinarStandard)
The 2006 DS 100: Top 100 Companies of the Muslim World (DinarStandard)
The 2007 DS 100: Top 100 Companies of the Muslim World (Dinar Standard)
Top 100 Retailers 2020 List (NRF)
Top 1000 World Banks - 2021 (The Banker)
The 200 Top Performing CEOs in the World (Hansen, Ibarra & Peyer, INSEAD, Dec. 2009)
Trade & Development Report 2020 (UNCTAD)
Trade Profiles - 180 Economies (WTO)
Digital Economy Ranking (EIU & IBM)
UNCTAD Publications/Reports
World Airlines' Financial Monitor - June-July 2020 (IATA)
World Air Transport Statistics (IATA)
The World's Biggest Private Equity Players (Business Week)
The World's Largest Public Companies: 2020 (Forbes)
The World's Billionaires List: 2023 (Forbes)
World Competitiveness Yearbook Rankings 2018 (IMD)
The World Cup and Economics 2018 (Goldman Sachs)
The World Bank Annual Reports & Financial Statements: 2015-2017
World Bank Online Resources (The World Bank Group)
World Development Report 2020: Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains (The World Bank)
World Development Report 2021: Data for Better Lives (The World Bank)
World Development Report 2022: Finance for an Equitable Recovery (The World Bank)
World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees & Societies (The World Bank)
World Development Report 2024: Economic Growth in Middle Income Countries (The World Bank)
World Development Reports: 1998-2023 (The World Bank)
World Economic Outlook, 1993-2024 (IMF)
World Economic Outlook: A Rocky Recovery, 2023 (IMF)
The World Health Report (WHO)
World Health Statistics: 2023 (WHO)
World Investment Report 2022 (UNCTAD)
The World's Most Innovative Companies - 2022 (FastCompany)
WTO's Annual Report 2022
WTO's International Trade & Market Access Data

USMCA (NAFTA) & Other Trade Agreements  
Free Trade Agreement (Wikipedia)
Mercosur Trade Center
The Secretariat (Canada-Mexico-United States)
USMCA (Congress.Gov, 2019-2020)
USMCA (International Trade Administration, Wash. DC.)
USMCA (United States Trade Representative)
USMCA (Wikipedia)

North America
Canadian Information by Subject
Early Canadiana Online
Statistics Canada
Strategis Canada (Microeconomic Research & Statistical Analysis)
United States (Wikipedia)
Yahoo's Links to Canada
Yahoo's Links to Mexico
Yahoo's Links to North America
Yahoo's Links to the United States

Business Process Outsourcing & Offshoring (Alvarez, Couoto & Disher, Strategy+Business/Booz Allen Hamilton, 2003)
Business Process Outsourcing: Understanding the Critical Role of IT (EIU/SAP, 2007)
Calling a Change in the Outsourcing Market (April 2005; Deloitte)
The Economics of Outsourcing (T. Palley, FPIF Policy Report, March 2006)
Enabling High Performance Through Outsourcing (Accenture)
The Future of Outsourcing (Business Week, Jan. 30, 2006)
2006 Global Outsourcing Guide (CIO)
Global Outsourcing of Professional Services (Seshasai & Gupta, Jan. 2004, MIT)
IBM Global Services
IT Outsourcing in China (The Outsourcing Institute)
Offshoring (Wikipedia)
Offshoring for Long-Term Advantage (ATKearney/2007)
Outsourcing (Business Week)
Outsourcing Articles (The Economist)
Outsourcing (Wikipedia)
Outsourcing & Offshoring (McKinsey & Company)
The Outsourcing Shuffle (ATKearney)
Outsourcing Strategically for Sustainable Competitive Advantage (ATKearney)
Outsourcing in a Global Economy (Grossman & Helpman, Review of Eco. Studies/72, 2005)
Outsourcing Strategies (C. P. Chin & P. Pham)
Pre-empting Protectionism in Services: The GATS and Outsourcing (A. Mattoo & S. Wunsch, World Bank, 2004)
Profits or Perils: The Bottom Line on Outsourcing (Jackson, Iloranta & McKenzie, Booz Allen Hamilton, 2001)
The Real Offshoring Question (ATKearney/2004)
Sourcing in Central & Eastern Europe: An Overlooked Opportunity (BCG/2006)

Policy/Other Organizations
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy
American Society of Arts & Sciences
Amnesty International
Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs (Harvard Univ.)
Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy
Brookings Institution
The Business Roundtable
The Cato Institute
Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs
Center for Economic Policy Research-CEPR (UK)
Center for International Development (Harvard Univ.)
The Conference Board
Council on Competitiveness
CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange
The Council of Foreign Relations
Daiwa Institute of Research
The Earth Institute at Columbia University
Economic Policy Institute
Economic Strategy Institute
The Fraser Institute
Global Corporate Governance Forum
Global Policy Forum
Harvard Institute for International Development
The Heritage Foundation
Hoover Institution
Hudson Institute
IFRI: Institut Francais des Relations Internationales (Paris)
International Chamber of Commerce
International Development Association
International Finance Corporation
International Import-Export Institute
International Institute for Sustainable Development
International Trade Administration
NAFSA: Association for International Educators
National Institute for Economic & Social Research
The Nobel Foundation
Nomura Research Institute
Oxford Analytica
Peace Corps
The Peter Drucker Foundation for Non-Profit Management
Rand Corp.
The Royal Institute of International Affairs
Royal Society of Arts
Rand Corp.
Royal Society of Arts
Society for International Development
Soros Foundation
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research-SIEPR
The Trilateral Commission
Tokyo Club Foundation for Global Studies
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
World Economic Forum (Davos, Switzerland)
World Policy Institute
World Resources Institute
World Trade Centers Association

Russia, Central Asia, Central/Eastern Europe & CIS
Business Information Service for the Newly Independent States (BISNIS)
Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
The Program on Central Asia & the Caucasus (Harvard Univ.)
Russia & Eastern European Studies Web (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Yahoo's Links to Central & Eastern Europe
Yahoo's Links to Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Yahoo's Links to Russia

Supply Chain Management
Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow (ATKearney/2007)
Supply Chain's Last Straw: A Vicious Cycle of Risk (Deloitte/2007)

