Dr. Keshav Shrestha's Research Group

Low Temperature and High Pressure Physics



Research Focus

(a) Superconductivity:

A superconductor is a special kind of material that can conduct electricity with zero resistivity and expel magnetic field below a certain temperature, known as the critical temperature (Tc). Because of these exotic properties, superconductors have huge technical values. Most of the known superconductors show superconductive behavior at low temperatures (Tc). Therefore, the search of a material that shows superconductive behavior at a higher temperature (ideally at room temperature) is the major goal in the superconductivity research, and it is important for many practical applications. We study fundamental properties of superconducting materials using electrical transport, magnetization, and thermodynamic probes at ambient and under high-pressure.

(b) Topological Materials:

A topological insulator is a new quantum state of materials that possesses a conducting surface state and insulating bulk. Due to topological protection, the surface states are very stable and robust against disorder, which makes them suitable for electronic devices. We study topological materials using magnetotransport technique. Under high magnetic fields, resistivity shows quantum oscillations, also known as Shubnikov de Haas oscillations. From the analyses of quantum oscillations, we can identify the topological nature of a material (trivial or non-trivial) and study properties of surface states.

(c) High-Pressure Physics:

A high-pressure is a unique technique for tuning material properties without introducing any impurities into the sample. Previous studies have shown that pressure superconductivity in materials. It turns topologically trivial to non-trivial phase and also changes magnetic phase of materials. We use high-pressure method to modify the properties of superconducting, magnetic, topological materials.