Trading Companies

Sogo Shosha (Wikipedia)
The Sogo Shosha? Current state, history, functions & directions (Marubeni Corp.)
Transformation of the Sogo Shosha in the IT Age? (JFTC)

World Governments/International Affairs
Country Links A-Z (J. Vileta, Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth)
General Foreign Government Resources on the Internet (UC-Berkeley)
Governments/Countries (Yahoo Directory)
Governments on the Web (G. Anzinger)
International Governmental Organization (Northwestern Univ.)
International Relations Journals & Magazines (A. Selcher, Elizabethtown College)
Official Web Pages by Country (R. Kimber, UK)
Richard Kimber's Political Science Resources
Rulers (B. Schemmel)
Virtual Resources: International Relations Research Resources on the Web (R. Diebert, Univ. of Toronto)
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (Harvard Univ.)
Web Sites of National Parliaments (Washington Univ. in St. Louis)
World Governments (Adminet)

International Finance, Banking & Economics

2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis (ST Anwar, West Texas A&M Univ.)
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Center for Corporate Governance Research (Birmingham Business School)
Central Banks on the WWW (BIS)
Corporate Governance (The Conference Board)
Corporate Governance (Corporate Governance & J. McRitchie)
Dr. Ed Yardeni's Economics Network (Oak Associates, Ltd.)
Economic Data - FRED (St. Louis Fed)
Economic Growth Resources (J. Temple, Univ. of Bristol)
Finance & Investing (12Manage)
Finance Site List (Ohio State Univ.)
Financial Glossary (Yahoo)
Financial Markets (Wikipedia)
Frontiers in Finance for Decision Makers in Financial Services (KPMG/2007)
Futures & Options Resources on the WWW (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Global Financial Data (B. Taylor, Alhambra, Calif.)
Glossary of A-Z  of Financial Terms (Money World)
History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day (R. Davies, UK)
International Center for Finance at the Yale School of Management: Working Papers
IMF at Work
IMF Finances (IMF)
OSU Virtual Finance Library (Ohio State Univ.)
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Wachowicz's Web World: Web Sites for Discerning Finance Students (J. Wachowicz, Univ. of Tennessee)
Financial Institutions Center (Wharton School)  

Triennial Central Bank Survey: Foreign Exchange Turnover in April 2013 (BIS, Sept. 2013)
World Banks: Directory of Banks, Credit Unions & Financial Information on the Internet (AAAdir)

International/Multilateral Organizations

The African Development Bank Group
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Central Banks (Yahoo Directory)
Commonwealth Secretariat
European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD)
Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Inter-American Development Bank
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
International Labor Organization (ILO)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Organizations (Lex Mercatoria)
International Organizations (The Library of Congress)
International Government Organizations (Northwestern Univ.)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD)
Organization of American States (OAS)
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
United Nations (UN)
United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD)
United Nations Development Program
United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
The World Bank Group
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Trade Organization (WTO)


Association of Research Libraries
Australian Library Gateway
The Australian National University Library
Baker Library -_Harvard Business School
Boston College Libraries
The British Library
Caltech Library System
Cambridge University Library
Carnegie Mellon University Libraries
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library System
City University London - Library Informat
Columbia University Libraries
Copenhagen Business School Library
Cornell University Library Gateway
Cornette Library, West Texas A&M University
Cranfield University - Information & Library Services
Dartmouth College Library
Digital Library of UNCTAD
A Directory of Library Catalogs & Services in Britain & Ireland (NISS, U.K.)
Duke University Libraries
Emory University Libraries
Erasmus University Rotterdam Library
ESSEC Business School Library (France)
The European Library
Gateway to Library Catalogs (The Library of Congress)
Georgetown University Library
Georgia Tech Electronic Library
Glasgow University Library
Global e-Library (Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu)
Helsinki School of Economics Library
HOLLIS: Access to Harvard University Library Resources
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Library
Hytelnet (online catalogs of other libraries)
IESE Business School Library (Barcelona)
International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions: Electronic Collections
Indiana University Libraries
Imperial College Libraries (London)
Information Center - IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland
INSEAD Library (European Institute of Business Administration, France)
International Finance Discussion Papers (The Federal Reserve Board)
International University of Japan Library Services
The Internet Public Library (IPL)
Johns Hopkins University - Libraries & Computing
KPMG Virtual Library
Leeds University Library
LIBDex -The Library Index (Links to 18,000 libraries)
Librarians' Internet Index
Libraries at New York University
Libraries@University of Southern California
Library (London School of Economics & Political Science)
The Library of Congress
The Library Network (The World Bank Group & IMF)
Library Online, Rice University
Library Servers Via WWW (Univ. of Calif.-Berkeley)
Lippincott Library of the Wharton School (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
London Business School Library
M25 Consortium of Higher Education Libraries (London)
McGill University Libraries
McMaster University Library
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries
Michigan e-Library
Monash University Library
Nanyang Technological University Library
The National Library of Australia
National Agricultural Library (USDA)
National Library of Canada
National Library Catalogs Worldwide (The University of Queensland)
National University of Singapore Library
Nordic Libraries: Information Servers (Lund Univ.)
Norwegian School of Economics & Business Administration Library
Norwegian School of Management Main Library
Northwestern University Library
Nyenrode University Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
Open University Library (U.K.)
Oxford University Libraries
Pennsylvania  State University Libraries
Princeton University Library
Purdue University Libraries
Reading University Library
Research Libraries Group (RLG)
Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources
Texas A&M University Libraries (College Station)
Tilburg University Library
United Nations Technical Assistance Program for Small & Field Libraries
The United Nations University Library
Universita Bocconi Virtual Library (Italy)
University of Aarhus Libraries
The University of Arizona Library
The University of Auckland Library
The University of Birmingham Main Library
University of Bradford - Library Services
The University of British Columbia Library
University of Brussels Library
University of California-Berkeley Library
University of California at Davis - Libraries & Exhibits
University of California - Irvine Libraries
University of California Los Angeles Library
University of California, San Diego Libraries
The University of Chicago Library
University College Dublin Library
The University of Edinburgh Library Online
U.S. National Library of Medicine
University of Geneva Libraries
University of Groningen Library
University of Houston Libraries
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Library Gateway
The University of Liverpool Library
University of London Library
University of Maastricht Library
University of Manchester Library
The University of Melbourne Library
University of Michigan Libraries
University of Minnesota-Duluth Library
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries
University of Notre Dame Libraries
University of Pennsylvania Library
The University of Queensland Library
University of Rochester Libraries
University of St. Gallen Library
UT Library Online (UT-Austin)
The University of Sydney Library
University of Tokyo Library System
University of Toronto Libraries
University of Virginia Library
University of Warwick Library
University of Washington Libraries
The University of Western Australia Library
University of Western Ontario Libraries
University of Wisconsin Libraries
University of Zurich Libraries
Uppsala University Library (Sweden)
Vanderbilt University Library
Vienna University Libraries
Wake Forest University Libraries
Washington University in St. Louis Libraries
Western Governors University Central Library
The WWW Virtual Library
Yale University Libraries
York University Library

Logic, Critical Thinking & Related Sites

Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum Project (Longview Community College, Lee's Summit, Missouri)
Critical Thinking (Wikipedia)
Epistemology (Wikipedia)
Factasia Logic (R. B. Jones)
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (J. Fieser & B. Dowden, Univ. of Tennessee at Martin)
Knowledge (Wikipedia)
Logic (Factasia)
Logic (P. Newall)
Logic (G. Kemerling)
Logic (Wikipedia)
The Logic Classroom (Carranza, San Jose State Univ.)
Major Figures in Western Philosophy (G. Kemerling)
Rationality (Wikipedia)
A Tutorial in Critical Reasoning (F. Edler, Metropolitan Community College, Omaha, Nebraska)
The WWW Virtual Library: Philosophy (D. Brickley, Univ. of Bristol)

Management Consulting & Accounting Firms

A&M (Alvaraez & Marsal)
Arthur D. Little
Bain & Co.
Booz Allen Hamilton
Charles River Associates (CRA)
Gartner, Inc.
LEK. Consulting
Management Consulting Group
McKinsey & Co.
NERA Economic Consulting
Oliver Wyman
Roland Berger
The Top 50 Consulting Firms in 2022 (

Marketing Links

Big Data & Analytics
The Age of Big Data (S. Lohr,, Feb. 11, 2012)
Analytics (Wikipedia)
Analytics Comes of Age (McKinsey Analytics, Jan. 2018)
Analytics in Action: Breakthrough & Barriers on the Journey to ROI (Accenture, 2013)
Analytics Everywhere: Smarter Actions, Happier Customers, Greater Value (A. Chakraborty & M. Vernocchi, Accenture, 2016)
Analytics: The Real-World Use of  Big Data in Retail (IBM & Said Business School, Univ. of Oxford, 2013)
Analytics 3.0 (T. H. Davenport, HBR, Dec. 2013)
Big Data & the Democratization of Decisions (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2012)
Big Data (FT & Gartner)
Big Data (Wikipedia)
Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain: Hype or Here to Stay (Accenture, 2014)
Big Data 2.0: New Business Strategies from Big Data (Deloitte Review, 2013)
Big Data & the Creative Destruction of Today's Business Models (ATKearney, 2013)
Big Data for Development: Challenges & Opportunities (UN GlobalPulse, June 2012)
Big Data: A European Survey on the Opportunities & Risks of Data Analytics (Vodafone Institute for Society & Communications, Jan. 2016)
Big Data in Big Companies (TH Davenport & J Dyche, SAS, May 2013)
Big Data Landscape (R. Petersen, Barn Raisers, April 11, 2016)
Big Data: The Management Revolution (A. McAfee & E. Brynjolfsson, HBR, Oct. 2012)
Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition & Productivity (McKinsey Global Institute, 2011)
The Big Data Talent Gap (S. Ahalt & K. Kelly, Kenan-Flager B-School, Univ. of North Carolina, 2013)
Big Data: The Organizational Challenge (Pearson & Wegener, Bain & Co, 2013)
The Big Data Landscape (D. Feinleib, Forbes, July 19, 2012)
China's Next Retail Disruption: End-to-End Value Chain Digitization (PwC, 2018)
Data, Data Everywhere: A Special Report (The Economist, Feb. 25, 2010)
Data Value Chain (GSM & AT Kearney, June 2018)
Delivering with Big Data (World Bank Group)
Digital Globalization: The New Era of Global Flows (McKinsey & Co., March 2016)
2018 Digital Trends (P. Vatash, Adobe, 2018)
Exploring Data-Driven Innovation as a New Source of Growth  (OECD, June 2013)
Firing on All Cylinders: The 2017 Big Data Landscape (M. Turck,, April 5, 2017)
Gartner Emerging Technology Hype Cycles (H. Katzenelson, Aug. 31, 2016)
Gain Advantage Through Analytics (AT Kearney, 2015)
Global State of Enterprise Analytics, 2018 (Columbus, L., Forbes, August 8, 2018)
Google Analytics
Growing Pains: The 2018 Internet of Things Landscape (M. Turck,, Jan. 9, 2018)
How Companies are Using Big Data & Analytics (McKinsey & Co., April 2016)
In Search of Insight & Foresight: Getting More Out of Big Data (Economist Intelligence Unit, Oracle & Intel, 2013)
Industrial Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Methodologies, and Applications (Wang et al., JP, 2018)

Insight-Driven Organization Survey: Benchmarking Your Analytics Journey (Deloitte, April 2017)
In the Age of Analytics: Competing in a Data Driven World (McKinsey, Dec. 2016)
Making Advanced Analytics Work for You (D. Barton & D. Court, HBR, Oct. 2012)
Marketing Analytics for Data Rich Environment (M. Wedel & PK Kanan, Jr. of Marketing, 80, 2016)
Marketing Analytics: The ROI of Insight & the Advantage of the Cloud (P. Krensky, Aberdeen Group, Oct. 2015)
Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic-2018: Martech 5000 (S. Brinker,, April 24, 2018)
Measuring Big Data (J. Sterne, Smart Insights, Nov. 2012)
Operationalizing and Embeddying Analytics for Action (F. Helper, SAS, 2015)
Popular Statistical Analysis for Market Research Surveys (Qualtrics)
Predictive Analytics (Wikipedia)
A Survey of Big Data Management: Taxonomy & State-of-the-Art (Siddiqa et al., A., Jr. of Network & Comp. Applications, 71, 2016)
Ten Charts that will Change your Perspectives of Big Data's Growth (Columbus, L., Forbes, May 23, 2018)
The Age of Analytics: Competing in a Data-Driven World (McKinsey & Co., Dec. 2016)

Top Trends in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2017 (K. Panetta,, Aug. 15, 2017)
Value Based Analytics (AT Kearney, March 2015)

What's Now and Next in Analytics, AI and Automation (McKinsey & Co., May 2017)

Census Data, Statistical Resources and other Data Sets (domestic & international)
Data Sets (The Library of Congress)
Data for Zip Codes
Demography & Population Studies (D. Crow, Australian National Univ.)
EuroStat/Euro Indicators (EU)
Foreign Labor Statistics (U.S. Dept. of Labor)
Global Statistics (J. Heijden)
Harvard-MIT Data Center
International Marketing Research & Statistics (
Internet Data Sources by Subject (Edinburgh Univ.)
Internet Data Sources for Social Scientists (Cornell Univ.)
Market Data Center: Auto Sales (WSJ, May 1, 2009)
Metro Economies Report Index (The US Conference of Mayors, 1999-2015)

NAICS: North American Industry Classification System (U.S. Census Bureau)
National Statistics - UK
OECD Statistics
Population Reference Bureau
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Search
Statistics (UNESCO)
Statistical Resources on the Web - Comprehensive Economics (Univ. of Michigan)
Statistical Sites on the WWW (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
U.N. Population Information Network
U.N. Statistics Division
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Population Clocks (U.S. Census Bureau)
U.S. Current Population Survey
U.S. States & Capitols Almanac
World Statistics (
Zip Code Statistics (U.S. Census Bureau)

Data Resources, Links, Indexes & Meta Sites
Ads (Dept. of Advertising, Univ. of Texas-Austin)
Advertising Law (
Advertising World (Dept. of Advertising, Univ. of Texas-Austin)
BBB: Better Business Bureau
Brand (Wikipedia)
Brand Architecture (Wikipedia)
Brand Equity (Wikipedia)
Brand Papers (
Brand Rankings-Survey & Research: 2001-2005 (Interbrand)
Business & Economics Online (The Library of Congress)
Business Glossary
Business Researcher's Interests (Yogesh Malhotra)
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Consumer Review
Consumer World
Data Center (AdAge)
DM News
Euromonitor Index: Global Consumer Market Intelligence
Federal Consumer Information Center
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Franchise Directory (Franchise Handbook)
Franchise Information
Franchising (Wikipedia)
WiN/Gallup International
Gallup Pakistan
Global AdView Pulse Lite (Nielsen, 2013)
100 Leading National Advertisers Index 2013 Edition Index (AdAge)
Index to the 2008 Media 100 (AdAge)
Industry Links
International Franchising (International Herald Tribune)
Internet Advertising Resource Guide (
The Internet Public Library Reference Center
List of Advertising Slogans (Wikipedia)
List of Marketing Topics (Wikipedia)
Logo (Wikipedia)
Marketing Management (Wikipedia)
Marketing Management & Marketing Strategy (
Marketing (12Manage)
Marketing Mix (Wikipedia)
Marketing Principles, History & the Marketing Plan (
Marketing Research: Key Weblinks & Printed Resources (J. J. Vileta, Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth)
Marketing Resources (L. Perner, Univ. of Southern Calif.)
Marketing Resources (LSU Libraries)
Marketing Stories Archive (
Marketing Strategies & Channels (Baker Library, HBS)
Marketing Strategy (Wikipedia)
Marketing Virtual Library (
New Product Development (Wikipedia)
Positioning (Wikipedia)
Product Management (Wikipedia)
The Psychology of Consumers (L. Perner, Univ. of Southern Calif.)
Public Citizen
Public Relations (Y. Kamalipour, Purdue Univ.)
Retailing (Wikipedia)
Service (Wikipedia)
Services Marketing (Wikipedia)
SERVQUAL (12Manage)
7-Ps Extended Marketing Mix (Value Based
Television Commercial (Yahoo List)
Tertiary Sector of Industry (Wikipedia)
Theories & Constructs Used in Marketing (AMA)
U.S. Copyright Office

Market Research & Other Organizations
Abbott Wool's Market Segment Resource Locator
Ad Track Index (USA Today)
Alcone Marketing Group
American Advertising Federation
American Association of Advertising Agencies
The American Customer Satisfaction Index (Univ. of Michigan Business School)
Beanstalk Group
Bowen Craggs & Co.
Building Brands
The Burke Institute
Business Models, Marketing Plans & New Product Development (D. Olsen, Univ. of Alberta)
Conjoint Links
Conjoint Analysis Tutorial (SurveySite)
Direct Marketing Association
Forrester Research
The Gallup Organization
GfK Group
Institute for the Study of Business Markets (Penn State)
JDPower & Associates
Jupiter Research
Links to Statistical Providers (Stata Corp.)
Marketing Research (Wikipedia)
Market Research & Internet Marketing Research (
Marketing Research Guide (LSU Libraries)
Marketing Science Institute
McCann-Erickson World Group
Millward Brown
Nielsen Media Research
Nielsen//Net Ratings
Office of Scale Research (G. Bruner, Southern Illinois Univ.)
Scientific Software International
SPSS: Data Mining Solutions
2013 Top 25 Global Research Organizations (J. Honomichl, Marketing News, Aug., 2013)
Top500 Supercomputers Sites (Mannheim Univ. & Univ. of Tennessee)
World Opinion
Yankee Group
Yankelovich Partners
Young & Rubicam, Inc.

Advertising Age
Adnews (Canada)
American Demographics
Marketing Management
Marketing News
Marketing Research
Marketing Week (UK)
Progressive Grocer
Sales & Marketing Management  

Media/Networks/Radio Stations

British Broadcasting Service (BBC)
Cable News Network (CNN)
Classical Live Online Radio
Classical Net
The Media of Pakistan (H. Yusuf & E. Schoemaker, BBC, Sept. 2013)
National Public Radio (NPR)
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
Radio Locator
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Radio Swiss Classic
TVShow: Television Worldwide (Buttle & Tuttle Ltd.)
World Wide Internet Television
World Wide Radio

Newspapers (domestic/International) & Other Sources

ABYZ Newslinks
Amarillo Globe News

Asahi Shimbun
The Asian Wall Street Journal
Associated Press
The Australian

Barron's Online
Berliner Zietung

The Boston Globe
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Chicago Tribune
Daily Telegraph
Dallas Morning News
Dawn ePaper
Dow Jones Newswires
Editor & Publisher Interactive

Financial Times
Full Listing of Online News Agencies
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The Guardian
Gulf News
The Herald
Houston Chronicle
Huffington Post
International Herald Tribune

The Japan Times
Khaleej Times
Le Monde

List of Newspapers in the World by Circulation (Wikipedia)
Los Angeles Times

My Virtual Newspaper (
News Agencies (Y. Kamalipour, Purdue Univ.)
News Agency (Wikipedia)
Newspaper Links

Newspapers and Magazines on the World Wide Web
Newspaper Map
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San Diego Union Tribune

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Singapore Business Times
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The Times
USA Today
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Washington Post
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World Newspapers & Magazines
The World

Publishing Companies

AAC&U Publications
AEI (Books)
Amsterdam University Press
Anchor Books
African Development Bank Group (Publications)
Asian Development Bank (Publications & Documents)

Association of University Presses
Barron's: Business & Finance
Basic Books
Brookings Institution Press
Cambridge University Press
The Chinese University Press of Hong Kong Press

The Chronicle of Higher Education (Reports & Guides)
Columbia University Press
The Conference Board Publications & Reports
Copenhagen Business School Press
Cornell University Press
Council on Foreign Relations Publications
Crown Publishing Group
Dow Jones
Duke University Press
Dun & Bradstreet
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
Edinburgh University Press
Edward Elgar

Emerald Publishing
Georgetown University Press
Hachette Book Group
Harper Collins Publishers

Harvard Business Publishing
Harvard Education Press
Harvard University Press

Hong Kong University Press
Hoover Institution Publications
Houghton Mifflin Company
IMF Publications
Indiana University Press
International Chamber of Commerce: Business Bookstore
The Johns Hopkins University Press
John Wiley & Sons
Kluwer Law International
Knopf Doubleday

Kodansha International

Kogan Page Publishing
List of English-Language Book Publishing Companies (Wikipedia)
Management Pocketbooks
Manchester University Press
McGraw Hill

Melbourne University Press
Merriam Webster
The MIT Press

Michigan State University Press
National Geographic Books
NBER Publications
The New Press
The New York Times Book Review
New York University Press
Notre Dame Press
Oak Tree Press

OECD iOnline Bookshop
Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press Pakistan
Palgrave Macmillan
Pearson Publishing
Penguin Random House
Penn State University Press
Perseus Books
Petersen Institute for International Economics (PIIE
The Princeton Review

Princeton University Press
Public Affairs
Rand McNally
Rand Publications
Routledge Taylor & Francis
Russell Sage Foundation Publications
Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Singapore University Press
Springer Link
Springer Nature
Standard & Poor's

Stanford University Press
SUNY Press
Taylor & Francis Group
Texere Publications
University of California Press
University of Michigan Press
UN Publications

United Nations University Publications
The University of Chicago Press
University of London Press
University of Minnesota Press
The University of North Carolina Press
University of Pennsylvania Press
University of Tokyo Press

Verso Books
Walter de Gruyter

Wharton School Press
Woodrow Wilson Center Press
The World Bank Group Publications
World Resources Institute
World Scientific
WTO Publications
W. W. Norton & Co.
Yale University Press

Research Methods/Statistics/Math

Basic Business Research Methods (C. McNamara)
Descriptive Statistics (
Elementary Concepts in Statistics (StatSoft)
Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models & Applications (D.W. Stockburger, SW Missouri State Univ.)
Hyper Stat online (D. Lane, Rice Univ.)
Mathematical Symbols (
Multivariate Statistics: Concepts, Models & Applications (D. W. Stockburger, SW Missouri State Univ.)
Online Scientific & Engineering Resource (
The Qualitative Report (R.J. Chenail, Nova Southeastern Univ.)
Qualitative Research Links (Univ. of Toronto)
Qualitative Research Journals (Saint Louis Univ.)
Qualitative Social Science Research Methodology (North Carolina Wesleyan College)
Quantitative Marketing Research (Wikipedia)
Quantitative Research Design & Methods (Univ. College Dublin)
Research Methods in the Social Sciences: An Internet Resource List (Univ. of Miami Libraries)
Resources for Methods in Evaluation & Social Research (GSociology & ICAAP)
Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics (D. Lane, Rice Univ.)

Statistics & Statistical Graphics Resources (M. Friendly, York Univ.)
Statistical Resources (D. Olsen, Univ. of Alberta)
Statistical Science Web

Statistics Tools for Internet & Classroom Instruction with a Graphical User Interface (SticiGui, UC-Berkeley)
Survey Research Methods Section: Links & Resources (American Statistical Association)
Virtual Math Lab (West Texas A&M Univ.)
Welcome to Research Methods Resources on the WWW (M. S. Stephensen, Univ. of British Columbia)
The WWW Virtual Library: Statistics (Univ. of Florida)

Small Business/Entrepreneurship/Franchising/New Venture Creation

American Made: The Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs & Professionals on US Competitiveness (NVCA)
Arthur M. Black Center for Entrepreneurship, Babson College

Best of the Best Franchises for 2007 (
Business Bureau UK-Small Business Information Resource

CIE Research Reports Archives (vFinance, Inc.)
Entrepreneurship Education on the Web (St. Louis Univ.)
2007 Entrepreneur Magazine's Hot 500
Entrepreneurial Confidence Index (vFinance Investments, Inc./2004)
Entrepreneurship - Database of Articles (M. M. Akhir, Universiti Putra Malaysia)
Entrepreneurship Index 2004 (National Agency for Enterprise & Construction, Denmark)
Entrepreneurs - Resources for Entrepreneurs (Gaebler Ventures)
Entreworld (Kauffman Center)

Federal Government Small Business Resources
The Impact of Immigration on the California Economy (Calif. Regional Economies Project)

Information for Small Business (SEC)

International Hotlist (U.S. Small Business Administration)
Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity (R. W. Fairlie/2005)
Lester Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (UC-Berkeley)

Management & Entrepreneurship (LSU Libraries)
National Federation of Independent Business

National Small Business Council, Inc.

A New Venture Creation Model (J. C. Carland & J. W. Carland)
Northeastern University's Center for Family Business

PeerSpectives (Edward Lowe Foundation)
Resources on Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation (UNDP)
Resources on Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises (IFC)
The 7 Entrepreneurial Skills (Entrevis)
Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises (IFC)
Small Business Development Centers

Small Business (
Small Business (Federal Citizen Information Center)
Small Business (
Small Business Funding Opportunities (NIH)
Small Business/Self-Employed (IRS)
The Small Business Knowledge Base (
Small Business Survival Index 2005 (Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council)
SBDC National Information Clearinghouse

SBA Outside Resources Hotlist (U.S. Small Business Administration)
U.S. Excellence in New Venture Creation (A. D. Biedermann)
U.S. Small Business Administration

U.S. Small Business Administration's Office of International Trade
2006 Washington State Index of Innovation & Technology
Wharton Entrepreneurial Programs

Yahoo's Small Business Information

Stock Exchange Resources

Chicago Board Options Exchange
Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Financial Links (FCS Internet)
Gruppe Deutsche Bourse
London Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Stock Exchanges - Worldwide Links
Stock Market Index (Wikipedia)
Tokyo Stock Exchange

World Federation of Exchanges
World Stock Exchanges (Yahoo Directory)

Strategic Alliances, JVs/IJVs, M&As, Interorganizational Cooperation & Related Links

Acquisition Integration Approaches (12Manage)
Bargaining (Wikipedia)
Business Network (Wikipedia)
Business Philosophies & Popular Management Theories (Wikipedia)
Cheating (Wikipedia)
Coalition (12Manage)
Collaboration (Wikipedia)
Collective Action (Wikipedia)
Commitment (Wikipedia)
Conflict (Wikipedia)
Consensus (Wikipedia)
Consensus Decision Making (Wikipedia)
Control (Wikipedia)
Cooperation (Wikipedia)
Deception (Wikipedia)
Failure (Wikipedia)
Fraud (Wikipedia)
Group (Wikipedia)
Group Dynamics (Wikipedia)
Hierarchy (Wikipedia)
Hubris (Wikipedia)
Joint Venture (Cornell Law School)
Joint Venture (Wikipedia)
Joint Venture Agreement Form (LectLaw)
Joint Ventures & Alliances: Article & Book Chapter Abstracts (Ivey Business School, Western University, 2014)
Leadership (Wikipedia)
Cross-Border Mergers (UK Government, 2013)
Mergers & Acquisitions (Investopedia)
Mergers & Acquisitions (CFO)
Mergers & Acquisitions (Wikipedia)
M&A Integration (Value Based
Mergers Acquisitions & Joint Ventures (E. Terrell, The Library of Congress)
On Six Advances in Cooperation Theory (R. Axelord, Univ. of Michigan)
Organization (Wikipedia)
Organizational Culture (Wikipedia)
Power (Wikipedia)
Reciprocity (Wikipedia)
Sharing (Wikipedia)
Social Exchange Theory (Wikipedia)
Social Structure (Wikipedia)
Strategic Alliance (Wikipedia)
Teamwork (Wikipedia)
Trust (Wikipedia)
Uncertainty (Wikipedia)
M&As: Understanding Takeovers (Investopedia)
Why Strategic Alliances don't Work (Forbes)

Theories & Related Links

Annotated Bibliography of Transaction Cost Economics (H.S. James, Univ. of Missouri, June 2007)
Building IB Theories, Constructs & Methods Across Cultures & Social Sciences (H.W. Volberda, JIBS, 37, 2006)
Chaos Theory (12Manage)
Chaos Theory (Wikipedia)
Competition (Wikipedia)
Complexity (Wikipedia)
Complex System (Wikipedia)
Creativity (Wikipedia)
Dominant Logic (Wikipedia)
Epistemology (Wikipedia)
Falsifiability (Wikipedia)
Diversification (Wikipedia)
Game Theory (Wikipedia)
Growth Theory (Wikipedia)
F. Hayek (Wikipedia)
Industrial Organization (Wikipedia)
Innovation (Wikipedia)
Knowledge (Wikipedia)
Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm (Wikipedia)
Logic (Wikipedia)
Logistic Function (Wikipedia)
Monopoly (Wikipedia)
J. Nash (Wikipedia)
Nash Equilibrium (Wikipedia)
Paradigm (Wikipedia)
M. Polanyi (Wikipedia)
K. Popper (Wikipedia)
Principal-Agent Problem-Agency Theory (Wikipedia)
Prisoner's Dilemma (Wikipedia)
Rationality (Wikipedia)
Rational Theory (Wikipedia)
Red Queen (Wikipedia)
Resource Based View of the Firm (Value Based
Resource Based View (Wikipedia)
S-Curve (Wikipedia)
Sustainable Competitive Advantage (Wikipedia)
Systems Theory (Wikipedia)
Theories & Constructs Used in Marketing (American Marketing Association)
Theory (Wikipedia)
Theory of the Firm (Wikipedia)
T. S. Kuhn (Wikipedia)
Transaction Cost (Wikipedia)
O. E. Williamson (Wikipedia)
World Database of Trust (H.S. James, Univ. of Missouri, July 2009)

Trade Shows & Exhibitions

Trade Fairs & Exhibitions UK
Trade Shows, Conferences & Exhibitions (Foreign Trade Online)
TradeshowWeek Online
The Ultimate Tradeshow Resource (
Yahoo Directory of Trade Shows & Exhibitions

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National Contact Center (Federal Citizen Information Center)
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Official U.S. Executive Branch Web Sites
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Social Security Online
Supreme Court Decisions (through Cornell Univ.)
Thomas Legislative Information on the Internet
U.S. Agency for International Development
U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS)
U.S. Congress
U.S. Courts
U.S. Dept. of State
U.S. Executive Branch
U.S. Federal Government Agencies Directory (Louisiana State Univ. Libraries)
U.S. Government Information Sources (W. A. Selcher)
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Ancient Trade Routes, the Silk Road & Famous Explorers

Ancient Trade Routes & the Silk Road
Ancient Navigation (Nordic Underwater Archaeology)
Ancient Roads (Wikipedia)
Ancient Routes (R. Baird)

Ancient Trade Routes (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Bibliography on Silk Road (Silk Road Foundation)
China: A Trip Along the Silk Road (L. Salmons)
Following the Ancient Footprints: Exploring the Northern Silk Road (P. Logan, Calif. Institute of Technology)
Grand Trunk Road (Wikipedia)
In the Mountains of Central Asia (D. Waugh, Univ. of Washington, Seattle)
Lost Cities of the Silk Road: A Space-Age Search for Relics of Eurasia's Distant Past (P. Logan, Calif. Institute of Technology)
Maps of Silk Road
Old World Traditional Trade Routes (OWTRAD) Project (T. M. Ciolek, Australian National Univ.)
The Roads of Rome (KET)
Roman Roads (
The Roman Roads in the Mediterranean Region
Silk Road (Google Images)
Silk Road (Wikipedia)
Silk Road 97

The Silk Road Pictures (O. Wild, Univ. of California-Irvine)
Trade Route (Wikipedia)
World Heritage Site (Wikipedia)

Famous Explorers
List of Explorers (Wikipedia)
Ibn Battuta (1304-1377)
Ibn Battuta (Wikipedia)
Ibn Battuta and the 14th Century Muslim World (
Ibn Battuta Travels (Medieval Sourcebook, Fordham Univ.)
Ibn Battuta and His Travels (
Ibn Battuta: The Great Traveler (A. S. Chughtai)
The Longest Hajj: The Journeys of Ibn Battuta, Part I (Saudi Aramco World)
The Longest Hajj: The Journeys of Ibn Battuta, Part II (Saudi Aramco World)
The Travels of Ibn Batutta (San Francisco Unified School District)
* Also see:
Abercrombie, T. J. & J. L. Stanfield. (1991). "Ibn Buttuta: Price of Travelers," National Geographic, (December): 2-49.

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)
Christopher Columbus (Wikipedia)
Christopher Columbus (Medieval Sourcebook, Fordham Univ.)
Christopher Columbus (Millersville Univ.)
Christopher Columbus (MSN Encarta)
Christopher Columbus (Infoplease)
Columbus Linkpage
The Columbus Navigation Homepage (K.A. Pickering)
* Also see:
Lyon, Eugene & Bob Sacha. (1992). "Search for Columbus," National Geographic, (January): 2-53.

Vasco da Gama (1469-1524)
Vasco da Gama (Wikipedia)
Vasco da Gama (P. Halsall, Fordham Univ.)
Vasco da Gama (BBC)
Vasco da Gama Collection (Univ. of Michigan)
Zheng He (1371-1435)
Zheng He (Wikipedia)
The Admiral of the Western Seas (Robert K.H. Leo)
Experts Hope to Emulate Chinese Columbus (BBC)
The Great Chinese Mariner Zheng He (
Zheng He (
Zheng He: The Chinese Navigator (S.L. Lee)
Zheng He's Voyages of Discovery (UCLA Center for Chinese Studies)
* Also see
Viviano, F & M. Yamashita, (2005). "China's Great Armada," National Geographic, (July): 28-53.
Marco Polo (1254-1324)
Marco Polo (Wikipedia)
Marco Polo (Medieval Sourcebook, Fordham Univ.)
Marco Polo & His Travels (Silk Road Foundation)

Marco Polo Homepage (Susquehanna Univ.)
Chinese Cultural Studies: Marco Polo (Brooklyn College, CUNY)
In the Footsteps of Marco Polo (The Metropolitan Museum of Arts)
Mysteries of History: Marco Polo (US News & World Report)
* Also see:
Edwards, M. & M. Yamashita. (2001a). "The Adventures of Marco Polo, Part I," National Geographic, (May): 2-30.

Edwards, M. & M. Yamashita. (2001b). "Marco Polo in China, Part II," National Geographic, (June): 20-45.
Edwards, M. & M. Yamashita. (2001c). "Marco Polo: Journey Home, Part III," National Geographic, (July): 28-47.


Anthropology (Yahoo Directory)


ABZU (Univ. of Chicago)
Archaeology: Museums & Exhibits (Yahoo List)
Archaeology (Yahoo Directory)
ArchNet (T. Plunkett, Univ. of Connecticut)


Astronomical Worldwide Web Resources (B. Jackson, (Space Telescope Science Institute)
Astronomy (Google Images)
Astronomy (Wikipedia)
The Aurora Page (Michigan Technological University)

The Best of the Hubble Space Telescope (SEDS, Univ. of Arizona)  
Hands-On Universe (Univ. of Calif.-Berkeley)
Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures (Space Telescope Science Institute)  
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Sky Information
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Education: Financial Aid & Grants (Yahoo List)
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Grants & Contract Information (U.S. Department of Education)
National Network of Grantmakers
New Grants & Research Competition (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
Research Sponsors (G. Robins, Univ. of Virginia)
SRA International Grants Web
TGCI: The Grantmanship Center
USIA's Fulbright Program


A Beginner's Guide to HTML
All About the Internet (Internet Society)
Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA)
The 2007 e-Readiness Rankings (EIU & the IBM Institute of Business Value)
Evaluating Web Sites (Univ. of North Carolina-Charlotte)  
Global Internet Statistics (Global Reach)

Glossary of Internet Terms (M. Enzer)

GVU's WWW User Surveys (Georgia Tech)

Harvard Information Infrastructure Project

Hobbes' Internet Timeline, Vol. 8.1 (R. H. Zakon)
Intellectual Property Law Primer for Multimedia Developers (J. D. Brinson & M. F. Radcliffe)
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America's Job Bank
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Careers Explore your Options (Thompson Reuters)

Chronicle Careers (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
Chronicle 100: Leading Companies of Houston (Houston Chronicle)

DFW's Largest Companies/Employers (Dallas Morning News)
50 Hottest Cities (Expansion
Jobs & Careers (
Marketing Careers: Jobs, Salaries, and Paths in the Art of Persuasion (

MSN Careers
Quintessential Careers
Top 10 U.S. Cities & their Biggest Companies (Interaction Media Group)
True Careers

WageWeb: Salary Survey Data Online (HRPDI)
What do you like? (Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Labor)
Yahoo! Careers
Zip Recruiter

Mountains and Glaciers

Karakoram Highway (KKH), Karakoram Mountains, Hunza Valley & Other Peaks
Anwar's Photographic Exhibition on KKH & Hunza Valley (S. T. Anwar, West Texas A&M Univ.)
Evert's Photo Gallery (E. Wesker, The Netherlands)
Gasherbrum II: A Journey to 26,360 Feet in the Karakoram (B. Ader, The Colorado Mountain Club)
Hunza (Wikipedia)
Hunza Valley (Darbar Hunza)
Judith's Home Page: Trek Report - Karakoram

Karakoram Highway (Wikipedia)
K2 (Wikipedia)
K2 at 50: The Bitter Legacy (National
K2's North Ridge: The American North Ridge Expedition (
K2: The Savage Mountain (National Geographic)
Nanga Parbat (Wikimedia)
Nanga Parbat (Wikipedia)
Nanga Parbat Expeditions & News Index (
On Top of the World (J. Tyler)
Over de Karakoram Highway
Over the Mountains - Photos from the Karakoram Highway 1996 (S. Bougerolle, Hong Kong)
Pakistan & China - Aug./Sept. 1999 (D. Lee, Australia)
Pakistan Tourism Development Corp.
Pakistan - Welcome to the Top of the World! (
Some Glaciers Growing Due to Climate Change (, Sept. 11, 2006)
Steve Razzetti Photography (S. Razzetti, U.K.)
Rock Carvings & Inscriptions Along the Karakoram Highway (M. Bemmann, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschafter, Germany)
Traversee des Glaciers des Biafo et Hispar, Karakoram, Pakistan (France)

Mountains/Glaciers & Other Sites
Alive on Everest (PBS)
Arctic Circle
Challenge 8000
Glacial Geology Links (UT-Austin)
Glacier - An Informational Resource Site for Antarctica (NASA)
Glacier Links
High Altitude Medicine Guide
Highest Peaks Page (Peakware)
The Ins and Outs of Glaciers (C. Jordan, B. Hendricks & D. Zauderer)
International Center for Integrated Mountain Development
Live! World Mountain Cams (Peakware World Mountain Encyclopedia)

Mountain Images
Mountains (Wikipedia)
Mountains on the Earth (Institute of Geophysics, Univ. of Warsaw)

Peak Lists (Peakbegger)
Peakware World Mountain Encyclopedia

Photo Gallery (Peakware World Mountain Encyclopedia)
Recent Glacier Surges in the Karakoram Himalaya, South Central Asia (K. Hewitt, Wilfrid Laurier Univ., Canada)
Royal Geographical Society


Ansel Adams: Fiat Lux (UCR/California Museum of Photography)
The British Museum
J. Paul Getty Museum
Historic Route 66
The Library of Congress Exhibitions
The Louvre
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Museums of Paris
Museums - WWW Virtual Library (J. Bowen)
National Gallery of Canada
Olympic Museum Lausanne
Panhandle Plains Historical Museum
The Smithsonian Institution
The Victoria & Albert Museum
World Museums Index (World Wide Arts Resources Corp.)
Yahoo Directory of Museums & Galleries

Charles Darwin (Wikipedia)
Human Evolution (Wikipedia)
Human Origins Program (The Smithsonian Institution)
Institute of Human Origins (Arizona State Univ.)
The Leakey Foundation

Museum of Paleontology (UC-Berkeley)
Paleoanthropology Links (J. Q. Jacobs)
Paleoanthropology Society
Paleoanthropology Links (San Francisco State Univ.)
Paleontology (Yahoo Directory)

Physical Anthropology (Wikipedia)
The Talk.Origins Archive
Timeline of Evolution (Wikipedia)
Virtual Paleoanthropology (Max Planck Institute)

Search Engines & Related Sited
All-in-One List of Search Engines (Pandia)
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hyper-Textual Web Search Engine (S. Brin & L. Page)
A9 (
Ask Jeeves
Best Search Tools Chart (Infopeople)
Biography on A&E

Comet Way
dmoz - Open Directory Project (Netscape)
DirectGov (UK)

Europa - Search
FirstGov (US)
Giga Blast


How to Choose a Search Engine or Directory (SUNY at Albany)
Ice Rocket
Infomine (The Univ. of California System)

Internet Archive

Librarians' Internet Index
List of Search Engines (Wikipedia)
MSN Search
Netscape Search
NoodleTools (Choose the Best Search for your Information Needs)
Northern Light
Outstanding Search Service (Search Engine Watch)
PDF Search Engine
Search AllinOne
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Search Engines & Directories (Yahoo)
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Search Engine Guide
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Web Search Engine (Wikipedia)

Wolfram Alpha

Social Networks/Social Networking Web Sites

List of Social Networking Web Sites (Wikipedia)
You Tube

Symphony Orchestras & Classical Music

Classical Music & Related Sites
Classical Composers (Yahoo)
Classical Composer Photo Archives
Ludwig van Beethoven

Beethoven: The Immortal
The Beethoven Reference Site
The Immortal Bruckner
Classical Music Era (Wikipedia)
Concert Finder

List of Classical Music Composers (Wikipedia)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The Mozart Project
Orchestral News
Sibelius: Finland's Voice in the World
The Jean Sibelius Web Pages
Web Resources for Study & Research in Music (P. Everett, National Univ. of Ireland)

Symphony Orchestras
Amarillo Symphony Orchestra
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
BBC Symphony Orchestra
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Boston Symphony Orchestra
Chicago Symphony
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
Cleveland Orchestra

Dallas Symphony
Houston Symphony
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
London Philharmonic Orchestra

London Symphony Orchestra
Los Angeles Philharmonic
National Symphony Orchestra
New World Symphony
New York Philharmonic
Orchestra (Wikipedia)
Philadelphia Orchestra

Philharmonia Orchestra
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra

San Antonio Symphony
San Diego Symphony
San Francisco Symphony
Seattle Symphony
Suisse Romande Orchestra

Symphony Orchestras (Yahoo list)
Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Vienna Philharmonic

Travel & City Guides

Airlines of the Web
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Map of United States (Mapquest)
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Yahoo Maps

Weather & Related Sites

Interactive Weather Information Network (National Weather Service)
Weather Cams - 800 Weather Cameras Across North America (WeatherNet)
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White & Yellow Pages

AnyWho (AT&T)
Big Foot
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The Global Yellow Pages: Directories of the World
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International White & Yellow Pages (Verizon)
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